Didactictac TV

DIDACTICTAC TV is an online TV channel developed at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of the University of Oviedo by a host number of researchers from very different areas of knowledge whose teaching is or has been related to Teacher Training. 
The channel is the result of several consecutive innovation projects belonging to the calls 2018 (PINN 18-A-22), 2019 (PINN-19-B-002), 2020 (PINN-20-074) and the Teaching Practice Call 2021-2022 (136684) from the University of Oviedo: “ONLINE TV IN TEACHER TRAINING: A MULTILINGUAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY TOOL” and “ONLINE TV AS A SHARED LEARNING SCENARIO BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY AND SCHOOLS”. The channel also includes the products developed through other new projects, such as: “MULTILINGUAL COMMUNICATION AND AUDIOVISUAL ARTS. CONTRIBUTION TO THE 2030 AGENDA” (2022-2023), and “Educational and multilingual videos generation in university and school contexts”  (2023-2024).. 
The channel includes contributions in video format, not only from participating university students and teachers, but also from students and teachers from many Primary, Secondary, Vocational Training and Other Education centres that have participated in these projects. 
DIDACTICTAC TV channel main goal is to value the educational audiovisual products created by students and disseminate them. Another channel priority is connecting the participating Teacher Training Faculties and promoting the relationship and cooperation amidst educational institutions. This interaction between the university and society is essential for the optimal development of the future professionals who are being trained here. 

Didactictac TV is related to the project titled OPEN INNOVATIVE RESOURCES FOR DISTANCE LEARNING 2020-1-PL01-KA-226 H6. For more information about this project, please refer to the following YouTube page.

OIR Project