
Knowledge module


It consists of 7 face-to-face courses (all the course)- 3 credits each one. The student must complete a minimum of 9 credits corresponding to the 3 compulsory courses, up to a maximum of 21 credits.

1st Semester


  • Genetic Biodiversity: 3 ECTS
  • Biodiversity of marine food webs: 3 ECTS
  • Global change: 3 ECTS



  • Evolution and biogeography of marine organisms: 3 ECTS


Tools module

It consists of 7 face-to-face courses (all the course)- 3 credits each one. The student must complete a minimum of 9 credits corresponding to the 3 compulsory courses, up to a maximum of 21 credits.


1st Semester


  • Impact detection and evaluation: 3 ECTS



  • Geographic information systems and remote sensing: 3 ECTS
  • Legal and economic aspects of marine resources: 3 ECTS

Knowledge module

It consists of 7 face-to-face courses (all the course)- 3 credits each one. The student must complete a minimum of 9 credits corresponding to the 3 compulsory courses, up to a maximum of 21 credits.

2nd Semester



  • Biological invasions: 3 ECTS
  • Aquaculture: 3 ECTS
  • Marine Protected Areas: 3 ECTS

Tools module

It consists of 7 face-to-face courses (all teh course) – 3 credits each one. The student must complete a minimum of 9 credits corresponding to the 3 compulsory courses, up to a maximum of 21 credits.

2nd Semester


  • Molecular techniques and their application: 3 ECTS
  • Integrated Coastal Zone Management: 3 ECTS



  • Ecological modelling: 3 ECTS
  • Population biology applied to conservation: 3 ECTS


Internships module


  • Internships in companies: 18 ECTS


Master’s thesis


  • Master´s Thesis: 12 ECTS


General competences

Possess and understand knowledge that provides a foundation or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context.

Apply acquired knowledge and problem-solving abilities in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study.

Integrate knowledge to address the complexity of formulating judgments based on incomplete or limited information, including reflections on social and ethical responsibilities associated with the application of their knowledge and judgments.

Communicate conclusions, knowledge, and ultimate reasons underpinning them to both specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous manner.

Possess learning skills that enable them to continue studying in a manner that is largely self-directed or autonomous.

Specific competences

Select, handle, and exploit aquaculture species of marine origin.

Access and manage the legal and economic frameworks for the utilization of marine resources.

Identify and interpret the processes that regulate the structure and function of marine communities.

Identify and interpret genetic diversity, its changes, and the processes that shape its distribution in the marine environment.

Identify the processes responsible for changes in the concentration and distribution of elements in the ocean.

Analyze the viability of marine populations.

Interpret problems arising from the use of coastal zones.

Detect and prevent the introduction, establishment, and expansion of invasive species in the marine environment.

Interpret advanced mathematical models in marine environment conservation.

Analyze spatial patterns of marine species.

Effectively manage aquaculture facilities.

Manage protected marine areas.

Evaluate marine natural resources.

Estimate genetic diversity in marine organisms.

Make projections of global change using climatic and hydrographic models.

Detect and evaluate environmental impacts in the marine environment.

Handle spatial planning tools.

Use advanced software for ecological modeling.

Characterize oceanographic conditions in coastal and open-sea areas.

Handle molecular tools for the detection of genetic variation.

Manage programs.


Course Credits Duration Type Module Subject
Genetic Biodiversity 3.0 First Semester Compulsory
Biodiversity of Marine Trophic Webs 3.0 First Semester Compulsory
Global Change 3.0 First Semester Compulsory
Biological Invasions 3.0 Second Semester Optional
Marine Protected Areas 3.0 Second Semester Optional
Evolution and Biogeography of Marine Organisms 3.0 First Semester Optional
Aquaculture 3.0 Second Semester Optional
Molecular Techniques and their Applications 3.0 Second Semester Compulsory
Detection and Assessment of Impacts 3.0 First Semester Compulsory
Advances in Integrated Coastal Zone Management 3.0 Second Semester Compulsory
Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing 3.0 First Semester Optional
Ecological Modelling 3.0 Second Semester Optional
Legal and Economic Aspects of Marine Resources 3.0 First Semester Optional
Population Biology Applied to Conservation 3.0 Second Semester Optional
Master Dissertation 12.0 Second Semester Degree Final Project
Training in Enterprises 18.0 Second Semester Internships


Academic information (in spanish)

List of Previous Master Dissertation and SCI papers associated


University of Oviedo,

Master Thesis Dissertations

(from 2015 to present).


Cohort 2015-2016

1. Irene Fernández Rodríguez

TFM: Population and species assemblages of holothurians in a bathymetric gradient.

Tutor: José Luis Acuña and  Eva García Vázquez

Publication: Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom


2. Marina Parrondo Lombardía

TFM: Species-specific markers for monitoring the invasive fish Silurus glanis in Iberian waters.

Tutor: Yaisel Borrell

Publication: Journal for Nature Conservation


3. Marta Gómez Asenjo

TFM: Barcoding approach to the biological risks encompassing marine litter in the Cantabrian coast.

Tutor: Eva García Vázquez Eduardo Dopico Rodríguez and Laura Miralles López

Publication: Journal for Nature Conservation


4. Fernando Rayón Gómez

TFM: Social perception of biotic and abiotic marine pollution in the Cantabrian coast. A socioenvironmental approach.

Tutor: Eva García Vázquez Eduardo Dopico Rodríguez and Laura Miralles López

Publication: Marine Pollution Bulletin


5. María Ballesteros Rivas

TFM: Ecology of planktonic pteropods in the Bay of Biscay.

Tutor: José Luis Acuña and Rafael González-Quirós

6. María Nazarena Pérez López

TFM: Potential of the appendicularian Oikopleura dioica for artificial selection experiments.

Tutor: José Luis Acuña


Cohort 2016-2017

7. Carlota Barañano Carrión

TFM: Effects of clam harvesting on the resilience of a seagrass Zostera marina meadow: habitat fragmentation and genetic diversity.

Tutor: Yaisel Borrell and Emilio Fernández Suarez

Publication: Aquatic Botany


8. Sara Fernández Rodríguez

TFM: Biotic pollution and marine litter associated to coastal protected spaces in the Bay of Biscay.

Tutor: Eva García Vázquez, Eduardo Dopico Rodríguez and Laura Miralles López

Publication: Marine Pollution Bulletin


9. Saúl Rodríguez Martínez

TFM: Macroinvertebrate communities studied from environmental DNA for a new water quality index.

Tutor: Eva García Vázquez and Alba Ardura Gutiérrez

Publication: PLoS ONE


10. Héctor Gutiérrez Barón

TFM: Sponge biodiversity of deep bottoms in Gorringe Bank, NE Atlantic.

Tutor: José Luis Acuña and Javier Cristobo

11. Aitor Ibabe Arrieta

TFM: eDNA methodology to assess biota associated to marine litter.

Tutor: Eva García Vázquez and Jose Luis Martínez Fernández

Publication: PLoS ONE



Cohort 2017-2018

12. Víctor Gómez del Campo

TFM: Patterns of size, species and tidal height selection by limpet gatherers in the Asturian Coast (Cantabrian Sea, N Spain).

Tutor: José Luis Acuña Fernández.

13. Celia Solís González

TFM: Diversity of bioactive actinobacteria isolated from Avilés canyon sediments.

Tutor: Gloria Blanco Blanco and Aida Sarmiento-Vizcaíno.

14. Joshua García Herranz

TFM:  A preliminary assessment of fishery induced threats to Odontoceti species in the Bay of Biscay and the outlook for future conservation initiatives

Tutor: Eva García Vázquez and Laura Miralles López

15. Alumna: Olalla Alonso López

TFM:  Community changes induced by the spreading of the invasive polychaete Ficopomatus enigmaticus along the Asturian coast.

Tutor: Eva García Vázquez and Laura Miralles López

16. Ana Prieto Panero

TFM: Evaluating the Conservational mission at Bristol aquarium to schools and general public.

Tutor: José Manuel Rico Ordás and Eduardo Dopico Rodríguez


Cohort 2018-2019

17. Paula Masiá Lillo

TFM: Microplastics in the Cantabric coast: quantification and impact on areas with different anthropogenic influence.

Tutor: Eva García Vázquez and Alba Ardura Gutiérrez

Publication: Marine Pollution Bulletin


18. Alicia García Gallego

TFM: Whaling tradition through time – Social perception towards cetaceans along the Cantabrian coast.

Tutor: Yaisel Borrell and Laura Miralles López

Publication: Biodiversity and Conservation


19. Samuel López Menéndez

TFM: Genetic monitoring of exploited sea urchin populations in the central area of the Bay of Biscay using mitochondrial DNA.

Tutor: Yaisel Borrell and Laura Miralles López

Publication: Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems


20. Oriane Georges

TFM: Potential implications of Dead Sea – Red Sea water conveyance for aquatic biodiversity.

Tutor: Eva García Vázquez, José Luis Martínez Fernández and Sara Fernández Fernández

Publication: Marine Pollution Bulletin


21. Cristina Navarro Moreno

TFM: Diversity and distribution of the echinoderms (Echinodermata) in the central Cantabrian Sea (Asturias), based upon abiotic factors of the area.

Tutor: Andrés Arias Rodríguez

22. David Ruiz García

TFM: Paired-laser photogrammetry as a non-invasive technique for estimating shark body size and weight.

Tutor: Eva García Vázquez, Laura Miralles López and Pablo García Salinas

23. Paula Izquierdo Muruáis

TFM: Characterization of marine heat waves in the Asturian coast.

Tutor: José Manuel Rico

Publication: Science of The Total Environment


24. Lorena Labrado Martín

TFM: Influence of marine pollution on infectious diseases in marine mammals: review and data analysis.

Tutor: Alfredo F. Ojanguren

25. Jorge López Mañes

TFM: Risks for environmental health in coastal zones investigated from eDNA.

Tutor: Eva García Vázquez and Alba Ardura Gutiérrez


Cohort 2019-2020

26. Narkie Akua Agyeman

TFM: Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing in sharks revealed through barcoding.

Tutor: Gonzalo Machado Schiaffino

Publication: Genes


27. Arnaud Maxime, Moeykens

TFM: The status of rocky reef and nearshore fish fauna in Asturias (NE Spain).

Tutor: José Luis Acuña Fernández


Cohort 2020-2021

28. Ana Sánchez Rodríguez

TFM: Invertebrate diversity in aquarium substrates and its influence on the exhibited species

Tutors: Susana Acle and Andrés Arias

29. Ohiane Muñoz Martínez

TFM: Influence of diets on reproduction and variability of species exhibited in aquariums

Tutors: Susana Acle and Andrés Arias

30. Jaclyn Higgins

TFM: Comparison of extraction methods in the collection of the ocle (Gelidium corneum) in the Principality of Asturias and influence on the sustainability of the resource.

Tutor: José Manuel Rico Ordás

Publication: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science


31. Andrea Romero Bascones

TFM: Genetic monitoring on the octopus populations (Octopus vulgaris) from the Bay of Biscay.

Tutors: Yaisel J. Borrell and María Trinidad Pérez.

Publication: Animals


32. Paula Cabanilles Benito

TFM: Emerging pollutants in preys of Merluccius merluccius. Implications for resource conservation

Tutors: Eva García Vázquez and Alba Ardura

Publication: Diversity


33. Patricia Alcázar González

TFM: Epifaunal communities of seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) meadows under different anchoring pressure

Tutors: Fiona Tomas Nash and Gonzalo Machado Schiaffino

34. Diego Fernández Guerra

TFM: Genomics tools applied to the identification and conservation of economically relevant fish: Hake

Tutors: Gonzalo Machado Schiaffino

35. Lara María Sánchez Pertierra

TFM: Ecological succession in patches left by barnacle harvesters at the intertidal coast of Asturias

Tutors: José Luis Acuña


Cohort 2021-2022

36. Hugo Campillo Gancedo

TFM: Forensic DNA analysis for the study of illegal trade of eels.

Tutors: Eva Garcia Vazquez and Gonzalo Machado-schiaffino Ferrer

37. María Luisa López Muñoz

TFM: Enrichment of species at Bioparc Acuario de Gijón.

Tutors: José M. Rico and Susana Ocle

38. Laia Ribes Bort

TFM: Bycatch in sustainable fisheries: Charonia lampas in the octopus fishery on the western coast of Asturias as a case study.

Tutors: José L. Acuña and Yaisel J. Borrell

39. Guillermo Menéndez García

TFM: Looking for blue whiting: a case of fisheries multitrophic management through DNA-based techniques.

Tutors: Alba Ardura and Eva García-Vázquez

40. Daniel Andrés Gómez-Lobo Camacho

TFM: Population genetic structure of resident bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, from the Canary Islands.

Tutors: Laura Miralles and Yaisel J. Borrell

Publication: Animals


41. Noelia Novo Fernández

TFM: Identification and classification of invertebrates present in aquarium substrates and their influence on the species exhibited in aquariums.

Tutors: Andrés Arias and Susana Ocle

42. Amaia Bilbao Kareaga

TFM: Microplastics in marine macrophytes in the Asturian coast.

Tutors: Alba Ardura and Eva García-Vázquez

Publication: Algal Research

43. Esteban Pascual Parra

TFM: Morphology and Reproductive biology of Eunice norvergica from the Cantabrian Sea deep-water coral outcrops.

Tutors: Andrés Arias

44. Marta Pilar Moriano Ortiz

TFM: Traceability implications for heavy metal risks in commercial seafood.

Tutors: Alba ardura and Eva García-Vázquez

Publication: Food Control


45. Ricardo López Alonso

TFM: Diversity of gastropods (Mollusca) from the Central Cantabria Sea and the Aviles Canyon System.

Tutors: Andrés Arias


Cohort 2022-2023

46. José Enrique Madrid Ros

TFM: DNA effects in Artemia salina as model organism under microplastics exposure.

Tutors: Susana Acle & Alba Ardura

47. Álvaro Fernández Moran

TFM: Large scale shifts in environmental predictability across the North Atlantic.

Tutors: Juan Bueno & Nicolás F. Weidberg

48. Álex Gutiérrez Torre

TFM: Arthropod diversity from the Central Cantabrian Sea and the Avilés Canyons System.

Tutors: Andrés Arias

49. Carlos Durán Ruiz

TFM: Fine-scale distribution of relict populations of the knotted wrack Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jolis in the Villaviciosa estuary.

Tutors: Fernando González & José L. Acuña

50. Adriana Vaquero Llera

TFM: Hull fouling as an introduction vector for non-native species in the Cantabrian Sea.

Tutors: Andrés Arias & Deva Menéndez

51. Adam Michael Weber

TFM: Spatial and temporal patterns of stranding of neustonic drifters in the world ocean.

Tutors: Fernando González & José L. Acuña

52. Margherita Sofia Panzuto

TFM: Population genetic structure of resident short-finned pilot whales, Globicephala macrorhynchus, in the Macaronesia.

Tutors: Laura Miralles & Yaisel J. Borrell

53. Kevin Reagan,

TFM: Do they really know the ocean? Young citizens’ perception of marine ecosystems.

Tutors: Laura Miralles



Master Degree in Marine Conservation 2023-2024

Master Degree in Marine Conservation 2024-2025

Calendar MMC 2023-2024 Calendar MMC 2024-2025