
Speaker Institution Title
September 29 Manuel Hernández Romero U. of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Economies of Density and Spatial Scope in the European Airline Market
October 26 Antonio Álvarez University of Oviedo  Explaining regional productivity differences
November 23 Andrés Picazo University of Valencia What makes environmental performance differ between firms? Empirical evidence from the Spanish tile industry
December 2 Joan-Ramón Borrell University of Barcelona Endogenous Antitrust: Cross-country Evidence on the Impact of Competition-enhancing Policies on Productivity
December 12 Luis Orea University of Oviedo The role of non-separable inefficiency on estimating and decomposing productivity growth
December 19 Jonás Fernández Solchaga Recio y Asociados Institutions and economic growth
December 23 Rocío Uría University of California-Davis A dynamic, spatial price equilibrium model of the California natural gas transportation and storage network