Prof. Juan Pablo Rodrigo Tapia

Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias
Edificio FINBA, Planta 0.
Av. Roma SN, 33011 Oviedo
Email: jprodrigo@uniovi.es


Our group aims to advance in the knowledge of the processes of tumor initiation, recurrence and metastasis in 3 types of tumors: head and neck squamous cell carcinomas; sinonasal carcinomas; and paragangliomas. It is expected that the achievements will contribute to the discovery of new biomarkers and therapies.

Research Line 1: Squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck.

  • Biomarkers for early diagnosis and targets for early therapeutic interventions.
  • Identification of molecular alterations, their relationship with tumor progression and clinical application as biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis, response to treatment and/or therapeutic targets.
  • Role of cancer associated fibroblasts and study of the interaction and communication between tumor cells and between these and the stroma.
  • Characterization of tumor stem cell (CSC) subpopulations and search for new therapeutic strategies against them.

Research Line 2: Sinonasal carcinomas

  • Characterize genetic alterations, their prognostic role and as therapeutic targets.
  • Therapy – Response to new specific drugs using in vitro and in vivo tumor models.
  • Tumor invasion and metastasis – Functional studies using in vitro and in vivo models.
  • Early detection – Identifying histological precursor changes and markers of progression to invasive cancer; role of chronic inflammation.

Research line 3: Paragangliomas (PGL) and pheochromocytomas (PCC)

  • Identification of genes/mechanisms involved in the development and evolution of PCC/PGLs.
  • Identification of biomarkers to predict the risk of development of multiple PCC/PGLs, tumor recurrence, and other tumor types in the context of syndromic PCC/PGLs, as well as in healthy carriers of germline mutations in susceptibility genes.
  • Identification of therapeutic targets.


Juan Pablo Rodrigo Tapia (Guadalajara, 1966) graduated in Medicine from the University of Oviedo (1989), obtaining the End of Career Award. Between 1991-1994 he specialized in Otorhinolaryngology at the HUCA and spent 3 months at the UCLA School of Medicine (CA, USA). In 1995 he obtained his Doctorate in Medicine from the University of Oviedo. He has worked as Otorhinolaryngologist in the hospitals of León (1995-1998) and HUCA (1998-2008). In 2008 he obtained the position of Associate Professor of Otorhinolaryngology at the University of Oviedo-HUCA, and in 2016 the position of Professor. He is Director of the Department of Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialties, member of the International Head and Neck Scientific Group. Author of more than 300 scientific publications, he has an H-index of 45, being included in the ranking “Top 2% scientists” of Stanford University in 2021 and is ranked among the top 10 laryngeal cancer experts in the world.



  • Sanchez-Canteli M, Granda-Díaz R, Del Rio-Ibisate N, Allonca E, López-Alvarez F, Agorreta J, Garmendia I, Montuenga LM, García-Pedrero JM, Rodrigo JP. PD-L1 expression correlates with tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and better prognosis in patients with HPV-negative head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2020 May 24. doi: 10.1007/s00262-020-02604-w.
  • Riobello C, López-Hernández A, Cabal VN, García-Marín R, Suárez-Fernández L, Sánchez-Fernández P, Vivanco B, Blanco V, López F, Franchi A, Llorente JL, Hermsen MA. IDH2 Mutation Analysis in Undifferentiated and Poorly Differentiated Sinonasal Carcinomas for Diagnosis and Clinical Management. Am J Surg Pathol. 2020 Mar;44(3):396-405. doi: 10.1097/PAS.0000000000001420.
  • Lorenzo-Martín LF, Fernández-Parejo N, Menacho-Márquez M, Rodríguez-Fdez S, Robles-Valero J, Zumalave S, Fabbiano S, Pascual G, García-Pedrero JM, Abad A, García-Macías MC, González N, Lorenzano-Menna P, Pavón MA, González-Sarmiento R, Segrelles C, Paramio JM, Tubío JMC, Rodrigo JP, Benitah SA, Cuadrado M, Bustelo XR. VAV2 signaling promotes regenerative proliferation in both cutaneous and head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Nat Commun. 2020 Sep 22;11(1):4788. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-18524-3.
  • Garmendia I, Pajares MJ, Hermida-Prado F, Ajona D, Bértolo C, Sainz C, Lavín A, Remírez AB, Valencia K, Moreno H, Ferrer I, Behrens C, Cuadrado M, Paz-Ares L,Bustelo XR, Gil-Bazo I, Alameda D, Lecanda F, Calvo A, Felip E, Sánchez-CéspedesM, Wistuba II, Granda-Diaz R, Rodrigo JP, García-Pedrero JM, Pio R, Montuenga LM,Agorreta J. YES1 Drives Lung Cancer Growth and Progression and PredictsSensitivity to Dasatinib. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2019 Oct 1;200(7):888-899.doi: 10.1164/rccm.201807-1292OC.
  • Hermsen MA, Riobello C, García-Marín R, Cabal VN, Suárez-Fernández L, López F,Llorente JL. Translational genomics of sinonasal cancers. Semin Cancer Biol. 2019Sep 24. pii: S1044-579X(19)30306-2. doi: 10.1016/j.semcancer.2019.09.016.
  • Hermida-Prado F, Granda-Díaz R, Del-Río-Ibisate N, Villaronga MÁ, Allonca E, Garmendia I, Montuenga LM, Rodríguez R, Vallina A, Alvarez-Marcos C, Rodrigo JP, García-Pedrero JM. The Differential Impact of SRC Expression on the Prognosis of Patients with Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Cancers (Basel). 2019 Oct 25;11(11):1644. doi: 10.3390/cancers11111644.
  • Bernardo-Castiñeira C, Valdés N, Celada L, Martinez ASJ, Sáenz-de-Santa-MaríaI, Bayón GF, Fernández AF, Sierra MI, Fraga MF, Astudillo A, Jiménez-Fonseca P,Rial JC, Hevia MÁ, Turienzo E, Bernardo C, Forga L, Tena I, Molina-Garrido MJ,Cacho L, Villabona C, Serrano T, Scola B, Chirivella I, Del Olmo M, Menéndez CL, Navarro E, Tous M, Vallejo A, Athimulam S, Bancos I, Suarez C, Chiara MD.Epigenetic Deregulation of Protocadherin PCDHGC3 inPheochromocytomas/Paragangliomas Associated With SDHB Mutations. J ClinEndocrinol Metab. 2019 Nov 1;104(11):5673-5692. doi: 10.1210/jc.2018-01471.
  • Bernardo-Castiñeira C, Valdés N, Sierra MI, Sáenz-de-Santa-María I, Bayón GF, Perez RF, Fernández AF, Fraga MF, Astudillo A, Menéndez R, Fernández B, Del Olmo M, Suarez C, Chiara MD. SDHC Promoter Methylation, a Novel Pathogenic Mechanism in Parasympathetic Paragangliomas. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2018 Jan 1;103(1):295-305. doi: 10.1210/jc.2017-01702.
  • Llanos S, García-Pedrero JM, Morgado-Palacin L, Rodrigo JP, Serrano M. Stabilization of p21 by mTORC1/4E-BP1 predicts clinical outcome of head and neck cancers. Nat Commun. 2016;7:10438
  • Llorente JL, López F, Suárez C, Hermsen MA.Sinonasal carcinoma: clinical, pathological, genetic and therapeutic advances. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2014;11:460-72.


Name Position E-mail Phone
Rodrigo Tapia, Juan Pablo Catedrático Vinculado Jefe de Grupo jprodrigo@uniovi.es 985 10 80 00 Extt/38140
Llorente Pendás, José Luis Catedrático Vinculado Jefe de Servicio clínico jllorente@uniovi.es 985 10 80 00 Extt/38140
Álvarez Marcos, Cesar Profesor Titular Vinculado alvarezmarcos@telefonica.net 985 10 80 00 Ext.38140
López Álvarez, Fernando Médico adjunto profesor asociado ORL flopez_1981@yahoo.es 985 10 80 00 Ext/38140
Núñez Batalla, Faustino Médico adjunto /profesor asociado ORL fnunezb@telefonica.net
Coca Pelaz, Andrés Médico adjunto / profesor asociado ORL acocapelaz@yahoo.es
Suarez Fente, Vanessa Médico adjunto ORL vannexasf@yahoo.es
Sánchez Fernández, Rafael Médico adjunto ORL rafasanchez.mail@gmail.com
García-Cabo Herrero, Patricia Médico adjunto ORL patty.gcabo@gmail.com 985 10 80 00 Ext/38140
Vivanco Allende, Blanca Médico adjunto / profesor asociado A. Patológica vivancoblanca@gmail.com
Santos-Juanes Jimenez, Jorge Profesor Titular Vinculado Dermatología jorgesantosjuanes@gmail.com
Chiara Romero, Mª Dolores Investigador Senior I3 SNS / Profesor titular en excedencia mdchiara.uo@uniovi.es 985 10 80 00 Ext/37956
García Pedrero, Juana María Investigador Senior / estabilizado FINBA garpe20002000@yahoo.es 985 10 80 00 Ext/37937
Hermsen, Marinus A.J.A. Investigador Senior I3 SNS mhermsen@hca.es 985 10 80 00 Ext/37937
Álvarez Fernández, Mónica Investigador AECC. Alta en Diciembre 2019 maf.finba@gmail.com
García Marín, Rocío Postdoctoral rociogm@us.es
Granda Díaz, Rocío Doctorando / Beca Severo Ochoa rocigd281@gmail.com 985 10 80 00 Ext/38860
Del Río Ibisate, Nagore Doctorando / Beca FPU nagoredelrio@gmail.com
Celada Crespo, Lucía Doctorando / Beca FPU celadalucia@hotmail.com
Pedregal Mallo, Daniel Médico adjunto ORL / Doctor pedregal.dm@gmail.com 985 10 80 00 Ext/38140
Menéndez Castro, Marta Médico adjunto / doctorando marmdc210@gmail.com 985 10 80 00 Ext/38140
Sánchez Fernández, Paula Médico adjunto de ORL / Doctor psfernan90@hotmail.com
Sánchez Canteli, Mario Médico residente / doctorando mariosanchezcanteli@gmail.com
Grobas Alvarez, Jaime Médico residente / doctorando jaime.g.r@hotmail.com
Casanueva Muruais, Rodrigo Médico residente / doctorando casanuevamuruais@gmail.com
Villanueva Fernández, Eva Médico residente / doctorando evaviva12@hotmail.com
Naves Cabal, Virginia Técnico FP vircabal@hotmail.com 985 10 80 00 Ext/38860
Saul Alvarez Teijeiro Contrato Sara Borrell
Francisco Hermida Prado Contrato María Zambrano
Sofía Tirados Menendez Postdoctoral con cargo a proyecto
Miguel Alvarez Gonzalez Predoctoral
Tamara Cubiella Victorero Predoctoral
Sara Lucila Lorenzo Guerra Predoctoral
Irene Montoro Jimenez Predoctoral
Esperanza Pozo Agundo Predoctoral
Llara Prieto Fernández Predoctoral