
The TNC as a Transnational Political Complex. Actes du GERPISA n° 36/2004

Mondragón - The Self-Deception of the International Coop.-Movement. GEO-NEWSLETTER, New Haven, EE.UU., 1996

Analysing European Works Councils as multidimensional contested terrains: The case of ArcelorMittal

Rough Waters. European trade unions in a time of crisis, ETUI, 2018

We say no to La Monroe closure! local defiance to global restructuring in a transnational company, Critical Perspectives on International Business, 2018

Industrial relations in Spain - strong conflicts, weak actors and fragmented institutions, Employee Relations, vol. 40, issue 4/2018

The Palgrave Handbook of the Sociology of Work in Europe, 2019

Workforces and local communities against corporate restructuring: a comparative case study of resistance to plant closures in Northern Spain

Riders, rights and collective action, Intechopen 2021

Trade Unions and Right-Wing Populism in Spain

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