Jorge Rodríguez Pérez

Predoctoral researcher

Instituto Mixto de Investigación en Biodiversidad
Universidad de Oviedo, Campus de Mieres
Edificio de Investigación – 5ª planta
c/ Gonzalo Gutiérrez Quirós s/n
33600 Mieres, Asturias. Spain.
+34 985103000 (Ext. 5925)

Academic history

  • Present: PhD student at the Biodiversity Research Institute; PhD Programme in Biogeosciences in the University of Oviedo. PhD Supervisors: Dr. Patricia Mateo Tomás y Dr. José Vicente López-Bao.
  • 2021-2022: Master in Wildlife Management. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Murcia.
  • 2016-2020: Degree in Biology. University of Oviedo.
  • Research interests

      The aim of my PhD project is to apply GPS tracking to necrophagous birds as a biodiversity conservation and management tool, assessing the degree of compliance with carrion management regulations and the fight against poaching, identifying its main limitations and proposing solutions to improve its effectiveness.