Javier A. Cabeza

Full Professor of Inorganic Chemistry



Departamento de Química Orgánica e Inorgánica

Centro de Innovación en Química Avanzada “ORFEO CINQA”

Facultad de Química, Universidad de Oviedo

E-33071 Oviedo



Office phone


Lab phone



+ 34-985103501


+ 34-985103449





Short CV


        Graduated in Chemistry (University of Zaragoza, 1980).

        Ph.D. in Chemistry (University of Zaragoza, 1983), with the thesis “Heteropolynuclear complexes of rhodium and iridium containing other precious metals and nitrogen heterocyclic ligands”, under the supervision of Luis A. Oro.

        Postdoctoral researcher with Peter M. Maitlis (Universty of Sheffield, U.K., 1983-1985), investigating the reactivity of arene-osmium complexes.

        Postdoctoral researcher with Luis A. Oro (University of Zaragoza, 1985-1987), working with metallomesogens and ruthenium carbonyl complexes.

        Professor (as of 1987) and Full Professor (as of 2005) of Inorganic Chemistry (University of Oviedo).

        Chair of the Orgamometallic Chemistry Section (GEQO) of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (2002-2010).

        Member of the International Editorial Advisory Board of the journal Organometallics (2008-2010).

        Director of 19 PhD theses.

        Author of more than 240 scientific publications.

        "Rafael Us—n" medal (GEQO-RSEQ) for an excellent life-long carrier dedicated to Organometallic Chemistry (2020).

        ORCID: 0000-0001-8563-9193.

        Scopus author ID: 7005402136.

        Researcher ID: C-5567-2011.






Research Interests

--Transition Metal Carbonyl Compounds: Synthesis, Reactivity and Catalytic Applications

--Complexes with N-heterocyclic carbenes as ligands

--Organometallic Chemistry with Heavier Tetrylenes



Research Group





Articles and Communications


Book Chapters



Supervised PhD Theses

Titles and Dates