The project is structured in five work packages (WPs): WP1, WP2, and WP3 cover Research & Innovation actions aimed at improving the effectiveness of GIs, cooperatives, and other POs, and exploring new market opportunities for smallholders. WP4 addresses the Dissemination, Exploitation & Communication activities and WP5 handless the Management of the Consortium.

WP1: Cooperatives and other Producer Organizations (PO’s)

New Challenges and exploratory tasks:

  • Identification and exploratory tasks.
  • Explanatory and analytical tasks.
  • Co-creation and adaptation tasks.

WP2: Geographical Indications

Diagnosis and improvement proposals for MSC

  • Identification and exploratory tasks.
  • Explanatory and analytical tasks.
  • Co-creation and adaptation tasks.

WP3: New market opportunities for smallholders and cooperatives

  • Identification and exploratory tasks.
  • Explanatory and analytical tasks.
  • Co-creation and adaptation tasks.