The expected results aim to identify the potential role of AGEs as biomarkers of changes in health status and/or the risk of developing diet-related diseases. This aim will be achieved bymultidisciplinary approaches based on the integration of preclinical biological and molecular studies, analytical and food chemistry, information technologies, metabolomic and glycomic analyses. A better understanding of the role of diet-derived AGEs and activation of related inflammatory pathway will provide opportunities to deepen our understanding of the early events leading to the development of diet-induced diseases including obesity, insulin resistance and related cardiovascular complications.

Overall, the expected results will offer new non-invasive approach to the monitoring of heath conditions and diet-induced changes in health status, thus revealing new scientific, technological and scholarly horizons in the understanding of the complex relationship between human nutrition and health. Our study will provide innovative and original tools for assessing status and efficacy of interventions, namely biosensors, metabolomics and biomimic approaches. It will also identify new molecular pathways involved in AGEs mechanisms of intercellular and intracellular cross-talk.

The wearable biosensor will allow a continuous evaluation of AGEs in saliva, in real time, that will permit diet or therapeutic intervention in patients with low level inflammation related diseases and therapeutic dosage adjustment. This will improve quality of life and life expectancy of selected human populations.

Overall, thanks to its multidisciplinary approach, SALIVAGES will have an important translational value offering a sounded experimental evaluation of salivary AGEs as original biomarkers that can be easily used to monitor health status and to suggest the early stage of metabolic diseases (preclinical diagnostic).