Impact of the AEi Project: Adults, Employment and Inclusion

CyLAEI 2022 – Castilla y León Adult Employment & Inclusion

30 June - 1 July - Valladolid (Spain) Free Virtual+Face-to-Face Congress (CyLAEI)

Free of Charge Conference
Participation and presentation is free
No registration fee
Free of charge certificate
Free of charge proceedings publishing

Organization by public official institution

Conferencia gratuita
Participación y presentación gratuita
Registro gratuito
Certificado gratuito
Publicación y envío gratuito de actas

Organizado por instituciones oficiales públicas

You can access the congress sessions by clicking on the links in the PROGRAMME section.

Papers will be available in the conference proceedings.

Thank you for your interest and participation.

We encourage you to participate in the II International Congress on Adult Education (CyLaei 2022). This event will be held in person and virtually on 30 June and 1 July 2022.

This event is a follow-up to an event held in Lisbon in 2018 (International Conference in Training and Inclusion -Adult Education and Experiences for Employment- CylAEI is part of the AEI Project Erasmus Adults’ teachers implementing successful and innovative models for employment and social inclusión  (Profesores de adultos implementando modelos exitosos e innovadores para el empleo y la inclusión social. Project 2019-1-ES01-KA204-063815). 

The aim is to create an international space for sharing successful experiences in the academic and professional fields. We also want to exchange good practices, research, and latest developments in Adult Education. The activity is intended for Adult Education professionals, trainers, researchers and educational managers. The event is also addressed to all those interested in this subject.

Organised by:


Fundamental objectives

Thematic lines

1. Training for employment and social inclusion.

2. Accreditations/Certifications of basic and professional competences in Spain.

3. Digital competence (EPA).

4. Effective methodologies (EPA).

5. Vocational Training and Adult Education.

6. European dimension of EPA actions.

7. Challenges, new professional profiles.

8. Qualification of EPA teachers.


Registration as a contributing author and/or as an attendee at the conference is free of charge.

The congress is virtual, but it is possible to participate in a face-to-face event on 30 June 2022 in Medina del Campo (Spain), which will be streamed on the Internet.the congress can be followed through the links that appear in the program on this website: go to PROGRAM.

Participation with virtual contributions (written communication, video communication or poster/infographics) can be made in two modalities:

  • Asynchronous: Full papers (written communications, videos or posters) must be submitted by 28 February 2022 (deadline expired) to There is a positive selection criterion for submissions before that date. Selected papers will be posted on this website (section documents) and all will be subject to discussion from 1-10 July 2022. Optionally, authors may submit a summary of the contribution in advance.
  • Synchronous: The most outstanding contributions will be presented virtually on July 1, 2022, at the link on this website.

Contributions will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee, following the criteria of:

  • Rigour of the contribution to the scientific and academic community.
  • Date received.
  • Follow-up of the standards and models indicated.

Submission and approval of an abstract does not mean automatic approval of the full paper (deadline 28 February 2022 – deadline expired). Each proposal may have a maximum of three authors. A person may only be the author of one contribution, however, and exceptionally, an author may simultaneously submit a textual communication, the corresponding video communication and the corresponding poster/infographic. In this case, he/she will receive a certificate for this contribution.

Accepted papers will be published digitally in:

 deadline expired


The Congress has already taken place.