
Mission Statement





Solicitud de trabajos

Call for papers



Editorial Board


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Subscription (free)






Mission Statement

The Revista de Economía Laboral (REL) has been founded by four Economics professors (Miguel Angel Malo, Universidad de Salamanca; Joaquín Lorences, Universidad de Oviedo; Carlos Peraita, Universidad de Valencia; Luis Toharia, Universidad de Alcalá) to address the existing gaps in the field of labour economics in Spain which leaves unpublished a good deal of interesting, quality research. In order to avoid excessive overhead costs and also to quicken the publishing process as much as possible, the journal will rely solely on the electronic format using the technology of the World Wide Web. The website is located at the Universidad de Oviedo ( The promoters have registered the name of the review as a trademark (approval pending). The four promoters of the REL are its Editorial Board. An advisory Committee has also been created, formed by scholars in Labour Economics in Spain and elsewhere.

 Aims and Scope

 The aim of the REL is the promotion of the study and application of labour economics, the results of which helps to bring labour economic theory nearer to reality. The editors give due recognition to the theoretical and empirical research on the field of labour economics within a scope that encompasses collective decision making, political behaviour, and the role of institutions in the labour market. The journal encourages the analysis and explanation of institutions in the Spanish labour market and the impact of these institutions and their arrangements on labour market outcomes. Moreover, the journal welcomes submissions of manuscripts that have emphasis on European Union comparative analysis of labour economic problems and their solutions in member states of the European Union. Its aims include improving communication between academic researchers, teachers and policy makers.

The REL also publishes book reviews, database reviews, research announcements, and conference announcements.

The goal of this journal is to provide a forum for bringing together a variety of information on the Spanish labour market using a balanced mix of theory, empirical testing and policy applications. The journal welcomes submissions of applied and theoretical research manuscripts in all fields of labour economics. Each manuscript submitted to the journal is reviewed in an unbiased manner and receives utmost attention by the editorial office and its referees. Manuscripts are judged on the quality of their content alone, making the author's intellectual traditions, field of study, and institutional affiliation irrelevant for acceptance decisions.

The Revista de Economía Laboral encourages young researchers to submit their work. From time to time the journal publishes special issues on special topics or subjects that have the attention of Spanish labour economists, and for the publication of high quality papers presented at the Spanish Biennial Conference on Labour Economics.