Kiara Bettega

Investigadora predoctoral

Unidad Mixta de Investigación en Biodiversidad
Universidad de Oviedo, Campus de Mieres
Edificio de Investigación – 5ª planta
c/ Gonzalo Gutiérrez Quirós s/n
33600 Mieres, Asturias

Historial académico

  • 2019-present PhD student at the Research Unit of Biodiversity. PhD Supervisors: María del Mar Delgado & Mattia Brambilla.
  • 2000-2004 Degree in Natural Sciences, University of Padova (Italy).

Líneas de investigación

The aim of my PhD project is to study the evolution of social mimicry through acoustic and visual traits. I am focusing on three taxa: bumblebees (Insecta, Apidae, Bombini), grasshoppers (Insecta, Orthoptera, Acridoidea) and passerines (Aves, Passeriformes).

My PhD project focuses on the ecology of the white-winged snowfinch Montifringilla nivalis nivalis, an alpine bird species which is among the most affected by climate change and habitat alteration. High mountain habitats are characterized by strong seasonality (both inter- and intra-season variability) and heterogeneity. Species inhabiting them have evolved specialized strategies in order to survive, which could hinder their ability to adapt to rapid changeable environments.Yet, as many other alpine species, the biology and ecology of the snowfinch are still poorly known.

During this project I will focus on (1) the circannual use of habitat in the Cantabrian Mountains, and (2) the migration strategy patterns in different European populations. The results will hopefully help to better understand the degree of specialization of the species, and give more information to the winter migration strategies adopted, which could be crucial for the connectivity among populations or, on the contrary, cause the isolation of the most peripheral ones.
Finally, I will widen the  perspective, trying to link functional traits with both the migration strategies and the distribution range of the bird community of Holarctic mountains.


  • Brambilla M., Resano-Mayor J., Arlettaz R., Bettega C., Binggeli A., Bogliani G., Braunisch V., Celada C., Chamberlain D., Chiffard Carricaburu J., Delgado M.M., Fontanilles P., Kmecl P., Korner F., Lindner R., Pedrini P., Pöhacker, Rubinič B., Schano C., Scridel D., Strinella E., Teufelbauer N. & de Gabriel Hernando M. 2020. Potential distribution of a climate sensitive species, the white-winged snowfinch Montifringilla nivalis in Europe. Bird Conservation International. Link
  • Bettega C., Fernández‐González, Á., Obeso, J. R. & Delgado, M. M. 2020. Circannual variation in habitat use of the white‐winged snowfinch Montifringilla nivalis nivalis. Ibis. Link 
  • Delgado M.M., Bettega C., Martens J. & Päeckert M. 2019 Ecotypic changes of alpine bird community to climate change. Scientific Reports, 9, 16082.
  • Penteriani, V., López-Bao, J.V., Bettega, C., Dalerum, F., Delgado, M.M., Jerina, K., Kojola, I., Krofel, M. & Ordiz, A. 2017. Consequences of brown bear tourism: a review. Biological Conservation 206:169-180.
  • Bettega C., Campioni L., Delgado M.M., Lourenço R. & Penteriani V.,2013. Brightness features of visual signaling traits in chicks and full-grown individuals of a nocturnal species. Journal of Raptor Research, 47(2):197-207.
  • Bettega C., Delgado M.M., Campioni L., Pedrini P. & Penteriani V., 2011. Chick’s quality and breeding output do not differ between first and replacement clutches: a case study with the Eagle Owl. Ornis Fennica, 88:217-225.