Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Dates for pre-registration and registration for students from the University of Oviedo, other Universities and foreigner students belonging to the EHEA.
Early Pre-registration period: February 6 to March 31. Recommended pre-registration and enrollment period for non-resident foreigners outside the European Higher Education Area
Pre-registration: February 6 to March 31
Provisional lists of admitted students: April, 12
Claims: April, 15 and 16
Publication of the definitive list of admissions: April, 18
Reservation of places: April 18 to 23
Registration: April, 24 to 30
Students with foreign degrees in the early period. They must prove a bachelor’s degree or equivalent in the early pre-registration period. Non-accreditation entails inadmissibility. The student may attend the general pre-registration period
General Pre-registration period: May 1 to June 10
Extraordinary Pre-registration period: July 23 to August 23
Click her for on-line pre-registration
Pre-registration will involve completing the self-service form at the following online address:
The average grade equivalent for courses taken at foreign universities will be calculated based on the procedure set out in Resolution (21 March 2016) of the General Directorate for University Policy. For this purpose, applicants should follow the steps described on the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training website, where all the information for this procedure can be found:
Admitted students will have to formalize their reservation on-line by paying an advanced fee, substracted from the final price of the registration fees that will not, under any circumstance, be refunded or moved to other academic courses. In case the candidate does not pay the fee within the established period, they will lose their place in the Master’s Degree.
Once accepted onto a course, applicants need to reserve their place by making an enrolment down-payment of three hundred euros; this needs to be done within a specific deadline. Reservations are made online at
This reservation can be transferred if, at the end of the enrolment process, there are available places on the master’s degree course. In addition, the amount paid will be refunded if the master’s degree course does not go ahead due to reasons that are not attributable to the applicant, or if a student has not completed the course that led to the master’s degree. The down-payment cannot be transferred to other courses that have no available places.
If payment is not made within the established period of time, applicants will lose their place on the master’s degree course. At the end of the initial period for reserving places, lists will be published for any master’s courses that have vacancies, with the new list of accepted candidates, in accordance with the order on the waiting list that was initially published, and the corresponding deadline for reserving places. These lists will be published on the University of Oviedo website ( and also on the website of each centre responsible for the course.
Enrollment will be formalized through the on-line application created for this purpose and available at the website of International Graduate Center. When the enrollment process is finished, each student will be able to select the subjects they want to enroll in, depending on whether it will be in a full-time or part-time dedication scheme. During this process, students may also request that other studies or professional activities may be recognized. To do so, they will have to select the box titled «Solicita reconocimiento de créditos».
Click here to start the on-line registration
Enrolment will begin on the dates indicated for this purpose and is done through the computer application at the following online address
At that time, any students who have been accepted without having completed the pre-requisite course for being accepted on to the master’s course will need to provide documentary proof that they have completed it. Students who do not formalise their enrolment within the established deadlines will be deemed to have given up their place.
Issue of an invoice for enrolment in the name of the student and paid by the student:
Invoices are issued at the request of the recipient of the academic service as these are academic services exempt from VAT (art. 20 of Law 37/92, 28 December), and payment will not be made by means of a letter of payment but by the invoice. In order to issue an invoice, the due date established for enrolment will be taken into account. This is the concept to be invoiced and it must be made before the 16th day of the month following the month in which the operations have been carried out. It should be noted that Article 106.4 of the General Tax Law, on means and assessment of evidence, states that, ‘deductible expenses and deductions made, when they arise from transactions carried out by entrepreneurs or professionals, must be justified, as a matter of priority, by means of the invoice issued by the entrepreneur or professional who carried out the corresponding transaction or by means of the substitute document issued when the transaction was carried out, which in both cases meet the requirements set out in the tax regulations’. That is to say, even when the recipient is either an entrepreneur or a tradesperson, the possibility of a «replacement document» is allowed; even truer when the recipient is not an entrepreneur nor a tradesperson.
Issue of invoice for enrolment in the name of the student and paid by a third party company or entity:
The student will carry out the enrolment but will not proceed with the payment of the enrolment fee. Instead, the student will communicate the request for the issuing of an invoice to a third party. The concept of the invoice issued in this way must state that the invoice is issued for the purpose of payment of the student’s enrolment fee. The issuing of an invoice to a third party requires the company or entity to fill in the University’s third party creditors registration document (University of Oviedo Data Bank details form) and to attach a copy of their Tax Identification Code (CIF).