Clifton Evers
Newcastle University
Clifton Evers is Senior Lecturer in Media and Cultural Studies, Newcastle University. His research interests include gender (particularly masculinities), leisure/sport, pollution, and blue spaces (e.g. sea/ocean, lakes, rivers). He employs imaginative ethnography to conduct research and produce creative outputs, including peer-reviewed journal articles, ethnographic fiction, soundscapes, film and performance art. A recent film A Toxic Love Affair (with James Davoll, 2019) won best experimental film at the ReelHeART Film festival in Toronto, Canada. Clifton is on the editorial boards for the Journal for Sport & Social Issues, International Journal of Cultural Studies, Leisure Studies and the Journal of Bodies, Sexualities, and Masculinities.
Clifton is currently part of the following funded research projects: “END: Illness in the Age of Extinction. Anglophone Narratives of Personal and Planetary degradation (2000-2020)”; “The First Fossil free Welfare State? Swedish Petro-Dreams, Resistances, and Coastal Transformations”; “Northeast Coastal Community Resilience: a just transition from industrial heritage to a low carbon future”; and “Temperature life histories—Experiencing a changing climate through stories, poetry and data”; Improve Your Play (IYP) project engages with young men to reduce technology-facilitated harm of a sexualized nature experienced by young women.
Clifton is a member of The Shadow Places Network: a collaboration to re-imagine and co-produce connections for justice in an era of climate change. He is also a team member of the Surf & Nature Alliance: An international and intercultural non-profit organisation dedicated to the conservation of the marine environment. For five years Clifton was a lecturer in cultural studies at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, which included the role of Deputy Director of the Institute for Creative and Digital Cultures. He has written for newspapers, magazines, websites, as well as appeared on television, radio, and in documentaries.