Overall objective: 

To create a menu of solutions to help small producers and processors improve their competitiveness. 
This objective also entails four operational ones:

The identification of successful organizational and management solutions.
The Rationalization of these success cases.
The co-creation of solutions adapted to particular contexts and challenges.
The dissemination of the solutions identified among smallholders, producers organizations, practitioners, and policymakers to encourage their adoption.

Specific Objectives (SO) by Research Areas

Cooperatives and Other Producer Organizations

Identify and evaluate challenges and solutions

Traditional agricultural cooperatives’ performance vs other and IOF’s

Co-create solutions to these challenges

Understand the impact of industry and institutional factors on the performance

Geographical Indications (GIs)

How GIs regulatory and institutional differences between countries can influence its development and success?

Have GI governance bodies influence collective brand equity and local retain value?

Reactions of Gis to sustainability challenges

Develop reputation indicators for Gis in the wine sector.

Newmarket opportunities for smallholders and cooperatives

Identify which e-commerce solutions have been successfully implemented

Ascertain which characteristics act as facilitators for the adoption of e-commerce by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and which ones influence performance

Effects of different mechanisms of public food procurement on farmers’ participation in public markets and sustainability

Explain the determinants of the market share of the most sustainable products