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Defensa de la Tesis de Dª Eva Bueno García
Titulada “Estudio de la expresión de la isoforma CD45RA y de su papel en la funcionalidad de los linfocitos T naïve y CD28nul” El acto de defensa [...]
Mario F. Fraga, “Asturiano del mes” por sus estudios en genética y factores ambientales
El biólogo lenense, artífice de investigaciones de impacto mundial, ha realizado con su grupo valiosas contribuciones sobre los mecanismos de rejuvenecimiento del cerebro El biólogo molecular [...]
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El mapa genético del cáncer de mama en Asturias: mutaciones hereditarias de hasta hace 400 años mantenidas en valles aislados
Una investigación analiza a más de 1.600 familias durante más de 15 años y descubre una serie de variantes específicas de la población asturiana que predisponen a [...]
Un equipo de investigación descubre que un tipo de leucemia infantil se origina durante el desarrollo fetal
Un estudio publicado en la revista ‘Leukemia’ demuestra que algunos casos de leucemia mieloide aguda infantil surgen antes del nacimiento, durante el desarrollo fetal | La posibilidad de [...]
About us
The University Institute of Oncology of Asturias – Cajastur Social Programme (IUOPA) was created under the legal framework of the University Reform Act (Articles 7 and 10) and the Statutes of the University of Oviedo (Articles 12c and 29-36). It is a multidisciplinary initiative aimed at bringing together resources devoted to cancer research.
The IUOPA’s overall objective is to carry out quality research focused on cancer as an important biological problem with a major impact on human health and to facilitate interaction between basic and clinical research in this field.
150 members are currently engaged in basic, clinical and applied cancer research.
Basic, clinical and applied research in cancer,
which are developed through research programs.
The IUOPA offers a broad interdisciplinary training program for undergraduate and postgraduate students. The official Master’s Degree in Biomedicine and Molecular Oncology and the Doctorate program in Biomedicine and Molecular Oncology at the University of Oviedo train students to develop a research career related to Biomedicine and Applied Research.
The IUOPA has maintained a constant dialogue with Asturian society for 20 years. We are proud to recognize here the work of many sociocultural associations in the region that constantly contribute to the research carried out by the institute.
The priority objective of the IUOPA is research in Oncology. Donations from civil and private associations are managed through the University of Oviedo Foundation If you are interested in contributing to the activities of the institute, do not hesitate to contact us at