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Barbero, J.; Christensen, M.; Conte, A.; Lecca, P.; Rodríguez-Pose, A.; and Salotti, S. “Improving government quality in the regions of the EU and its system-wide benefits for Cohesion policy”. Journal of Common Market Studies, 61(1): 38-57.

Boto-García, D., “Investigating the two-way relationship between mobility flows and COVID-19 infectious cases”. Economic Modelling, 118, 106083.

Boto-García, D., “Order does matter: recency effects in tourist satisfaction after multidestination trips”. Current Issues in Tourism, OnlineFirst.

Escudero-Castillo, I.; Mato-Diaz F.J. y Rodriguez-Alvarez, A. “Effects of Precarious Work on Mental Health: Evidence from Spain”, Applied Economics, online first

Escudero-Castillo, I.; Mato-Diaz F.J. y Rodriguez-Alvarez, A. “Psychological Well-Being during the COVID-19 Lockdown: Labour Market and Gender Implications”, Applied Research in Quality of Life, online first.

Jamasb, T., Llorca, M., Meeus, L. and Schittekatte, T., “Energy network innovation for green transition: Economic issues and regulatory options”, Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 12(1) (prepress)




Algieri, B., A. Alvarez, “Assessing the Ability of Regions to Attract Foreign Tourists: The Case of Italy”, Tourism Economics, (in press).

Alvarez, A., “Does Boat Order in the Auction Affect the Price in Fish Markets? Hedonic Pricing for Hake in Northern Spain”, Marine Resource Economics, 37(3), 305-323.

Amin, S., Jamasb, T., Llorca, M., Marsiliani, L. and Renström, T.I., “Decarbonisation policies and energy price reforms in Bangladesh”, Energy Policy, 170, 113224.

Asantewaa, A., Jamasb, T. and Llorca, M. “Electricity sector reform performance in Sub-Saharan Africa: A parametric distance function approach”, Energies, 15(6), 2047.

Baños-Pino, J.F., Boto-García, D., Del Valle, E. and Zapico, E., Is visitors’ expenditure at destination influenced by weather conditions?”. Current Issues in Tourism, OnlineFirst.

Baños-Pino, J.F., Boto-García, D. and Zapico, E., Persistence and dynamics in the technical efficiency of toll motorways: The Spanish case”. Economics of Transportation, 31, 100270.

Barbero, J.; Conte, A.; Crucitti, F.; Lazarou, N-J.; Sakkas, S.; and Salotti, S., "The impact of the recovery fund on EU regions: a spatial general equilibrium analysis". Regional Studies, Forthcoming.

Barbero, J.; Diukanova, O.; Gianelle, C.; Salotti, A.; Santoalha, A., Economic modelling to evaluate Smart Specialisation: an analysis of research and innovation targets in Southern Europe. Regional Studies, 56(9), 1496-1509.

Barbero, J.; and Rodríguez-Crespo, E., "Technological, institutional, and geographical peripheries: regional development and risk of poverty in the European regions". The Annals of Regional Science, 69, 311-332.

Boto-García, D., “Multiway clustering in tourism research”. Current Issues in Tourism, 25(3), 363-378.

Boto-García, D., "Habit formation in tourism travelling". Journal of Travel Research, 61(1), 16-32.

Boto-García, D., “Heterogeneous price adjustments among Airbnb hosts amid COVID-19: Evidence from Barcelona”. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 102, 103169.

Boto-García, D., “Methods to examine omitted variable bias in hedonic price studies”. Tourism Economics, forthcoming.

Boto-García, D. and Baños-Pino, J.F., “Social influence and bandwagon effects in tourism travel: Evidence from Europe”. Annals of Tourism Research, 93(3), 103366. 

Boto-García, D. and Baños-Pino, J.F., “Propelled: Evidence on the impact of vaccination against COVID-19 on travel propensity”. Current Issues in Tourism, 25(24), 3953-3972. 

Boto-García, D., Baños-Pino, J.F., Del Valle, E. and Sustacha, I., Vacation rental market regulation and accommodation supply growth”. Tourism Economics, OnlineFirst

Boto-García, D., Bucciol, A. and Manfrè, M., “The role of financial socialization and self-control in saving habits”. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 100, 101903.

Boto-García, D. and Escalonilla, M., "University education, mismatched jobs: Are there gender differences in the drivers of overeducation?". Economia Politica, 39, 861-902.

Boto-García, D. and Leoni, V., “Exposure to COVID-19 and travel intentions: Evidence from Spain”. Tourism Economics, 28(6),1499-1519.

Boto-García, D. and Leoni, V., “The economic value of coastal amenities: Evidence from beach capitalization effects in peer-to-peer markets”. Environmental and Resource Economics, forthcoming.

Boto-García, D. and Mayor, M., “Domestic tourism and the resilience of hotel demand”. Annals of Tourism Research, 93 103352.

Boto-García, D., P. Mariel, J. Baños, A. Alvarez, “Tourists’ Willingness to Pay for Holiday Trip Characteristics: A Discrete Choice Experiment”, Tourism Economics, 28(2), 349-370.

Cañal-Fernández, V., A. Alvarez, “Explaining the Decline in Rural Population in Northern Spain”, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 53(1), 1-23.

Cañal-Fernández, V., A. Alvarez, “The Role of Infrastructures in Rural Depopulation. An Econometric Analysis”, Economía Agraria y recursos Naturales, 22(2), 31-52.

Escudero-Castillo, I.; Mato-Diaz F.J. y Rodriguez-Alvarez, A. “The effect of unemployment on mental health: The Spanish Case”, Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics, 25,3: 79-89 

Orea, L., A. Alvarez, “Alternative Specifications of Human Capital in Production Functions”, Economics and Business Letters, 11(4), 172-179.

Orea, L. and Alvarez, I. “How effective has the Spanish Lockdown been to battle COVID-19? A spatial analysis of the coronavirus propagation across provinces”. Health Economics, 31(1), 154-173

Perez, L., Rodríguez-Álvarez, A. y Shmarev, A “A Multilevel Mixed Effects Model to Evaluate Effectiveness of Treatment for Problem Gambling”, The Journal of Gambling Business and Economics, 14, 2: 1943.

Perez, L., Rodríguez-Alvarez, A. y Shmarev, A. “Gambling Outlets Location in Urban Areas: A Case Study of Madrid”, Journal of Gambling Studies, 38: 1229-1242.

Pérez-Villadóniga, M.J.; Rodríguez-Álvarez, A.; Roibás, D. “The Contribution of Resident Physicians to Hospital Productivity”, The European Journal of Health Economics, 23, 301–312.

Persyn, D.; Díaz-Lanchas, J.; Barbero, J., “Estimating road transport costs between and within European Union regions”. Transport Policy, 124, 33-42.





Abeliansky, A. L.; Barbero, J.; Rodriguez-Crespo, E. “ICTs quality and quantity and the margins of trade”. Telecommunications Policy, 45 (1), 102056.

Alvarez, A., “Comparison of Proxies for Fish Stock. A Monte Carlo Analysis”, Fisheries Research, 238, 105901.

Alvarez, A.;  García-Cornejo, B.; Pérez-Méndez,J.A.; Roibás, D. “Value-Creating Strategies in Dairy Farm Entrepreneurship: A Case Study in Northern Spain”, Animals 11,1396

Amin, S., Jamasb, T., Llorca, M., Marsiliani, L., Renström, T.I.,Sarkar, A. “Captive power, market access and macroeconomic performance: Reforming the Bangladesh electricity sector ”, Energy Economics, 102, 105468.

Amin, S., Jamasb, T., Llorca, M., Marsiliani, L., Renström, T.I. “Combining private and public resources: Captive power plants and electricity sector development in Bangladesh”, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 57(14), 3891-3912.,

Arbués, F. and García-Valiñas, M.A. “Wastewater tariffs in Spain”, Oxford Research Encyclopedia on Global Public Health.

Argüelles, P. and Orea, L. “Managing power supply interruptions: a bottom-up spatial (frontier) model with an application to a Spanish electricity network”, Empirical Economics, 60, 2867-2896.

Baños-Pino, J.F., Boto-García, D., Del Valle, E. and Sustacha, I., The impact of COVID-19 on tourists’ length of stay and daily expenditures”. Tourism Economics, OnlineFirst.

Barbero, J.; Zabala-Iturriagagoitia, J. M.; Zofío, J. L. Is more always better? On the relevance of decreasing returns to scale on innovation. Technovation, Volume 107 (102314), 1-15, 102314

Barbero, J.; Mandras, G.; Rodríguez-Crespo, E.; Rodríguez-Pose, A. “Quality of government and regional trade: Evidence from European Union regions”. Regional Studies 55(7), 1240-1251.

Boto-García, D., A. Alvarez, J. Baños, “Modelling heterogenous preferences for nature-based tourism trips”, Papers in Regional Science, 100(6), 1625-1653.

Boto-García, D., A. Alvarez, J. Baños., “The Effect of Euribor on Banking Profitability: Evidence from the Spanish Banking System”, European Journal of Government and Economics, 10(1). 5-29.

Boto-García, D. and Baños-Pino, J.F., Deep habits and travel resilience after COVID-19”. Tourism Economics, OnlineFirst.

Boto-García, D., Escalonilla, M.G., Zapico, E. and Baños-Pino, J., Scale heterogeneity in hotel guests' satisfaction relative to room rates". Applied Economic Analysis, 29(87), 208-225.

Boto-García, D. and Leoni, V., “Distance travelled in times of pandemic: A switching regression approach”. Tourism Economics, OnlineFirst.

Boto-García, D., Mayor, M. and De la Vega, P., Spatial price mimicking on Airbnb: Multi-host vs single-host". Tourism Management, 87, 104365.

Boto-García, D., Zapico, E. Escalonilla, M. and Baños Pino, J. F. “Tourists´ preferences for hotel booking”. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 92, 102726

Jamasb, T., Llorca, M., Khetrapal, P. and Thakur, T. “Institutions and performance of regulated firms: Evidence from electricity distribution in India”, Economic Analysis and Policy. 70, 68-82.

Mieszkowski, K.; Barbero, J., “Territorial patterns of R&D+I grants supporting Smart Specialisation projects funded from the ESIF in Poland”. Regional Studies, 55(3), 390-401.

Muñoz, C., A. Alvarez, J. Baños, “Modelling the Effect of Weather on Tourism: Does it Vary across Seasons?”, Tourism Geographies.

Rodríguez-Álvarez A. “Air Pollution and life expectancy in Europe: does investment in renewable energy matter?” Science of the Total Environment, 792, 148480.

Rodriguez-Alvarez, A., Llorca, M. and Jamasb, T. “Alleviating energy poverty in Europe: Front-runners and laggards”, Energy Economics, 103, 105575.

Sáiz, Patricio and José L Zofío “The Making and Consolidation of the First National Trademark System: Diffusion of Trademarks across Spanish Regions (1850-1920)”, Regional Studies, 56, 256-275.

Schittekatte, T., Meeus, L., Jamasb, T. and Llorca, M. “Regulatory experimentation in energy: Three pioneer countries and lessons for the green transition”, Energy Policy, 156, 112382.

Schittekatte, T., Pototschnig, A., Meeus, L., Jamasb, T. and Llorca, M. “Making the TEN-E regulation compatible with the Green Deal: Eligibility, selection, and cost allocation for PCIs”, Energy Policy, 156, 112426.

Soroush, G., Cambini, C., Jamasb, T. and Llorca, M. “Network utilities performance and institutional quality: Evidence from the Italian electricity sector”, Energy Economics, 96, 105177.

Tobiasson, W., Llorca, M. and Jamasb, T. “Performance effects of network structure and ownership: The Norwegian electricity distribution sector”, Energies, 14(21), 7160.





Alvarez, A., L. Couce, L. Trujillo, “Does Specializacion Affect the Technical Efficiency of Fishing Boats?”, Marine Policy, 113, 4-17.

Álvarez, I. C.; Barbero, J.; Zofío, J. L., “A Data Envelopment Analysis Toolbox for MATLAB”, Journal of Statistical Software, 95(3).

Aparicio, Juan, Magdalena Kapelko and José L. Zofio “The Measurement of Environmental Economic Inefficiency with Pollution-generating Technologies,” Resource and Energy Economics, 62, 101185.

Aparicio, Juan and José L Zofío “Economic Cross-Efficiency,” Omega, 100, 102374

Arbués, F., García-Valiñas, M.A. “Water tariffs in Spain”, Oxford Research Encyclopedia on Global Public Health.

Arbués, F., García-Valiñas, M.A. and Villanúa, I. “Making decisions on industrial water sources: the case of Zaragoza, Spain”, Urban Water Journal, 17(2), 122-135.

Argüelles, P. and Orea, L. “Managing power supply interruptions: a bottom-up spatial (frontier) model with an application to a Spanish electricity network”, Empirical Economics, forthcoming, DOI: 10.1007/s00181-020-01968-3.

Balk, Bert M., Javier Barbero and José L. Zofío “A toolbox for calculating and decomposing Total Factor Productivity indices,” Computers and Operations Research, 115, 104853.

Balk, Bert M. and José L. Zofío “Symmetric decompositions of cost variation,” European Journal of Operational Research, 185, pp. 1189-1198.

Baños, J. F., Valdés, L., Valle, E. and Zapico, E. “The economic impact of tourism on the Motorway of the sea Gijón-Nantes”, in Short Sea Shipping in the Age of the Sustainable Development and Information Technology, Ed. Routledge London, Chapter 7, pp. 163-180.

Boto-García, D., A. Alvarez, “Modelling the Effect of Store Flyers on Supermarket Sales: An Application to Olive Oil Demand”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 54 , 102057.

Boto-García, D. and Bucciol, A., Climate change: Personal responsibility and energy saving”.  Ecological Economics, 169, 106530.

Cambini, C., Congiu, R., Jamasb, T., Llorca, M. and Soroush, G. “Energy systems integration: Implications for public policy”, Energy Policy, 143, 111609.

De la Vega, P., Suárez-Fernández, S., Boto-García, D. and Prieto-Rodríguez, J.  Playing a Play: Online and Live Performing Arts Consumers Profiles and The Role of Supply Constraints”. Journal of Cultural Economics. 44, 425–450

García-Alonso, L., Moura, TGZ, Roibás, D., “The effect of weather conditions on port technical efficiency”, Marine Policy, 113, 103816

García-Cornejo, B., Pérez-Méndez J.A., “Influence of cost systems on efficiency. An analysis of Spanish hospitals using public national databases”, Spanish Accounting Review. 23(2), 249-262.

García-Cornejo, B.; Pérez-Méndez, J.A.; Roibás, D. and Wall, A. “Efficiency and Sustainability in Farm Diversification Initiatives in Northern Spain”, Sustainability, 12(10), 3983.

Llorca, M., Rodríguez-Álvarez, A. and Jamasb, T. “Objective vs. subjective fuel poverty and self-assessed health”, Energy Economics, 87, 104736.

Perez-Mendez, J.A., Roibás, D. and Wall, A., “Somatic cell counts, reproduction indicators and technical efficiency in milk production: A stochastic frontier analysis for Spanish dairy farms”, Journal of Dairy Science. 103(8), 7141-7154.

Wilson, C., Athukorala, W., Torgler, B., Gifford, R., García-Valiñas, M.A. Managi, S. “Willingness to pay to ensure a continuous water supply with minimum restrictions”, Empirical Economics, 61 1519–1537





Bahford, J. and Rodríguez-Álvarez, A. “Wage Frontiers in Pre and Post-crisis Spain: Implications for Welfare and Inequality”, Social Indicators Research, 143(2), 579–608.

Baños, J.F., Rodríguez-Alvarez, A. and Suarez-Cano, P., “The efficiency of public employment services: a matching frontiers approach”, Applied Economics Analysis, 27 No. 81,  169-183

Boto-García, D., Baños, J., and Álvarez, A., “Determinants of tourists’ length of stay: a hurdle count data approach”. Journal of Travel Research, 58(6), 977-994.

Fernández-Blanco, V., Rodríguez-Alvarez, A. and Wisniewska, A. “Measuring technical efficiency and marginal costs in the performing arts: the case of the municipal theatres of Warsaw”, Journal of Cultural Economics, 43(1), 97–119.

Imam, M.I., Jamasb, T. and Llorca, M. “Sector reforms and institutional corruption: Evidence from electricity industry in Sub-Saharan Africa”, Energy Policy, 129, 532-545.

Jamasb, T. and Llorca, M., “Energy systems integration: Economics of a new paradigm”, Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 8(2), 7-28.

Orea, L. and Álvarez, I., "A new stochastic frontier model with cross-sectional effects in both noise and inefficiency terms", Journal of Econometrics, 213(2), 556-577.

Perez-Mendez, J.A., Roibás, D. and Wall, A., “The influence of weather conditions on dairy production.” Agricultural Economics 50 (2), 165-175.

Pérez-Méndez, J.A., Pérez-Urdiales M., Roibás D., “Evaluating the effect of subsidies for rural development on agri-food and forestry firms: technical progress and efficiency”, Applied Economic Analysis. Vol. 27 No. 80, 150-167.

Rodriguez-Alvarez, A., Orea, L. Jamasb, T., “Fuel poverty and Well-Being: A consumer theory and stochastic frontier approach”, Energy Policy, 131, 22–32.

Roibás, D., García-Valiñas, M.A. and Fernandez-Llera, R., “Measuring the impact of water supply interruptions on household welfare,” Environmental and Resource Economics, 73(1), 159–179.

Suárez-Fernández, S. and Boto-García, D., Unraveling the effect of extrinsic reading on reading with intrinsic motivation”. Journal of Cultural Economics, 43, 579–605.




Álvarez, A., García-Cornejo, B., Pérez-Méndez, JA. and Roibás, D., “The profitability of value-added products in dairy farm diversification initiatives,” Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, Volume 16, Issue 2, e0104.

Álvarez, I.C., J. Barbero, A. Rodríguez-Pose and J.L. Zofio, “Does institutional quality matter for trade? Institutional conditions in a sectoral trade framework,” World Development, 103, pp. 72-87.

Alvarez, I., Kao, C. and Romero, D. “Long run effect of public grants and tax credits on R&D investment: a non-stationary panel data approach”. Economic Modelling, 75, 93-104.

Baños J., Valdés, L., Valle, E. and Zapico, E., “Economic importance of the motorways of the sea for tourism: The experience of the route Nantes–Gijón”. Maritime Economics & Logistics, Volume 20, Issue 2, pp 300–320.

Barbero, J., Behrens, K. and Zofío, JL. "Industry location and wages: The role of market size and accessibility in trading networks," Regional Science and Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 71(C), pages 1-24.

Barbero, J.; Rodriguez-Crespo, E., "The effect of broadband on European Union trade: A regional spatial approach", The World Economy, 41 (11), 2895-2913.

Edquist, C., Zabala-Iturriagagoitia, JM., Barbero, J. and Zofío, JL. "On the meaning of innovation performance: Is the synthetic indicator of the Innovation Union Scoreboard flawed?," Research Evaluation, Oxford University Press, vol. 27(3), pages 196-211.

Fernández-Blanco, V. and Rodríguez-Álvarez, A., “Measuring allocative efficiency in cultural economics: The case of "Fundación Princesa de Asturias" (The Princess of Asturias Foundation)", Journal of Cultural Economics, 42, 91-110.

Gallego, N. and Zofío, JL. "Trade Openness, Transport Networks and the Spatial Location of Economic Activity," Networks and Spatial Economics, Springer, 18(1), pp. 205-236.

García-Cornejo, B., Pérez-Méndez J.A., “Relación entre sistemas de costes y gasto hospitalario”, Gaceta Sanitaria, 32(2), 158-165.

García-Cornejo, B., Pérez-Méndez J.A., “Assessing the effect of standardized cost systems on financial performance. A difference-in-differences approach for hospitals according to their technological level”, Health Policy, 122, 396-403.

Gude, A., Alvarez, I. and Orea, L. “Heterogeneous spillovers among Spanish provinces: a generalized spatial stochastic frontier model”. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 50(3), 155-173.

Orea, L. and Steinbuks, J., “Estimating Market Power in Homogenous Product Markets Using a Composed Error Model: Application to the California Electricity Market”, Economic Inquiry, 56(2), 1296–1321.

Orea, L., Alvarez, I. and Jamasb, T., A Spatial Stochastic Frontier Model with Omitted Variables: Electricity Distribution in Norway”, Energy Journal, 39(3), 93-116.

Rodriguez-Gutiérrez, C. and Rodríguez-Álvarez, A. “The impact of health on wages: evidence for Europe”, The European Journal of Health Economics, 19 (8), 1173-1187.





Alvarez, A., R. Garduño, H. Núñez, “Mexico’s North-South Divide. The Regional Distribution of State Inefficiency, 1988-2008”, Papers in Regional Science, 96(4), 843-858.

Álvarez, I.C., J. Barbero and J.L. Zofío, A Panel Data Toolbox for MATLAB,” Journal of Statistical Software, 76(6)

Aparicio, J., J. Barbero, M. Kapelko, J.T. Pastor and J.L. Zofío, “Testing the Consistency and Feasibility of the Standard Malmquist-Luenberger Index: Environmental Productivity in World Air Emissions”, Journal of Environmental Management, 196, 148-160.

Aparicio, J., J.T. Pastor, F. Vidal and J.L. Zofío, “Evaluating productive performance: A new approach based on the product-mix problem consistent with Data Envelopment Analysis”, Omega, 67(C), 134-144.

Aparicio, J., J.T. Pastor and J.L. Zofio, “Can Farrell's allocative efficiency be generalized by the directional distance function approach?”, European Journal of Operational Research, 257(1), 345-351.

Aparicio, Juan and José L Zofío, “Revisiting the Decomposition of Cost Efficiency for Nonhomothetic Technologies: A Directional Distance Function Approach,” Journal of Productivity Analysis, 48(2-3), 133-146.

Canal-Domínguez, J.F., Muñiz, M.A. and Suárez Pandiello, J., “The practice of sport and its influence on social values and behaviour’s education”, Leisure Studies, 36(5), 721-733

Condeço-Melhorado, A.M., J.L. Zofío and P. Christidis, “Drivers of changes in Spanish accessibility for the 1960–2010 period”, European Transport Research Review, 9(2), pp. 9-19.

Gallego, N. and J.L. Zofío, “Trade Openness, Transport Networks and the Spatial Location of Economic Activity,” Networks and Spatial Economics, 18(1), pp. 205-236.6

Cordero, J.M. y Muñiz, M.A. and Simancas, R., “La relación entre habilidades cognitivas y no cognitivas”, Revista de Educación, 375, 36-60

García-Cornejo, B., J.A. Pérez-Méndez, “Relación entre sistemas de costes y gasto hospitalario”, Gaceta Sanitaria, 32(2), 158-165.

Lafuente, E., Rodríguez-Alvarez, A. and Shmarev, A., “Making a distinction between the effect of the initial stock and the investment in health determinants”, European Journal of Health Economics, 18, 3, pp. 337-349

Llorca, M., Baños, J., Somoza, J. and Arbués, P., “A Stochastic Frontier Analysis Approach for Estimating Energy Demand and Efficiency in the Transport Sector of Latin America and the Caribbean”, The Energy Journal. 38(5), 153 - 174.

Llorca, M. and Jamasb, T., “Energy efficiency and rebound effect in European road freight transport”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 101, 98-110.

Orea, L., and Jamasb, T., “Regulating heterogeneous utilities: A new latent class approach with application to the Norwegian electricity distribution networks”. Energy Journal, 38(4), 101-127.

Orea, L., and Wall, A., “A Parametric Approach to Estimating EcoEfficiency”. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 68(3), 901-907.

Peréz-Villadóniga, M.J. and Rodríguez-Álvarez, A., “Comparing the gender gap in gross and base wages”, International Journal of Manpower, 38:5, 646-660

Perez-Villadóniga, M.J and Rodríguez-Álvarez, A. “Analyzing wage differentials when workers maximize the return to human capital investment”, Applied Economics, 49:42, 4196-4208.

Rodríguez-Álvarez, A. and Rosete-Rivero, M., “Spanish public hospital waiting lists: a theoretical and empirical approach”, Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 11 (2017-30): 1–21

Suárez-Varela, M., García-Valiñas, M.A., González-Gómez, F. and Picazo-Tadeo, A.J. “Ownership and performance in water services revisited: Does private management really outperform public?” Water Resources Management, 31(8), 2355–2373.

Tovar, B. and Wall, A. “Specialisation, diversification, size and technical efficiency in ports: an empirical analysis using frontier techniques”. European Journal of Transport & Infrastructure Research, 17(2), 279-303.

Tovar, B. and Wall, A. “Dynamic cost efficiency in port infrastructure using a directional distance function: accounting for the adjustment of quasi-fixed inputs over time,” Transportation Science, 51, 296-304.




Alvarez, A., García, B., Pérez, J.A., D. Roibas, “Diversification in Spanish Dairy Farms: Key Drivers of Performance”, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 19(B), 241-250.

Alvarez, I. and Barbero, J., “Public sector and convergence with spatial interdependence: empirical evidence from Spain”, Applied Economics, 48 (24), 2238-2252.

Álvarez, I., Barbero, J. and Zofío, J.L., “A spatial autoregressive panel model to analyze road network spillovers on production”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 93, 83-92.

Álvarez, I., Condeço, A.M., Gutierrez, J. and Zofío, J.L., “Integrating networks analysis with the production function approach to study the spillover effects of transport infrastructure”. Regional Studies, 50 (6), 996-1015.

Arbués, P, Baños, J., Mayor, M.; Suárez, P. “Determinants of ground transport modal choice in long-distance trips in Spain”. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 84, pp. 131-143.

Baños, J.F. and Rodríguez-Álvarez, A., “Estimating technology in the postal sector: a Bayesian approach”, Applied Economics, 48, 27, 2516-2529.

Barbero, J. and J.L. Zofío, "The multiregional core-periphery model: The role of the spatial topology,” Networks and Spatial Economics, 16(2), pp. 469-496.

Cordero, J.M., Muñiz, M.A. y Polo, C., ”The determinants of cognitive and non-cognitive educational outcomes: Empirical evidence in Spain using a Bayesian approach” Applied Economics, 35(48), 3355:3372

Garramiola-Bilbao, I. and Rodríguez Álvarez, A. “Linking hearing impairment, employment and education”, Public Health, 141, pp. 131-135.

Llorca, M., Orea, L. and Pollitt, M.G., ”Efficiency and environmental factors in the US electricity transmission industry”, Energy Economics, 55, 234-246.

García-Valiñas, M.A., Muñiz, M.A. and Suárez-Pandiello, J., ”The Determinants of Non-Cognitive Education: Does the School Matter? Empirical Evidence from Spain” European Journal of Education 51(3), 408-424

Maroto, A. and J.L. Zofío, “Accessibility gains and road transport infrastructure in Spain: A productivity approach based on the Malmquist index”, Journal of Transport Geography, 52, pp. 143-152.

Orea, L., Wall, A., “Measuring Eco-efficiency Using the Stochastic Frontier Analysis Approach”. In: Aparicio J., Lovell C., Pastor J. (eds) Advances in Efficiency and Productivity. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, vol 249. Springer, Cham.

Pérez Urdiales, M., Lansink, A.O. and Wall, A., ”Eco-efficiency among dairy farmers: The importance of socio-economic characteristics and farmer attitudes”, Environmental and Resource Economics, 64(4), 559–574.

Tovar, B., and Wall, A., “Dynamic Cost Efficiency in Port Infrastructure Using a Directional Distance Function: Accounting for the Adjustment of Quasi-Fixed Inputs Over Time”. Transportation Science, 51(1), 296-304.




Aparicio, J., J.T. Pastor and J.L. Zofio, “How to properly decompose economic efficiency using technical and allocative criteria with non-homothetic DEA technologies”, European Journal of Operational Research, 240(3), 882-891.

Arbués, P., Baños, J. and Mayor, M., “The spatial productivity of transportation infrastructure”. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 75, 166-177.

Arbués, P., Baños, J., Mayor, M. and Suárez, P. “Econometric modeling of long-distance domestic travel”. Revista de Economía Mundial, 38(4), pp.101-126.

Bilbao-Terol, C., González-Vidales, A. and Rodríguez-Álvarez, A., “Bienes públicos y precios turísticos. Extensión del Modelo Hedónico en mercados oligopolísticos”, Revista de Economía Aplicada, 23(67), 45-61.

Orea, L., T. Jamasb, and C. Growitsch, “Using Supervised Environmental Composites in Production and Efficiency Analyses: An Application to Norwegian Electricity Networks”, Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, 16(3), 260-288.

Orea, L., Llorca, M. and Filippini, M., “A new approach to measuring the rebound effect associated to energy efficiency improvements: An application to the US residential energy demand”, Energy Economics, 49, 599–609.

Orea, L., Pérez-Méndez, J.A. and Roibás, D., “Evaluating the double effect of land fragmentation on technology choice and dairy farm productivity: A latent class model approach”, Land Use Policy, 45, 189-198.

Pérez Urdiales, M., Lansink, A.O.  and Wall, A., “Eco-efficiency among dairy farmers: The importance of socio-economic characteristics and farmer attitudes”, Environmental & Resource Economics, 64(4), 559-574.

Pérez-Méndez, J.A. and Machado-Cabezas, A., “Relationship between management information systems and corporate performance”, Spanish Accounting Review, 18(1), 32-43.

Prieto, A.M., J.L. Zofío and I.C. Álvarez, “Cost economies, urban patterns and population density: The case of public infrastructure for basic utilities,” Papers in Regional Science,94(4), 795-816.

Tovar, B. and Wall, A., “Can ports increase traffic while reducing inputs? Technical efficiency of Spanish Port Authorities using a directional distance function approach”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 71, 128-140.




Alvarez, A., C. Arias, “Effect of Switching between Production Systems in Dairy Farming”, Biobased and Applied Economics, 30(3), 241-250.

Álvarez, A., C. Arias, “A Selection of Relevant Issues in Applied Stochastic Frontier Analysis”, Economics and Business Letters, 3(1), 3 -11.

Álvarez, I., Prieto, A. and Zofío, J.L., “Cost efficiency, urban patterns and population density when providing public infrastructure: a stochastic frontier approach”, European Planning Studies, 22(6), 1235-1258.

Álvarez, I. and Blazquez, R., “The influence of the road network on private productivity measures using Data Envelopment Analysis: a case study from Spain”, Transportation research part A: policy and practice, 65, 33-43.

Filippini, M. and Orea, L., “Applications of the stochastic frontier approach in the analysis of energy issues”, Economics and Business Letters 3(1), 35-42.

Garcia-Valiñas, M.A., Athukorala, W., Wilson, C., Torgler, B. and Gifford, R., “Nondiscretionary residential water use: The impact of habits and water-efficient technologies”, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 58(2), 185-204.

García-Valiñas, M.A., Muñiz Pérez, M.A. and Suárez-Pandiello, J., “The determinants of non-cognitive education: Does the school matter? Empirical evidence from Spain”, Journal of Education, 51(3), 408-424.

Llorca, M., Orea, L. and Pollitt, M.G., “Using the latent class approach to cluster firms in benchmarking: An application to the US electricity transmission industry”, Operations Research Perspectives, 1(1), 6-17.

Martínez-Espiñeira, R., Garcia-Valiñas, M.A. and Nauges, C., “Households’ pro-environmental habits and investments in water and energy consumption: Determinants and relationships”, Journal of Environmental Management, 133, 174-183.

Lansink, A.O. and Wall, A., “Frontier models for evaluating environmental efficiency: An overview”, Economics and Business Letters, 3(1), 43-50.

Tovar, B. and Wall, A., “The impact of demand uncertainty on port infrastructure costs: Useful information for regulators?”, Transport Policy, 33, 176-183.




Fernández Blanco, V., Orea, L. and Prieto-Rodríguez, J., “Endogeneity and measurement errors when estimating demand functions with average prices: an example from the movie market”, Empirical Economics, 44(3), 1477–1496.

Fernandez-Llera, R. and García-Valiñas, M.A., “The role of regional public enterprises in Spain: Room for a shadow government?”, Hacienda Pública Española, 205(2), 9-32.

García-Valiñas, M.A, González-Gómez, F.J. and Picazo-Tadeo, A., “Is the price of water for residential use related to provider ownership? Empirical evidence from Spain”, Utilities Policy, 24, 59-69.

Garcia-Valiñas, M.A. and Miquel-Florensa, J., “Water service quality in Tanzania: access and management”, International Journal of Water Resources Development, 29(3), 451-471.

Martínez-Espiñeira, R. and Garcia-Valiñas, M.A., “Adopting versus adapting: adoption of water-saving technology versus water conservation habits in Spain”, International Journal of Water Resources Development, 29(3), 400-414.

Meier, H., Jamasb, T. and Orea, L., “Necessity or luxury good? Household energy spending and income in Britain 1991-2007”, The Energy Journal, 34(4), 109-128.

Orea, L., “El efecto de la regulación del comercio minorista sobre la estructura y precios de las grandes superficies en España”, in Regulación y competencia: en busca de efectos no deseados, Autoritat Catalana de la Competència (Ed), 127-136.

Pastor, J.T., Aparicio, J. and Orea, L., “Introduction to the Special Issue in Honor of C.A. Knox Lovell”, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 40(3), 251–255.

Rodríguez-Álvarez, A., Roibás, D. and Wall, A., “The response of decentralized health services to demand uncertainty and the role of political parties in the Spanish public health system”, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 40(3), pp. 357-365.




Álvarez, A., del Corral, J. and Tauer, L.W., “Modeling Unobserved Heterogeneity in New York Dairy Farms: One-Stage versus Two-Stage Models”, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 41(3), 275-285.

Canal-Domínguez, J.F. and Muñiz-Pérez, M.A., “Professional Doctorates and Careers: the Spanish case”, European Journal of Education, 47(1), 153-171.

Fernández-Llera, R. and Muñiz-Pérez, M.A., “Colegios concertados y selección de escuela en España: un círculo vicioso”, Presupuesto y Gasto Público, 67(2), 97-118.

Garcia-Valiñas, M.A., Macintyre, A. and Torgler, B., “Volunteering, pro-environmental attitudes and norms”, Journal of Socio-Economics, 41(4), 455-467.

González-Gómez, F.J., Martínez-Espiñeira, R., García-Valiñas, M.A. and García-Rubio, M.A., “Explanatory factors of urban water leakage rates in Southern Spain”, Utilities Policy, 22, 22-30.

Gutiérrez-Navratil, F., Fernández-Blanco, V., Orea, L. and Prieto-Rodríguez, J., “How do your rivals' releasing dates affect your box office?”, Journal of Cultural Economics, 38(1), 71-84.

Jamasb, T., Orea, L. and Pollitt, M, “Estimating the marginal cost of quality improvements: The case of the UK electricity distribution companies”, Energy Economics, 34(5), 1498-1506.

Orea, L. “Entry deterrence through regional regulation and strict licensing policy: an analysis of the large retail establishments in Spain”, Oxford Economic Papers, 64(3), 539-562.

Orea, L. and Wall, A. “Productivity and producer welfare in the presence of production risk”, Journal of Agricultural Economics, 63(1), 102-118.

Rodríguez-Álvarez, A and Tovar, B. “Have Spanish port sector reforms during the last two decades been successful? A cost frontier approach”, Transport Policy, 24, 73-82.

Rodríguez-Álvarez, A., Roibás, D. and Wall, A., “Reserve capacity of public and private hospitals in response to demand uncertainty”, Health Economics, 21(7), 839-851.

Roibás D. and Álvarez, A., “The contribution of genetics to milk composition: evidence from Spain”, Agricultural Economics, 43(2), 133-141.

Torgler, B., Garcia-Valiñas, M.A. and Macintyre, A., “Justifiability of Littering: An Empirical Investigation”, Environmental Values, 21(2), 209-231.




Aza, R., Baños, J., González-Arbués, P. and Llorca, M., “La demanda de transporte de mercancías por carretera en España: Un modelo de datos de panel”, Estudios de Construcción y Transportes, 115, 31-48.

Cordero, J.M., Garcia-Valiñas, M.A., Manchón, C. and Muñiz-Pérez, M.A., “La educación medioambiental en España: Una aproximación a partir de los datos de PISA”, Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies, 11(3), 135-156.

del-Corral, J., Pérez, J.A. and Roibás, D., “The impact of land fragmentation on milk production”, Journal of Dairy Science, 94(1), 517-525.

Picazo-Tadeo, A.J. and Wall, A., “Production risk, risk aversion and the determination of risk attitudes among Spanish rice producers”, Agricultural Economics, 42(4), 451-464.

Rodríguez-Álvarez, A., Tovar, B. and Wall, A., “The Effect of Demand Uncertainty on Port Terminal Costs”, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 45(2), 303-328.

Torgler, B., Garcia-Valiñas, M.A. and Macintyre, A., “Participation in environmental organizations: An empirical analysis”, Environment and Development Economics, 16(5), 591-620.




Álvarez, A. and del-Corral, J., “Identifying different technologies using a latent class model: extensive versus intensive dairy farms”, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 37(2), 231-250.

Arbués, F., García-Valiñas, M.A. and Villanua, I., “Urban water demand for service and industrial use: The case of Zaragoza”, Water Resources Management, 24(14), 4033-4048.

García Valiñas, M.A. and Torgler, B., “Impuestos y protección medioambiental: Preferencias individuales en Europa”, Revista de Economía Aplicada, 18(54), 107-132.

García-Valiñas, M.A., Martinez-Espiñeira, R. and González-Gómez, F., “Measuring water affordability: A proposal for urban centres in developed countries”, International Journal of Water Resources Development, 26(3), 441-458.

García-Valiñas, M.A., Martínez-Espiñeira, R. and González-Gómez, F.J, “Affordability of residential water tariffs: Alternative measurement and explanatory factors in southern Spain”, Journal of Environmental Management, 91(12), 2696-2706.

Orea, L., “The effect of legal barriers to entry in the Spanish retail market: a local market approach”, Hacienda Pública Española, 193(2), 49-74.

Roibás, D. and Álvarez, A., “Impact of genetic progress on the profits of dairy farmers”, Journal of Dairy Science, 93(9), 4366-4373.

Zafra-Gómez, J.L. and Muñiz-Pérez, M.A., “Overcoming cost-inefficiencies within small municipalities: improve financial condition or reduce the quality of public services?”, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 28(4), 609-629.




Cuesta, R.A., Lovell, C.A.K. and Zofío, J.L., “Environmental efficiency measurement with translog distance functions: A parametric approach”, Ecological Economics, 68(8-9), 2232-2242.

Lovell, C.A.K, Rodríguez-Álvarez, A. and Wall, A., “The effects of stochastic demand and expense preference behaviour on public hospital costs and excess capacity”, Health Economics, 18(2), 227-235.

Martínez-Espiñeira, R., García-Valiñas, M.A. and González-Gómez. F.J., “Does private management of water supply services really increase prices? An empirical analysis in Spain”, Urban Studies, 46(4), 923-945.

Rey, B., Inglada, V., Quiros, C., Rodríguez-Álvarez, A. and Coto-Millán, P., “From European to Asian leadership in the economic efficiency of the world air industry”, Applied Economics Letters, 16(2), 203-209.

Rodríguez-Vález, J., Álvarez, A., Arias, C. and Fernández-Vázquez, E., “La contribución de las infraestructuras a la producción: Estimación por máxima entropía”, Revista de Economía Aplicada, 17(50), 77-96.




Álvarez, A., and del Corral, J., “¿Ineficiencia o diferencias tecnológicas en el sector lechero?”, Revista de Economía Aplicada, 16(48), 69-88.

Álvarez, A., del Corral, J., Solís, D., and Pérez, J.A., “Does Intensification Improve the Economic Efficiency of Dairy Farms?”, Journal of Dairy Science, 91(9), 3693-3698.

González-Fidalgo, E. and García-González, V., “Utilización del Value Efficiency Analysis (VEA) en la medición de la eficiencia en la atención primaria”, Cuadernos Económicos de ICE, 75, 211-230.

Mancebón, M.J. and Muñiz-Pérez, M.A., “Private versus Public High Schools in Spain: disentangling managerial and programme efficiencies”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59(7), 892- 901.

Pérez-Méndez, J.A. and Álvarez, A., “Análisis económico de la producción de leche ecológica”, Información Comercial Española, 843, 227-240.

Rodríguez, X.A. and Arias, C., “The effects of resource depletion on coal mining productivity”, Energy Economics, 30(2), 397-408.




Álvarez, A., “Decomposing regional productivity growth using an aggregate production frontier”, The Annals of Regional Science, 41(2), 431-441.

Álvarez, A., del Corral, J., Pérez, J.A. and Solís, D., “Efecto de la intensificación sobre la eficiencia de las explotaciones lecheras”, Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales, 7(13), 91-106.

García Valiñas, M.A., “What level of decentralization is better in an environmental context? An application to water policies”, Environmental & Resource Economics, 38(2), 213-229.

García-Valiñas, M.A. and Muñiz, M.A., “Is DEA useful in the regulation of water utilities? A dynamic efficiency evaluation”, Applied Economics, 39(2), 245-252.

García-Valiñas, M.A. and Torgler, B. (2007), “Participation in environmental organizations: Political interest and state capacity”, The Empirical Economic Letters, 5(5), 269-277.

Kumbhakar, S.C., Orea, L., Rodríguez-Álvarez, A. and Tsionas, E.G., “Do we estimate an input or an output distance function? An application of the mixture approach to European railways”, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 27(2), 87-100.

Oterino-de-la-Fuente, D., Baños-Pino, J.F., Fernández-Blanco, V. and Rodríguez-Álvarez, A., “Does better access to primary care reduce utilization of hospital accident and emergency departments? A time-series analysis”, European Journal of Public Health, 17(2), 186-192.

Oterino-de-la-Fuente, D., Baños-Pino, J.F., Fernández-Blanco, V., and Rodríguez-Álvarez, A., “Impacto en Asturias de las urgencias de atención primaria sobre las hospitalarias. Un análisis de cointegración de series temporales”, Revista Española de Salud Pública, 81(2), 191-200.

Oterino-de-la-Fuente, D., Baños-Pino, J.F., Fernández-Blanco, V., Rodríguez-Álvarez, A. and Peiró, S., “Urgencias hospitalarias y de atención primaria en Asturias: Variaciones entre áreas sanitarias y evolución desde 1994 hasta 2001”, Gaceta Sanitaria, 21(4), 316-320.

Rodríguez-Álvarez, A., del-Rosal, I. and Baños-Pino, J., “The cost of strikes in the Spanish mining sector: modelling an undesirable input with a distance function”, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 27(1), 73-83.

Rodríguez-Álvarez, A., Tovar-de-la-Fe, B. and Trujillo, L., “Firm and time varying technical and allocative efficiency: An application to port cargo handling firms”, International Journal of Production Economics, 109(1-2), 149-161.

Roibás, D., García-Valiñas, M.A. and Wall, A., “Measuring welfare losses from interruption and pricing as responses to water shortages: an application to the case of Seville”, Environmental & Resource Economics, 38(2), 231-243.

Torgler, B. and García Valiñas, M.A., “The determinants of individuals’ attitudes towards preventing environmental damage”, Ecological Economics, 63(2-3), 536-552.




Álvarez, A. and Schmidt, P., “Is skill more important than luck in explaining fish catches?”, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 26(1), 15-25.

Álvarez, A., Amsler, C., Orea, L. and Schmidt, P., “Interpreting and testing the scaling property in models where inefficiency depends on firm characteristics”, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 25(3), 201-212.

Álvarez, A., Arias, C. and Orea, L., “Econometric testing of spatial productivity spillovers from public capital”, Hacienda Pública Española, 178(3), 9-21.

Álvarez, A., Arias, C. and Orea, L., “Explaining differences in milk quota values. The role of economic efficiency”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 88(1), 182-193.

Bilbao-Terol, C., García-Valiñas, M.A. and Suárez-Pandiello, J., “Intervenciones públicas, haciendas territoriales y precios de la vivienda”, Papeles de Economía Española, 109, 237-256.

García-Valiñas, M.A., “Analysing rationing policies: drought and its effects on urban users’ welfare (Analysing rationing policies during drought)”, Applied Economics, 38(8), 955-965.

Inglada, V., Rey, B., Rodríguez-Álvarez, A. and Coto-Millan, P., “Liberalisation and efficiency in international air transport”, Transportation Research Part A, 40(2), 95-105.

Muñiz, M., Paradi, J., Ruggiero, J. and Yang, Z., “Evaluating alternative DEA models used to control for non-discretionary inputs”, Computers & Operations Research, 33(5), 1173-1183.




Álvarez, A., Arias, C. and Roibás, D., “Análisis de la calidad de la leche en un modelo microeconómico multi-output: el papel de la genética”, Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales, 5(10), 3-17.

Baños-Pino, J., Carrera-Gómez, G., Coto-Millán, P., Inglada, V. and Pesquera-González, M.A., “Technical efficiency of road haulage firms”, Transportation Research Record, 1906, 26-32.

Carrera-Gómez, G., Baños-Pino, J., Coto-Millán, P. and Inglada, V., “Rate of return regulation: The case of Spanish ports”, International Advances in Economic Research, 11(2), 191-200.

Coto-Millán, P., Baños-Pino, J. and Villaverde-Castro, J., “Determinants of the demand for maritime imports and exports”, Transportation Research Part E, 41(4), 357-372.

Cuesta, R.A. and Zofio, J.L., “Hyperbolic efficiency and parametric distance functions: With application to Spanish savings banks”, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 24(1), 31-48.

García-Valiñas, M.A., Muñiz-Pérez, M.A. and Suárez-Pandiello, J., “Prevenciones ex ante y validaciones ex post en la selección de outputs para evaluar servicios públicos: el caso de la educación”, Hacienda Pública Española, 175(4), 25-60.

García-Valiñas, M.A., “Efficiency and equity in natural resources pricing: A proposal for urban water distribution service”, Environmental & Resource Economics, 32(2), 183-204.

García-Valiñas, M.A., “Fijación de precios para el servicio municipal de suministro de agua: un ejercicio de análisis de bienestar”, Hacienda Pública Española, 172(1), 119-142.

Mancebón, M.J. and Muñiz-Pérez, M.A., “Algunas reflexiones sobre la evaluación de la eficiencia de los centros escolares”, Economistas, 105, 145-152.

Muñiz-Pérez, M.A. and Murillo-Huertas, I.P., “¿Cómo han cambiado los alumnos y las escuelas? (Evaluación dinámica de la Educación Secundaria, 1997-2002)”, Revista Asturiana de Economía, 32, 117-143.

Muñiz-Pérez, M.A., “La literatura sobre eficiencia en los servicios públicos: cuestiones recurrentes y aplicaciones al caso español”, Economistas, 105, 176-183.

Orea, L., Álvarez, A. and Morrison-Paul, C.J., “Modeling and measuring production processes for a multi-species fishery: Alternative technical efficiency estimates for the Northern Spain hake fishery”, Natural Resource Modeling, 18(2), 183-213.

Rodríguez-Álvarez, A., Fernández-Blanco, V. and Baños-Pino, J., “El efecto de la regulación sobre la eficiencia productiva: una aplicación a las compañías ferroviarias europeas”, Investigaciones Económicas, 29(2), 351-378.

Roibás, D., “Dynamic factor demand and irreversible adjustment in the Spanish milk sector”, Spanish Economic Review, 7(4), 289-306.




Álvarez, A. and Arias, C., “Technical efficiency and farm size: a conditional analysis”, Agricultural Economics, 30(3), 241-250.

Álvarez, A., Arias, C. and Gavilán, A., “Estimación econométrica del valor de las cuotas lecheras: eficiencia vs tamaño”, Revista Española de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros, 203, 111-128.

Coto-Millán, P., Inglada, V., Rey-Legidos, B. and Rodríguez-Álvarez, A., “Changes in the world air industry: An analysis of technical efficiency”, International Journal of Transport Economics, 31(3), 341-354.

Coto-Millán, P., Inglada, V., Rey-Legidos, B. and Rodríguez-Álvarez, A., “Technical efficiency and liberalisation within international air transport (1992-2000)”, in: Coto-Millán, P. (Ed.) Essays on microeconomics and industrial organization, 2nd ed., Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 89-102.

García-Valiñas, M.A., “Eficiencia y equidad en el diseño de precios óptimos para bienes y servicios públicos”, Hacienda Pública Española, 168(1), 95-119.

Gascón, F. and González-Fidalgo, E., “Eficiencia y productividad de la distribución farmacéutica en España (1993-2000)”, Cuadernos Económicos de ICE, 67, 227-242.

González-Fidalgo, E. and Cárcaba, A., “Efficiency improvement through learning”, International Journal of Technology Management, 27(6-7), 628-638.

González-Fidalgo, E. and Gascón, F., “Sources of productivity growth in the Spanish pharmaceutical industry (1994–2000)”, Research Policy, 33(5), 735-745.

Han, C., Orea, L. and Schmidt, P., “Estimation of a panel data model with parametric temporal variation in individual effects”, Journal of Econometrics, 126(2), 241-267.

Orea, L. and Kumbhakar, S., “Efficiency measurement using a latent class stochastic frontier model”, 29(1), 169-183.

Orea, L., Roibás, D. and Wall, A., “Choosing the technical efficiency orientation to analyze firms' technology: A model selection test approach”, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 22(1), 51-71.

Rodríguez-Álvarez, A., Fernández-Blanco, V. and Lovell, C.A.K., “Allocative inefficiency and its cost: The case of Spanish public hospitals”, International Journal of Production Economics, 92(2), 99-111.

Rodríguez-Álvarez, A. and Lovell, C.A.K., “Excess capacity and expense preference behaviour in National Health Systems: an application to the Spanish public hospitals“, Health Economics, 13(2), 157-169.

Rodríguez-Vález, J. and Arias-Sampedro, C., “Desbordamiento espacial de la productividad de las infraestructuras: una aplicación con fronteras estocásticas”, Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 22(3), 657-673.

Ventura, J., González-Fidalgo, E. and Cárcaba, A., “Efficiency and program-contract bargaining in Spanish public hospitals”, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 75(4), 549-573.




Alvarez, A, Orea, L. and Fernández, J., “La productividad de las infraestructuras en España”, Papeles de Economía Española, 95(1), 125-136.

Álvarez, A. and Arias, C., “Diseconomies of size with fixed managerial ability”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 85(1), 134-142.

Arbués-Gracia, F., García-Valiñas, M.A. and Martínez-Espiñeira, R., “Estimation of residential water demand: a state-of-the-art review”, Journal of Socio-Economics, 32(1), 81-102.

Baños-Pino, J., Fernández-Blanco, V. and Rodríguez-Álvarez, A., “La ineficiencia asignativa y su coste económico en RENFE (1955-2000)”, Papeles de Economía Española, 95(1), 352-361.

Villaverde, J., Coto, P., Aza, R., Baños-Pino, J., Canal, J.F., “Impacto de los puertos de Avilés y Gijón en la economía asturiana”, Papeles de Economía Española: Economía de las Comunidades Autónomas, 20, 207-219.

Fernández-Vázquez, E. and Arias, C., “La demanda de tecnología ahorradora de agua en la agricultura de regadío”, Revista de Economía Aplicada, 11(33), 83-100.

Mancebón, M.J. and Muñiz-Pérez, M.A., “Aspectos clave de la evaluación de la eficiencia productiva en la educación secundaria”, Papeles de Economía Española, 95(1), 162-187.

Lovell, C.A.K., and Muñiz-Pérez, M.A., “Eficiencia y productividad en el sector público. Temas dominantes en la literatura”, Papeles de Economía Española, 95(1), 47-65.

Rodríguez-Álvarez, A. and Suárez-Pandiello, J., “Organizaciones burocráticas e ineficiencia X: Una revisión de modelos“, Hacienda Pública Española, 164(1), 83-107.

Rodríguez-Álvarez, A., “Eficiencia de los hospitales públicos en España: modelos de comportamiento y evidencia empírica”, Información Comercial Española, 804, 41-56.




Baños-Pino, J., Fernández-Blanco, V. and Rodríguez-Álvarez, A., “The allocative efficiency measure by means of a distance function: The case of Spanish public railways”, European Journal of Operational Research, 137(1), 191-205.

Cuesta, R.A. and Orea, L., “Mergers and technical efficiency in Spanish savings banks: A stochastic distance function approach”, Journal of Banking & Finance, 26(12), 2231-2247.

García Valiñas, M.A. “Residential water demand: the impact of management procedures during shortage periods”, Water Intelligence Online, 1(5).

Muñiz-Pérez, M.A., “Separating managerial inefficiency and external conditions in data envelopment analysis”, European Journal of Operational Research, 143(3), 625-643.

Orea, L., “Parametric decomposition of a generalized Malmquist productivity index”, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 18(1), 5-22.

Orea, L., and Álvarez, A., “Eficiencia técnica en pesquerías multiespecie: una aproximación primal”, Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales, 2(1), 5-20.




Arias, C. and Cox, T.L., “Estimation of a US dairy sector model by maximum simulated likelihood”, Applied Economics, 33(9), 1201-1211.

Arias, C., “Estimación del valor del regadío a partir del precio de la tierra”, Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales, 1(1), 115-123.

González-Fidalgo, E. and Álvarez, A., “From efficiency measurement to efficiency improvement: The choice of a relevant benchmark”, European Journal of Operational Research, 133(3), 512-520.

Muñiz-Pérez, M.A., “¿Son realmente menos eficientes los centros LOGSE? (La evaluación DEA de los institutos de enseñanza secundaria)”, Hacienda Pública Española, 157(2), 169-196.




Álvarez, A., González-Fidalgo, E., Sexton, R.J. and Zhang, M., “Oligopsony power with uniform spatial pricing: theory and application to milk processing in Spain”, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 27(3), 347-364.

Bosch, N., Pedraja, F. and Suárez-Pandiello, J., “Measuring the efficiency of Spanish municipal refuse collection services”, Local Government Studies, 26(3), 71-90.

Coto-Millán, P., Baños-Pino, J. and Rodríguez-Álvarez, A, “Economic efficiency in Spanish ports: some empirical evidence”, Maritime Policy & Management, 27(2), 169-174.

Cuesta, R.A., “A production model with firm-specific temporal variation in technical inefficiency: With application to Spanish dairy farms”, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 13(2), 139-158.

García-Valiñas, M.A., “Medición del output en los servicios públicos”, Revista Asturiana de Economía, 19, 205-231.




Adenso-Díaz, B. and Gascón, F., “A payback model for radio frequency in warehousing”, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Materials Management, 29(10), 631-645.

Álvarez, A. and González-Fidalgo, E., “Using cross-section data to adjust technical efficiency indexes estimated with panel data”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 81(4), 894-901.

Baños-Pino, J., Coto-Millán, P. and Rodríguez-Álvarez, A., “Allocative efficiency and over-capitalization: An application”, International Journal of Transport Economics, 26(2), 181-199.

Inglada, V., Coto-Millán, P. and Rodríguez-Álvarez, A., “Economic and technical efficiency in the world air industry”, International Journal of Transport Economics, 26(2), 219-236.

Ventura, J. and González-Fidalgo, E., “Análisis de la Eficiencia Técnica Hospitalaria del Insalud GD en Castilla y León”, Revista de Investigación Económica y Social de Castilla y León, 1, 39-50.




Álvarez, A. and E. González, “Caracterización de empresas eficientes en el sector lechero asturiano”, Revista Asturiana de Economía, 11, 185-194.

Cuesta, R.A., “Eficiencia Técnica de las Cajas de Ahorros”, Revista de Economía Aplicada, 6(16), 179-191.







Título: La medición de la eficiencia y la productividad

Autor/es: Antonio Álvarez Pinilla (Ed.)

Año: 2001; Editorial: Ediciones Pirámide, Madrid

Páginas: 343; ISBN: 84-368-1586-6

PVP: 24, 04 €

Si lo desea puede descargar el ÍNDICE (

Este libro es producto del intenso trabajo que se viene realizando en el área de la medición de la eficiencia y la productividad desde hace varios años en el Departamento de Economía de la Universidad de Oviedo. Asimismo, se han incorporado aportaciones de otros destacados investigadores de esta área, pertenecientes a otras universidades españolas y extranjeras. Los capítulos del libro combinan el rigor con la claridad, formando un volumen autocontenido donde se estudian tanto los conceptos básicos como las líneas más avanzadas de investigación. Al mismo tiempo, se ha tratado de usar una notación común que facilite la entrada y el avance relativamente rápido en esta literatura. A esto se añade el contar con aportaciones de los más prestigiosos investigadores en el campo internacional. Por estos motivos, el libro constituye una magnífica referencia para la iniciación, puesta al día y consulta de los estudiantes e investigadores interesados en los distintos campos relacionados con la medición de la eficiencia y la productividad.




Título: Introducción al análisis empírico de la producción

Autor/es: Antonio Álvarez Pinilla, Carlos Arias y Luis Orea

Año: 2003; Editorial: Universidad de Oviedo, mimeo

Páginas: 144

PVP: Gratis (Pinchar aquí para bajar PDF)


El objetivo de este libro es hacer más fácil el camino a los estudiantes interesados en el campo de la microeconomía aplicada. La conjunción de teoría y práctica es la aportación más importante del libro, que está estructurado en cuatro grandes partes: I) Introducción al análisis econométrico aplicado; II) El análisis teórico de la producción; III) El análisis empírico de la producción; IV) Aplicaciones. La estructura del libro intenta reflejar el objetivo del mismo. Así, las cuatro partes anteriormente reseñadas intentan cubrir: la 1, de lo que se trata el libro (econometría aplicada); la 2 y la 3, a lo que se aplica (economía de la producción); y la 4, ¿cómo se aplica? (estudios empíricos). El libro va dirigido a estudiantes que quieren hacer investigación aplicada en economía de la producción. El libro puede usarse como texto en un curso avanzado de microeconomía aplicada, que de hecho fue la idea inicial bajo la que fue concebido, o también como manual auxiliar de un curso introductorio de econometría.



Título: Productivity and Growth

Autor/es: Antonio Álvarez Pinilla (ed.)

Año: 2005; Editorial: Revista Asturiana de Economía

Páginas: -

PVP: -



Título: Asturias. Serie Estudios Regionales

Autor/es: Ángel de la Fuente Moreno y Antonio Álvarez Pinilla (ed.)

Año: 2006; Editorial: Servicio de Estudios del BBVA

Páginas: -

PVP: -



Título: Memoria del Grupo de Investigación de Análisis de Eficiencia y Productividad, 1998 - 2008

Autor/es: Oviedo Efficiency Group

Año: 2008; Editorial: Universidad de Oviedo, mimeo

Páginas: 82

PVP: Gratis (Pinchar aquí para bajar PDF)



Título: Comportamiento medioambiental y competitividad de las explotaciones lecheras asturianas

Autor/es: Luis Orea Sánchez, José Antonio Pérez Méndez, David Roibás Alonso, Alan Wall

Año: 2015; Editorial: Ediuno

Páginas: 178; ISBN: 978-84-16343-29-4

PVP: 20, 00 €

Si lo desea puede descargar la PORTADA (), y las RESEÑAS ().

La gestión medioambiental constituye una oportunidad para el futuro de las explotaciones lecheras, ya que además de los efectos positivos sobre el medio ambiente puede generar mejoras en la competitividad del sector productor, tanto por la vía de la reducción de costes como por la diferenciación de la producción.

Esta monografía analiza el comportamiento medioambiental de las explotaciones lecheras asturianas y su relación con los resultados económicos a través del estudio de una muestra de 59 ganaderías para las que se describen y calculan 40 indicadores de impacto ambiental, a partir de los cuales se realizan comparaciones según el grado de intensificación del sistema productivo al igual que se analizan los efectos de dichos impactos ambientales sobre la competitividad de las unidades productivas. También se estudia la ecoeficiencia como una medida expresiva de la «rentabilidad medioambiental» de las ganaderías, en el sentido que tiene en cuenta tanto el impacto medioambiental como los resultados económicos de la producción lechera.

Los resultados obtenidos muestran la relevancia de la gestión medioambiental en el sector lechero, existiendo un importante potencial de mejora que debería traducirse en efectos positivos para el entorno rural al igual que para la competitividad y la supervivencia de las ganaderías asturianas.



Chapters in Books


Amin, S., Jamasb, T., Llorca, M., Marsiliani, L. and Renstrom, T. (2022), “The case of waste to energy in Bangladesh”, Chapter 8, in Arthur, L., Hondo, D., Hughes, M. and Kohonen, R. (eds.), Prospects for Transitioning from a Linear to Circular Economy in Developing Asia, pp. 127-144, Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo.

Baños, J. F., Valdés, L., Valle, E. and Zapico, E. (2020). The economic impact of tourism on the Motorway of the sea Gijón-Nantes”, in Short Sea Shipping in the Age of the Sustainable Development and Information Technology, Ed. Routledge London, Chapter 7, pp. 163-180.

Jamasb, T., Llorca, M. (2021), “The rebound effect in road freight transport”, in Vickerman, R. (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Transportation, 1st edition, Elsevier, Amsterdam (forthcoming).

Jamasb, T., Llorca, M., Meeus, L. and Schittekatte, T. (2021), “Energy network innovation for green transition: Economic issues and regulatory options”, in Energy Regulation in the Green Transition: An Anthology, an initiative led by the Danish Utility Regulator (Forsyningstilsynet) (forthcoming).

Schittekatte, T., Meeus, L., Jamasb, T. and Llorca, M. (2021), “Regulatory experimentation in energy: Three pioneer countries and lessons for the green transition”, in Energy Regulation in the Green Transition: An Anthology, an initiative led by the Danish Utility Regulator (Forsyningstilsynet) (forthcoming).

Orea, L. “The Measurement of Firms’ Efficiency using Parametric Techniques", in Data Science and Productivity Analytics, Charles, Vincent, Aparicio, Juan, Zhu, Joe (Eds.) (pp. 161-199), Springer.

  Orea, L. and Álvarez, I. (2020), “Production Economics in Spatial Analysis”, in Ray, S.C., Chambers, R. y Kumbhakar, S. (eds.) Handbook of Production Economics, Springer.

Orea, L., Álvarez, I. and Perez, J.A. (2020), “The impact of land consolidation on livestock production in Asturias´ parishes: a spatial production analysis”, in Aparicio, J., Lovell, C.A.K., Pastor, J. y Zhu, J. (eds.) Advances in Efficiency and Productivity II, Springer Nature´s International Series in Operations Research & Management Science: NY, pp. 173-192.

Orea, L., Álvarez, I. and Serven, L. (2020), “A two-level top-down decomposition of aggregate productivity growth: the role of infrastructure”, in Aparicio, J., Lovell, C.A.K., Pastor, J. y Zhu, J. (eds.) Advances in Efficiency and Productivity II, Springer Nature´s International Series in Operations Research & Management Science: NY, pp. 173-192.

Orea, L. (2019), “The measurement of firms’ efficiency using parametric techniques", Data Science and Productivity Analytics, Springer.

Orea, L. and Zofío, JL (2019), “Common Methodological Choices in Non-Parametric and Parametric Analyses of Firms’ Performance”, Palgrave Handbook of Economic Performance Analysis.

Tovar, B., Wall, A. (2017). Competition strategies in the Spanish port system and their relationship with port authority efficiency. In Port Management: Cases in Port Geography, Operations and Policy (eds. Pettit, S., Beresford, A.). Kogan Page, London.

Orea, L. and Wall, A. (2017), “Measuring Eco-Efficiency Using the Stochastic Frontier Analysis Approach”, in Advances in Efficiency and Productivity, in Aparicio, J., Lovell, CAK, Pastor, J. (eds.), Chapter 12, Springer.

Arbués, P., Mayor, M. and Baños, J. (2014): “Productivity and accessibility of road transportation infrastructure in Spain. A spatial econometric approach”, in Condeço-Melhorado, A., Gutiérrez, J. and Reggiani, A. (eds).  Accessibility and Spatial Interaction. Edward Elgar Nectar Series, Cheltenham. ISBN: 978-1-78254-072-4, pp. 177-194.  

Baños, J. , Mateo, I. and Coto, P. (2010): “The effect of ports infrastructures on regional production”, in Coto, P., Pesquera, M. and Castanedo, J. (ed.), Essays on Port Economic, Springer-Verlag, Londres. ISBN 978-3-7908-2425-4, pp. 201-234.

Kumbhakar, S., L. Orea, A. Rodríguez (2009), “Explaining occupancy rates in the European railways: a reduced-form approach”, in Railway Transportation Policies, Technology and Perspectives, Nova Science Publishers, 63-86.

Orea, L. (2001), “Medición y descomposición de la productividad”, La medición de la eficiencia y la productividad, A. Álvarez (ed.), 77-93, Pirámide, Madrid.

Rodríguez-Alvarez, A (2001): “Medición de la eficiencia asignativa con funciones de distancia”, La medición de la eficiencia productiva, Pirámide. Chapter 12, 269-281.

Alvarez, A. (2001), “Concept and Measurement of Productive Efficiency” in A. Alvarez (ed.) La medición de la eficiencia y la productividad, Pirámide, Madrid.

Cox, T., R. Buse and A. Alvarez, (1989), "Effects of Demographics on Changes in At-home Meat Consumption", in R.C. Buse (ed.) The Economics of Meat Demand.



Journals’ Special Issues



Journal: Journal of Productivity Analysis

Title: Special Issue on Characterising Local and Global Technologies

Published: January 2004, Volume 21, Issue 1

Issue Editors: Antonio Álvarez, Rafael Cuesta and Luis Orea



Journal: Journal of Productivity Analysis

Title: Special Issue in Honor of C.A. Knox Lovell

Published: December 2013, Volume 40, Issue 3

Issue Editors: Jesus T. Pastor, Juan Aparicio and Luis Orea



Journal: Economics and Business Letters

Title: Special Issue: Modelling Issues in Applied Efficiency Analysis

Published: March 2014, Volume 3, Number 1 (Open Access Journal)

Issue Editor: Antonio Álvarez