END: Illness in the Age of Extinction. Anglophone Narratives of Personal and Planetary Degradation (2000-2020)
I+D+i [Retos a la Investigación 2019]
Code: PID2019-109565RB-I00
PI: Luz Mar González-Arias
This project studies experiences of illness in the first two decades of the 21st century, with special attention to the connection between human disease and environmental degradation. We will be tackling, from historical, cultural and literary perspectives, pathologies that affect a great number of people and that are characterized by progressive physical and mental deterioration, and this will be linked to planetary degradation as seen in our times. The human body will be examined in dialogic relationship with the environment with the aim of contributing a humanistic view on issues that are usually approached from medical and scientific standpoints. As a result of the sudden emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, our project is compiling and analyzing the first literary and artistic manifestations of the generalized experiences of lockdown, social distancing and contagion.
Ayuda para el mantenimiento de actividades de investigación de Grupos de Investigación reconocidos por la Universidad de Oviedo. Plan Propio 2021
Code: PAPI-2021-GR-2020-0007
PI: Luz Mar González Arias
La enfermedad en la era de la extinción: Narrativas anglófonas de degradación personal y planetaria (2000-2020)
Code: PAPI-20-PUENTE-15
PI: Luz Mar González-Arias
Ayuda a Grupos de Investigación de la Universidad de Oviedo. Plan Propio 2020
Code: GR-2020-0007
PI: Luz Mar González-Arias
Humanidades Médicas: Enfermedades humanas y enfermedades medioambientales en la literatura y cultura irlandesas
(edad moderna y contemporánea)
Code: PAPI-18-EMERG-21
PI: Marta Ramón García
Humanidades Médicas: La representación de la enfermedad en la literatura y cultura irlandesas (edad moderna y contemporánea)
Code: PAPI-17-PEMERG-18
PI: Luz Mar González-Arias