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Authors wishing to make a submission to teorema should send an electronic version of their manuscript in WORD format. A PDF version must also be sent if the document contains diagrams or special symbols. Articles should not exceed 6000 words, and must be preceded by an abstract both in English and in Spanish (100 words maximum), and a short list of keywords. The text must be suitable for blind review.

The number of notes should be kept to a minimum. Bibliographical references in particular should be in square brackets after the quotation in the body of the text, according to the following model: author's name, date of publication in brackets, and page number(s).

[Williams (1978), pp. 123-34].

Notes should appear at the end of the article, preceded by the heading 'NOTES'. Next, there should appear an alphabetically-ordered list of the references mentioned in the body of the text, preceded by the heading 'REFERENCES'. For articles in a journal, the model is as follows:

PUTNAM, H. (1973), 'Meaning and Reference', Journal of Philosophy, vol. LXX, pp. 699-711.

In a volume of collected articles, the model is as follows:

BURGE, T. (1986), 'Cartesian Error and the Objectivity of Perception', in Pettit, P. and McDowell, J. (eds.), Subject, Thought and Context, Oxford, Clarendon Press, pp. 117-36.

For books, the model is as follows:

RYLE, G. (1949), The Concept of Mind, New York, Barnes and Noble.

Papers submitted to teorema cannot have been published previously elsewhere, or be under consideration by any other journal simultaneously.

teorema is a peer-reviewed journal. The review process takes a maximum of six months. All contributions should be submitted to:

Dr. A. García-Rodríguez

E-Mail: agarcia@um.es

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