IInd 2010 Miniworkshop on String Theory
(20th May 2010)

Some participants of the workshop


> José Edelstein (U. Santiago de Compostela)
> Rafael Hernández (U. Complutense de Madrid)
> Esperanza López (IFT-UAM/CSIC)
> Diego Rodríguez-Gómez (Queen Mary)


Time Thursday 20: Sala de Grados, Facultad de Ciencias
10.00-11.00 Diego Rodríguez-Gómez
A holographic approach to phase transitions
11.00-12.00 Esperanza López
Holographic evolution of entanglement entropy
12.00-12.30 Break
12.30-13.30 Rafael Hernández
The spectrum of anomalous dimensions in aDS/CFT
15.30-16.30 José Edelstein
Causality and instabilities in aDS/CFT


Reservations have been made at Hotel Fruela, whose address is:

Hotel Fruela
Fruela 3, Oviedo
Tf: (+34) 985208120

How to reach Oviedo

  • By plane:
    The airport in Asturias is located about 40 km from Oviedo. You can reach Oviedo by taxi or by bus. You can check the bus service at ALSA

  • By bus:
    You can check destinations and timetables at ALSA

  • By train:
    There are two possibilities: RENFE or FEVE

    How to reach the Faculty of Science once in Oviedo

    The meeting will be held at the Sala de Grados in the basement of the Facultad de Ciencias. The Facultad de Ciencias is located in Av. Calvo Sotelo 18, a 10 min walk from the hotel. From the hotel go left and take the second street on your left (after you've passed the historical building housing the regional government). Keep walking till you see the Facultad de Ciencias on your right.

    Other practical information

  • Where to eat:

    You can get some ideas for restaurants in Oviedo here.

  • What to do and what to see:

    Asturias is a very beautiful region in which you can combine all your interests. You can go either to the beach or to the mountains, being always surrounded by an astonishing environment. Arts, history and culture in general complete a very interesting offer. You can check some ideas here or here.