María Fernández García

Predoctoral Researcher

Instituto Mixto de Investigación en Biodiversidad
Universidad de Oviedo, Campus de Mieres
Edificio de Investigación – 5ª planta
c/ Gonzalo Gutiérrez Quirós s/n
33600 Mieres, Asturias. Spain.
+34 985103000 (Ext. 5925)

Academic history

  • February’19-present: PhD student at Biodiversity Research Institute (IMIB). UAM Doctoral School Doctoral- Ecology program. Research line in Ecology and Conservation of Terrestrial Ecosystems. Advisors: Dr. Pedro Pérez Olea and Dr. Patricia Mateo Tomás.
  • October’11-October’12: Master’s degree in Environmental Management and Restoration. Barcelona University. Final Master Project «New Environmental Guidelines for the Integral Restoration of a mining area: the case of Campredó» (LIFE12/BIO/ES/000926).
  • September’04-January’09-Degree in Environmental Sciences. Salamanca University.

Research interests

The aim of my PhD project is to study the threats (such as poaching) which scavengers are exposed to, in particular scavenger birds, and considering the interactions and conflicts between humans and widlife (large carnivores, vultures and other megafauna).