- "The double converter: A fully regulated two‑output dc‑to‑dc converter".
Javier Sebastián y Javier Uceda.
Transactions on Power Electronics,
Vol. 2, No. 3, julio de 1987, pp. 239‑246.
"An alternative method for controlling two-output dc-to-dc converters
using saturable core inductor".
Javier Sebastián y Javier Uceda.
Transaction on Power Electronics,
Vol. 10, No. 4, julio de 1995, pp. 419-426.
- "The determination of the boundaries between continuous and
discontinuous conduction modes in PWM dc-to-dc converters used as power
factor preregulators".
Javier Sebastián, José Antonio Cobos, Juan Manuel Lopera y Javier Uceda.
IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics,
Vol.10, No. 5, septiembre de 1995, pp. 574-582.
- "An integrated
battery charger/discharger with power factor correction".
Jaime Arau, Carlos
Aguilar, Francisco Canales, Javier Sebastián y Javier Uceda.
Transactions on Industrial Electronics,
Vol. 44, nº 5, octubre de 1997, pp. 597-603.
- "The
discontinuous conduction mode SEPIC and Cuk power factor preregulators:
Analysis and design".
Domingos Savio Lirio
Simonetti, Javier Sebastián y Javier Uceda.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial
Electronics, Vol. 44, nº
5, octubre de 1997, pp. 630-637.
- "Improving
dynamic response of power factor preregulators by using two-input
high-efficient post-regulators".
Javier Sebastián,
Pedro Villegas, Fernando Nuño, Oscar García y Jaime Arau.
IEEE Transactions on
Power Electronics,
Vol. 12, nº 6, noviembre de 1997, pp. 1007-1016.
- "Voltage-follower
control in zero-current-switched quasiresonant power factor
Javier Sebastián, Juan
Ángel Martínez, José Marcos Alonso y José Antonio Cobos.
IEEE Transactions on
Power Electronics,
Vol. 13 nº 4, julio de 1998, pp. 727-738.
- "High-efficiency
and wide-bandwidth performance obtainable from a two-input buck
Javier Sebastián, Pedro Villegas, Fernando Nuño y Marta María Hernando.
Transactions on Power Electronics,
Vol. 13 nº 4, julio de 1998, pp. 706-717.
- "Average current
mode control of Two-Input buck post-regulators used in power factor
Javier Sebastián, Pedro Villegas, Marta María Hernando, Fernando Nuño y
Francisco Fernández.
IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Electronics,
Vol. 46, nº 3, junio de 1999, pp. 569-576.
- "Improving
dynamic response of power factor correctors by using Series-Switching
Marta María Hernando,
Javier Sebastián, Pedro Villegas y Salvador Ollero.
IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Electronics,
Vol. 46, nº 3, junio de 1999, pp. 563-568.
- "Average current
mode control of Series-Switched post-regulators used in power factor
Pedro Villegas, Javier Sebastián, Marta María Hernando, Fernando Nuño y
Juan Ángel Martínez.
IEEE Transactions on Power
Vol. 15, nº 5, septiembre de 2000, pp. 813-819.
- "Input current
shaper based on the series connection of a voltage source and a
loss-free resistor".
Javier Sebastián,
Marta María Hernando, Arturo Fernández, Pedro Villegas y Juan Díaz.
Transactions on Industry Applications,
Vol. 37, nº 2, marzo/abril de 2001, pp. 583-591.
"Improved active
input current shapers for converters with symmetrically driven
transformer". Javier
Sebastián, Arturo Fernández,
Pedro Villegas, Marta María Hernando y Juan Manuel Lopera.
IEEE Transactions on
Industry Applications,
Vol. 37, nº 2, marzo/abril de 2001, pp. 592-600.
"Low-power flyback converter with synchronous rectification for a system with ac
power distribution".
Arturo Fernández,
Javier Sebastián, Pedro Villegas, Marta María Hernando y Lourdes Álvarez
Barcia. IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics,
Vol. 49, nº 3, junio de 2002, pp. 598-606.
- "New active input
current shapers to allow ac-to-dc converters with asymmetrically driven
transformers to comply with the IEC-1000-3-2".
Javier Sebastián,
Arturo Fernández, Pedro Villegas, Marta María Hernando y Miguel Ángel
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
Vol. 17, nº 4, julio de 2002, pp. 493-501.
"Design and
experimental results of an Input-Current-Shaper based electronic
ballast", Antonio Javier Calleja, José Marcos Alonso, Javier Ribas,
Emilio López, Manuel Rico y Javier Sebastián. IEEE Transactions on
Power Electronics, Vol. 18, nº 2, marzo de 2003, pp. 547-557.
"Low output
voltage ac/dc converter with a new scheme of synchronous rectification
that complies with IEC 1000-3-2 regulations". Arturo Fernández, Javier
Sebastián, Pedro Alou, José Antonio Cobos y Miguel Rascón. IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 18, nº 4, julio de 2003, pp.
"Single stage
ac-to-dc converter with self-driven synchronous rectification that
complies with EN61000-3-2 regulations". Arturo Fernández, Javier
Sebastián, Francisco Fernández-Linera y Agustín Ferreres.
Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 50, nº 5, octubre de
2003, pp. 1062-1064.
- "Helpful hints to
select a power-factor-correction solution for low- and medium-power
single-phase power supplies". Arturo Fernández, Javier Sebastián, Marta
María Hernando, Pedro Villegas y Jorge García, IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Electronics, Vol. 52, nº 1, febrero de 2005, pp. 46-55.
- "Dynamic limits of a power-factor
preregulator". Arturo Fernández, Javier Sebastián, Pedro Villegas, Marta
María Hernando y Diego G. Lamar, IEEE Transactions on Industrial
Electronics, Vol. 52, nº 1, febrero de 2005, pp. 77-87.
- "New self-driven
synchronous rectification system for converters with a symmetrically
driven transformer". Arturo Fernández, Javier Sebastián, Marta María
Hernando, Pedro Villegas, y Jorge García, IEEE Transactions on
Industry Applications, Vol. 41, nº 5, septiembre/octubre de 2005,
pp. 1307-1315.
- "Multiple output AC/DC converter with an internal UPS". Arturo Fernández, Javier Sebastián,
Marta María Hernando, Juan Antonio Martín y Juan Corral, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 53, nº 1, febrero de
2006, pp. 296-304.
- "Optimizing the design of
single-stage power-factor correctors". José Antonio Villarejo, Javier
Sebastián, Fulgencio Soto y Esther de Jódar, IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Electronics, Vol. 54, nº 3, junio de 2007, pp.
- "A unity power factor
correction preregulator with fast dynamic response based on a low-cost
microcontroller". Diego González, Arturo Fernández, Manuel Arias, Miguel
Rodríguez, Javier Sebastián y Marta María Hernando, IEEE Transactions
on Power Electronics, Vol. 23, nº 2, marzo de 2008, pp. 635-642.
- "Modeling of an AC-to-DC
converter with a single-stage power factor corrector". Arturo Fernández,
Javier Sebastián, Marta María Hernando, Diego González, Manuel Arias y
Miguel Rodríguez, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,
Vol. 55, nº 8, agosto de 2008, pp. 3064-3076.
- "Self-driven synchronous
rectification system with input voltage tracking for converters with a
symmetrically driven transformer". Arturo Fernández, Diego González,
Miguel Rodríguez, Marta María Hernando, Javier Sebastián y Manuel Arias,
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, nº 5, mayo
de 2009, pp. 1440-1445.
- "The
voltage-controlled compensation ramp: a waveshaping technique for power
factor correctors". Javier
Sebastián, Diego González, Manuel Arias, Miguel Rodríguez y Arturo
Fernández, IEEE
Transactions on Industry Applications,
Vol. 45, nº 3, mayo/junio de 2009, pp. 1016-1027.
"A very simple control
strategy for power factor correctors driving High-Brightness Light-Emitting
Diodes". Diego González, Javier Sebastián, Alberto Rodríguez, Miguel
Rodríguez y Marta María Hernando, IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics, Vol. 24, nº 8, agosto de 2009, pp. 2032-2042.
analysis and modelling of power factor correctors with appreciable
voltage ripple in the output-voltage feedback loop to achieve fast
transient response". Javier Sebastián, Diego González, Marta María
Hernando, Alberto Rodríguez y Arturo Fernández,
IEEE Transactions on
Power Electronics,
Vol. 24, nº 11, noviembre de 2009, pp. 2555-2566.
"A multiple-input
digitally-controlled buck converter for envelope tracking applications
in radiofrequency power amplifiers". Miguel Rodríguez, Pablo Fernández,
Alberto Rodríguez y Javier Sebastián.
IEEE Transactions on
Power Electronics,
Vol. 25, nº 2, febrero de 2010, pp. 369-381.
"An insight into
the switching process of power MOSFETs: an improved analytical losses
model". Miguel Rodríguez, Alberto Rodríguez, Pablo Fernández-Miaja,
Diego González y Javier Sebastián.
IEEE Transactions on
Power Electronics,
Vol. 25, nº 6, junio de 2010, pp. 1626-1640.
"On the maximum
bandwidth attainable by power factor correctors with a standard
compensator". Javier Sebastián, Diego González,
Alberto Rodríguez,
Manuel Arias y Arturo Fernández.
IEEE Transactions on
Industry Applications,
Vol. 46, nº 4,
de 2010, pp. 1485-1497.
- "A novel adaptive synchronous
rectification system for low output voltage isolated converters".
Miguel Rodríguez, Diego González, Manuel Arias, Javier Sebastián y
Roberto Prieto. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.
58, nº 8, agosto de 2011, pp. 3511-3520.
- "Experiences in the application of
project-based learning in a switching-mode power supplies course".
Diego González, Pablo Fernández-Miaja, Manuel Arias, Alberto Rodríguez,
Miguel Rodríguez, Aitor Vázquez, Marta M. Hernando y Javier Sebastián.
IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. 55, nº 1, febrero de 2012,
pp. 69-77.
- "On the Limit of
the Output Capacitor Reduction in Power Factor Correctors by Distorting
the Line Input Current". Diego González, Javier Sebastián, Manuel Arias
y Arturo Fernández. Aceptado
para su publicación en el
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
Vol. 27, nº 3, marzo de 2012, pp. 1168-1176.
"Elimination of the transfer time effects in line-interactive and
passive standby UPSs by means of a small-size inverter". Manuel
Arias, Marta Hernando, Diego González, Javier Sebastián y Arturo
Fernández. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 27, nº 3,
marzo de 2012, pp. 1468-1478.
"Design of a soft-switching asymmetrical half-bridge converter as second
stage of a LED driver for street-lighting application". Manuel
Arias, Diego González, Francisco Fernández, Didier Balocco, Almadidi
Diallo y Javier Sebastián. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
Vol. 27, nº 3, marzo de 2012, pp. 1608-1621.
"Mismatch-error shaping based digital multiphase modulator". Miguel
Rodríguez, Pablo Fernández-Miaja, Javier Sebastián y Dragan Maksimovic.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 27, nº 4, abril de
2012, pp. 2055-2066.
"A linear assisted DC/DC converter for Envelope Tracking and Envelope
Elimination and Restoration applications". Pablo Fernández-Miaja,
Miguel Rodríguez, Alberto Rodríguez y Javier Sebastián. IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 27, nº 7, julio de 2012, pp.
"Average inductor current sensor for digitally-controlled switched-mode
power supplies". Miguel Rodríguez, Victor Manuel López, Francisco
Azcondo, Javier Sebastián y Dragan Maksimovic. IEEE Transactions on
Power Electronics, Vol. 27, nº 8, agosto de 2012, pp. 3795-3806.
"Tapped-inductor buck HB-LED ac-dc driver operating in boundary
conduction mode for replacing incandescent bulb lamps". Diego
González, Marcos Fernández, Manuel Arias, Marta Hernando y Javier
Sebastián. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 27, nº
10, octubre de 2012, pp. 4329-4337.
LED driver without electrolytic capacitor for street lighting".
Manuel Arias, Diego González, Javier Sebastián, Didier Balocco y
Almadidi Diallo. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol.
49, nº 1, enero/febrero de 2013, pp. 127-137.
"High-efficiency asymmetrical half-bridge converter without
electrolytic capacitor for low-output-voltage AC-DC LED drivers".
Manuel Arias, Marcos Fernández, Diego González, Didier Balocco,
Almadidi A. Diallo, y Javier Sebastián. IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics, Vol. 28, nº 5, mayo de 2013, pp. 2539-2549.
"Design-oriented analysis and performance evaluation of a low-cost
high-brightness LED driver based on flyback power factor corrector".
Diego Gónzalez, Manuel Arias, Alberto Rodríguez, Arturo Fernández, Marta
María Hernando y Javier Sebastián. IEEE Transactions on Industrial
Electronics, Vol. 60, nº 7, julio de 2013, pp. 2614-2626.
"Analysis and design of the
output filter for buck envelope amplifiers". Javier Sebastián, Pablo
Fernández-Miaja, Alberto Rodríguez y Miguel Rodríguez. IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 29, nº 1, enero de 2014, pp.
"A linear assisted switching envelope amplifier for a UHF Polar
Transmitter". Pablo Fernández-Miaja, Javier Sebastián, Reinel
Marante y José Ángel García. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
Vol. 29, nº 4, abril de 2014, pp. 1850-1861.
"On the use of front-end cascode rectifiers based on normally-on SiC
JFET and Si MOSFET". Aitor Vazquez, Alberto Rodriguez, Marcos
Fernandez, Marta M. Hernando, Enrique Maset y Javier Sebastian. IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 29, nº 5, mayo de 2014, pp.
"Switching performance comparison of the SiC JFET and the SiC JFET/Si
MOSFET cascode configuratio". Alberto Rodríguez, Marcos Fernández,
Marta M. Hernando, Diego González, Manuel Arias y Javier Sebastián.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 29, nº 5, mayo de 2014,
pp. 2428-2440.
"Small-signal and large-signal analysis of the two-transformer
asymmetrical half-bridge converter operating in continuous conduction
mode". Manuel Arias, Marcos Fernández, Diego González, Francisco
Fernández y Javier Sebastián. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
Vol. 29, nº 7, julio de 2014, pp. 3547-3562.
"Design of a two-phase buck converter with fourth-order output filter
for envelope amplifiers of limited bandwidth". Javier Sebastián,
Pablo Fernández-Miaja, Francisco Javier Ortega, Moisés Patiño y Miguel
Rodríguez. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
Vol. 29, nº 11, noviembre de 2014, pp. 5933-5948.
"Different purpose design strategies and techniques to improve the
performance of a Dual Active Bridge with phase-shift control".
Alberto Rodríguez, Aitor
Vázquez, Diego González, Marta María Hernando y Javier Sebastián.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 30, nº 4, febrero de
2015, pp. 790-804.
"Buck derived converters based on gallium nitride devices for Envelope
Tracking applications". Pablo Fernández-Miaja, Alberto Rodríguez y
Javier Sebastián. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol.
30, nº 4, abril de 2015, pp. 2084-2095.
"Using the loss-free resistor concept to design a simple AC–DC HB-LED
driver for retrofit lamp applications”. Diego González-Lamar, Manuel
Arias, Marta María Hernando y Javier Sebastián. IEEE Transactions on
Industry Applications, Vol. 51, nº 3, mayo/junio de 2015, pp. 2300-2311.
"Digital implementation of the feedforward loop of the asymmetrical
half-bridge converter for LED lighting applications”. Manuel Arias,
Marcos Fernández, José Evelio Rodríguez, Diego González-Lamar y Javier
Sebastián. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power
Electronics, Vol. 3, nº 3, septiembre de 2015, pp. 642-653.
- "Practical application of the wave-trap concept in battery cell equalizers".
Manuel Arias, Javier Sebastián, Marta María Hernando, Unai Viscarret e
Íñigo Gil. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 30, nº 10,
octubre de 2015, pp. 5616-5631.
- "Active input current shaper without electrolytic capacitor for retrofit lamps
applications". Diego González-Lamar, Manuel Arias, Arturo Fernández,
José Antonio Villarejo y Javier Sebastián. IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics, Vol. 32, nº 5, mayo de 2017, pp. 3908-3919.
- "Multi-cell three phase ac-dc driver for HB-LED lighting applications". Ignacio
Castro, Diego González-Lamar, Manuel Arias, Marta María Hernando y
Javier Sebastián. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 53, nº 4, julio/agosto de 2017, pp. 3803-3813.
- "High voltage 4H-SiC power MOSFETs with boron doped gate oxide". Victor
Soler, María Cabello, Maxime Berthou, Josep Montserrat, José Rebollo,
Philippe Godignon, Andrei Mihaila, María Rodríguez-Rogina, Alberto
Rodríguez y Javier Sebastián. IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 64, nº 11, noviembre de
2017, pp. 8962-8970.
- "An ac-dc
Single-stage Dual Inductor Current-Fed Push-Pull PFC for HB-LED lighting
applications". Ignacio Castro, Kevin Martín, Aitor Vázquez,
Manuel Arias, Diego González-Lamar y Javier Sebastián. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power
Electronics, Vol. 6, nº 1, marzo de 2018, pp. 255-266.
- "Optimized design of a high input-voltage-ripple-rejection converter for LED
lighting". Manuel Arias, Aitor Vazquez, Ignacio Castro, Diego
González-Lamar y Javier Sebastián.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 33, nº 6,
junio de 2018, pp. 5192-5205.
- "Reproducing
single-carrier digital modulation schemes for VLC by controlling the
first switching harmonic of the dc-dc power converter output voltage
ripple". Juan Rodríguez, Pablo Fernández-Miaja, Diego González-Lamar
y Javier Sebastián. Aceptado para su publicación en el IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 33, nº 9, septiembre de
2018, pp. 7994-8010.
"On the Role of Power Electronics in Visible Light Communication".
Javier Sebastián, Diego González-Lamar, Daniel García-Aller, Juan
Rodríguez y Pablo Fernández-Miaja. IEEE Journal of Emerging and
Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 6, nº 3, septiembre de
2018, pp. 1210-1223.
"A family of high frequency AC-LED drivers based on ZCS-QRCs".
Ignacio Castro, Diego González-Lamar, Sergio López, Kevin Martín, Manuel
Arias y Javier Sebastián. Aceptado para su publicación en el IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 33, nº 10, octubre de 2018,
pp. 8728-8740.
"Power Efficient VLC Transmitter Based on Pulse-Width Modulated DC-DC
Converters and the Split of the Power". Juan Rodríguez, Diego
González-Lamar, Pablo Fernández-Miaja, Daniel García-Aller y Javier
Sebastián. Aceptado para su publicación en el IEEE Transactions on
Power Electronics, Vol. 34, nº 2, febrero de 2019, pp. 1726-1746.
"On supplying LEDs from very low dc voltages with high frequency AC-LED
drivers". Ignacio Castro, Aitor Vázquez, Daniel García-Aller, Manuel
Arias, Diego González-Lamar, y Javier Sebastián. IEEE Transactions on
Power Electronics, Vol. 34, nº 6, junio de 2019, pp. 5711-5719.
"A review on flicker-free ac-dc LED drivers for single-phase and
three-phase ac power grids". Ignacio Castro, Aitor Vázquez,
Manuel Arias, Diego González-Lamar, Marta María Hernando y Javier
Sebastián. IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics, Vol. 34, nº 10, octubre de 2019, pp. 10035-10057.
"An electrolytic capacitorless modular three phase ac-dc LED driver
based on summing the light output of each phase". Ignacio
Castro, Aitor Vázquez, Diego González-Lamar, Manuel Arias, Marta María
Hernando y Javier Sebastián. IEEE Journal
of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics,
Vol. 7, nº 12, diciembre de 2019, pp. 2255-2270.
"Reproducing Multi-Carrier Modulation Schemes for Visible Light
Communication with the Ripple Modulation Technique". Juan
Rodríguez, Diego González-Lamar, Daniel García-Aller, Pablo
Fernández-Miaja y Javier Sebastián. IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 67, nº 2, febrero de
2020, pp. 1532-1543.
"Variable-width Hysteretic Analog Control for QSW-ZVS and TCM source/sink
converters". Aitor Vázquez, Kevin Martín, Manuel Arias y Javier
Sebastián. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 35, nº 3,
marzo de 2020, pp. 3195 - 3207.
- "Taking advantage of the sum of the light in outphasing technique for
visible light communication transmitter". Daniel García-Aller, Diego
González-Lamar, Pablo Fernández-Miaja, Juan Rodríguez y Javier
Sebastián. Aceptado para su publicación en el IEEE Journal of
Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 9, nº 1,
febrero de 2021, pp. 138-145.
"Pulse-width modulated 3-level Buck converter based on stacking
switch-cells for high power Envelope Tracking applications". Juan
Rodríguez, Juan R. García-Meré, Daniel García Aller y Javier Sebastián.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 37, nº 5, mayo de
2022, pp. 5786 - 5800.
"A general method to study multiple discontinuous conduction modes in
DC-DC converters with one transistor and its application to the
Versatile Buck-Boost converter". Duberney Murillo-Yarce, Carlos
Restrepo, Diego González-Lamar y Javier Sebastián. IEEE Transactions
on Power Electronics, Vol. 37, nº 11, noviembre de 2022, pp. 13030 -
- "A
Novel Version of the Ripple-Modulation Technique for Enabling the Use of
Single-Phase Buck Converters in VLC Applications". Juan Rodríguez,
Juan Ramón García-Meré, Diego González-Lamar y Javier Sebastián. IEEE
Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. Vol.
11, nº 2, abril de 2023, pp. 1966 - 1978.
"High Step-Down Isolated PWM DC-DC Converter Based on Combining a
Forward Converter with the Series-Capacitor Structure". Juan
Rodríguez, Juan Ramón García-Meré, Diego González-Lamar, Marta María
Hernando y Javier Sebastián. IEEE Access, Vol. 11, noviembre de
2023, pp. 131045 - 131063.
"A Systematic Method for Studying the Use of DC/DC Converters with
Multiple Discontinuous Conduction Modes as Automatic PFCs". Duberney
Murillo-Yarce, Juan Rodríguez, Marta María Hernando, Aitor Vázquez y
Javier Sebastián. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol.
39, nº 9, septiembre de 2024, pp. 11318 - 11339.
"A Dynamic study of the Single Active Bridge Converter". Alberto
Rodríguez, Alexis Anselmo Gómez, Marta María Hernando, Diego
González-Lamar y Javier Sebastián. Aceptada para su publicación en el
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.