RESEARCH LINES >> High-Output-Voltage Power Supplies

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   Villegas SáIz, Pedro José; Díaz González, Juan; Martín Pernía, Alberto; Martínez Esteban, Juan Ángel; Nuño García, Fernando; José Prieto, Miguel Ángel.

       "Filament Power Supply for Electron Beam Welding Machine"

       IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics. pp. 1421 - 1430. 2015. ISSN 0278-0046.

   Martín Ramos, Juan Antonio; Díaz González, Juan; Nuño García, Fernando; Villegas Sáiz, Pedro José.

       "A Polynomial Model to Calculate Steady-State Set Point in the PRC-LCC Topology With a Capacitor as Output Filter"

       IEEE Transactions On Industry Applications. pp. 2520 - 2527. 2015. ISSN 0093-9994.

   Juan A. Martin-Ramos; Pedro Jose Villegas Saiz; Alberto M. Pernia; Juan Diaz; Juan A. Martínez.

       "Optimal Control of a High-Voltage Power Supply Based on the PRC-LCC Topology With a Capacitor as Output Filter"

       IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 49 - 5, 2013.

   Juan Diaz; Pedro Jose; Villegas Saiz; Juan A. Martin-Ramos; Alberto Martin-Pernía; Juan A. Martinez.

       "A High-Voltage AC/DC Resonant Converter Based on PRC With Single Capacitor as an Output Filter"

       IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 46 - 6, pp. 2134 - 2142.

   Juan A. Martin-Ramos; Alberto M. Pernia; Juan Diaz; Fernando Nuño; Juan A. Martinez.

       "Power supply for a high-voltage application"

       IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 23 - 4, pp. 1608 - 1619. 2008.

   Juan A. Martin-Ramos; Juan Diaz; Alberto M. Pernia; Juan Manuel Lopera; Fernando Nuño.

       "Dynamic and steady-state models for the PRC-LCC resonant topology with a capacitor as output filter"

       IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 54 - 4, pp. 2262 - 2275. 2007.


   Juan Antonio Martín Ramos; Oscar Pardo Vaquero; Juan Díaz González; Miguel Angel Jose Prieto.

       "Modelling a multilevel converter for radiography and fluoroscopy"

       18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE ECCE16).  Graz, Austria, 05/09/2016 to 09/09/2016.

   Juan Antonio Martín Ramos; Juan Díaz González; Fernando Nuño García; Pedro Jose Villegas Saiz; Agustín López Hernández; Jose Francisco Gutierrez Delgado.

       "A Polynomical Model to Calculate Steady State Set- Point in the PRC-LCC topology with a Capacitor as Output Filter"

       IEEE Industry Applications Conference (IAS13). Orlando, U.S.A. 06/10/2013 to 08/10/2013.

   Díaz Juan; Villegas Pero J.; Martin-Pernía Alberto, Martín-Ramos Juan Antonio; Miguel A. Jose-Prieto.

       "High-voltage DC/DC converter 10KV, 600W with digital output voltage monitoring"

       IEEE Industry Applications Conference (IAS13). Orlando, U.S.A. 06/10/2013 to 08/10/2013.

   Juan Díaz González; Juan Antonio Martín Ramos; Alberto Martín Pernía; Juan Angel Martínez Esteban;Pedro Jose Villegas Sáiz.

       "A High-Voltage Parallel Resonant Converter with single capacitor as an output filter"

       13th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE09). Barcelona, Spain. 08/09/2009 to 10/09/2009.

   Pedro Jose Villegas Saiz; Juan Díaz González; Juan Antonio Martín Ramos; Alberto Martín Pernía; Juan Angel Martínez Esteban.

       "A High- Voltage AC/DC resonant converter based on PRC with single capacitor as an output filter"

       IEEE Industry Applications Conference (IAS08). Houston, U.S.A. 04/10/2008 to 08/10/2008.

   J. L. Gálvez, X. Jordà, M. Vellvehi, J. Millán, M. J. Prieto, J. A. Martín.

       "Intelligent bidirectional power switch module for matrix converter applications"

       12th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE07). Aalborg, Denmark. 02/09/2007 to 05/09/2007.

   J. L. Gálvez, X. Jordà, M. Vellvehi, D. Sánchez, P. Godignon, M. J. Prieto, J. A. Martín.

       "Determinación de los tiempos críticos durante los procesos de conmutación en Convertidores Matriciales"

       Seminario Anual de Automática Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación (SAAEI06). Gijón, Spain. 13/09/2006 to 15/09/2006.

   Juan Antonio Martín Ramos; Juan Díaz González; Alberto Martín Pernía; Fernando Nuño García; Pedro Jose Villegas Sáiz.

       "Fuente de alimentación de alta tensión y pequeño tamaño para una aplicación de Rayos X"

       Seminario Anual de Automática Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación (SAAEI06). Gijón, Spain. 13/09/2006 to 15/09/2006.

   J. L. Gálvez, X. Jordà, M. Vellvehi, P. Godignon, M. J. Prieto, J. M. Lopera.

       "Modelling of the Parasitic Inductances in Power Modules"

       Seminario Anual de Automática Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación (SAAEI05). Santander, Spain. 28/09/2005 to 30/09/2005.

   M. J. Prieto, J. M. Lopera, X. Jordà, J. L. Gálvez.

       "Estrategia de Conmutación Orientada a Interruptor para Convertidores Matriciales"

       Seminario Anual de Automática Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación (SAAEI05). Santander, Spain. 28/09/2005 to 30/09/2005.

   J. L. Galvez, X. Jorda, M. Vellvehi, P. Godignon, J. Rebollo, M. J. Prieto, J. M. Lopera.

       "A SPICE Simulation Method of Matrix Converters for Power Device Analysis in Bidirectional Switches"

       11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC04). Riga, Latvia. 02/09/2004 to 04/09/2004.

   J. L. Gálvez, X. Jordá, M. Vellvehi, P. Godignon, J. Rebollo, M. J. Prieto, J. M. Lopera.

       "Analysis of matrix converter commutation processing using SPICE"

       Seminario Anual de Automática Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación (SAAEI04). Toulouse, France. 15/09/2004 to 17/09/2004.

   Juan Antonio Martín Ramos; Alberto Martín Pernía; Juan Díaz González; Fernando Nuño García; Jose Marcos Alonso Alvarez.

       "A Circuit for the Large and Small Signal Dynamic Modeling of the PRC-LCC Resonant Topology with a Capacitor as Output Filter"

       IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC03). Recife, Brasil. 12/06/2005 to 16/06/2005.

   Juan Antonio Martín Ramos; Juan Díaz González; Alberto Martín Pernía; Fernando Nuño García; Jose Marcos Alonso Alvarez.

       "Circuito PSPICE para el modelado dinámico en pequeña y gran señal de la topología resonante PRC-LCC con filtro por condensador"

       Seminario Anual de Automática, Electronica Industrial e Instrumentación (SAAEI03). Vigo, España.5/06/2003 to 19/06/2003.

   Juan Antonio Martín Ramos; Juan Díaz González; Alberto Martín Pernía; Miguel Angel Jose Prieto; Francisco Manuel Fernández Linera.

       "A large-Signal model for the PRC-LCC resonant topology with a capacitor as output filter"

       VIII IEEE International Power Electronics Congress (CIEP02). Guadalajara, Mexico. 20/10/2002 to 24/10/2002.

   Juan Antonio Martín Ramos; Alberto Martín Pernía; Juan Díaz González; Miguel Angel Jose Prieto; Francisco Manuel Fernández Linera.

       "Nuevo modelo estático para la topología PRC-LCC con filtro por condensador"

       Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación (SAAEI02). Alcalá de Henares, Spain. 18/09/2002 to 20/08/2002.

   Juan Antonio Martín Ramos; Juan Díaz González; Alberto Martín Pernía; Miguel Angel Jose Prieto; Francisco Manuel Fernández Linera.

       "Modelling of the PRC-LCC resonant topology with a capacitor as output filter using E.D.F."

       IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC02). Cairns, Australia. 23/07/2002 to 27/07/2002.

   Juan Antonio Martín Ramos; Juan Díaz González; Alberto Martín Pernía; Fernando Nuño García; Javier Sebastián Zúñiga.

       "Large-signal modelling of the prc-lcc resonant topology with a capacitor as output filter"

       IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC 2002). Dallas, U.S.A.10/03/2002 to 14/03/2002.

   Juan Angel Martinez Esteban; Vicente García Menéndez; Miguel Angel Pérez García; Juan Díaz González; Juan Manuel Lopera Ronda; Manuel Rico Secades.

       "Design of a 12 kW, 100 kHz power converter in parallellized modules of 3kW for radar application"

       4th European Conference on Power Electronics (EPE91). Florencia, Italy. 03/09/1991
