Further information about us
High Energy Physics Group [ Theory - Experiment ]Information about the research group on High Energy Physics and Astrophysics (FPAUO)
Information about the Theoretical High Energy Physics group (Services)
We participate in the Centro Nacional de Física de Partículas, Astropartículas y Nuclear (CPAN).
Physics Links
ArXiv.org [ hep-ph (new, recent); hep-th (new, recent) ]InSpire (née Spires)
Government Links
BDNS :: Base de Datos Nacional de SubvencionesMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
FECYT :: Fundación España para la Ciencia y Tecnología
FICYT :: Fundación para el Fomento en Asturias de la Investigación Científica Aplicada y la Tecnología
Institutional Links
Uniovi Directo [ Servicios Académicos - Webmail - Directorio ]Paperwork: All the forms you'll ever need
Paperwork: Click here to calculate your dietas!
Centro Internacional de Postgrado [ Doctorado ]
Teaching: Propose a Trabajo Fin de Grado
Access to the Web of Knowledge (WOK).
Tarjeta Sanitaria Europea/Certificado Provisional Sanitaria (née E111)
Don't forget to take your health insurance with you when travelling in the EEA or Switzerland. You can do this by means of the TSE or the CPS, which you either pick up at the ISSN (c/ Doctor Alfredo Martínez, 6 bajo) after having asked for a Cita Previa.Permanent members can apply for the Tarjeta Sanitaria Europea online.
If you are in a hurry and have a digital certificate you can ask for the Certificado Provisional Sustitutorio online.
Useful Downloads
eCoFirma (Digitally sign your PDFs)Office 365 (use your uniovi.es e-mail login).