
Distributions: MacTeX, MikTex, TexLive.

Online books: Wikibook on LaTeX

TikZ/PGF: Manual, Examples at TeXblog.
TikZ/PGF: a TikZ/PGF implementation of the modern UniOvi logo.

Beamer: User guide, Wikibook entry.

Ada 2005

Compilers: GNU Ada (Dwnl), AdaCore Libre, MacAda (10.4)

Online Tutorials: Wikibook, Lovelace Lessons, Big Online Book of Linux Ada programming.

General guides: GNAT's user guide, Ada 95 Quality and Style.

Libraries: GTK Ada, Qt Ada, PNG_IO.

Computer Aided Algebra

Maple: GRTensor II; WikiBook, MapleApps, Maple Archive.

Mathematica: Reference Guide

Group Theory: Lie (Online), GAP (man), Schur.


Bash: WikiBook, Advanced Bash scripting.

Pascal: FreePascal, WikiBook.

Python: Python, SciPy.

Nauru Bwiema