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Publicados 5 volúmenes POETRY
Anglo-Portuguese Studies CFP
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Eighteen Hundred and Thirteen: A Poem, in Two Parts
“From The Countess Dowager of C____ To Lady___”
Constance de Castile. A poem, in ten cantos
Ode to Iberia
“The Call of Liberty”
Poems Dedicated to National Independence and Liberty
[“The Girl of Cadiz”]
Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage (Canto I)
The Vision of Don Roderick; a Poem
“The Burial of Sir John Moore after Corunna”
“Talavera. For the field of battle”
“For a monument at Albuhera”
Carmen Triumphale, for the Commencement of the Year 1814
“Sketch of an Epitaph on The Marquis of Romana”
“A War Song: Written in the Summer of 1808”
The Battles of Talavera
“To him who despairs of Spain”
The Battle of Albuera: A Poem. With an epistle dedicatory to Lord Wellington
The Campaign, a Poem; in conmemoration of the glorious battles of Vittoria & The Pyren
“Eclogue III: Fernandez e Isabella”
“ Elegy to the Memory of the Marquis de la Romana”
“The Good Old Times”
“Ode to Spain”
Eighteen Hundred and Eleven: A Poem; in Two Parts
he Siege of Zaragoza
The Battle of Talavera
The Battle of Salamanca
[“‘Mid the tempest that o’er her horizon is spread”]
“A Pindaric Effusion to the Cause of Spain and Europe”
“Spain and Liberty! Written extempore on hearing of the defeat of Dupont’s disciplined arm
“Address of a Spanish Chief to his Brave Companions in Arms”
“War Song of the Spanish Patriots”
“Ode on the Spirit of Spain: Written the Beginning of December, 1808”
“The Spanish Mother”
England and Spain; or Valour and Patriotism
“The Dying Patriot”
“To the memory of those who fell in the defence of Saragossa”
“The Isle of the Ocean is Tyranny’s Foe”
[“Hark! From Spain, indignant Spain”]
“On the Victory over Marmont, on the 22d July, 1812”
“Lines written on reading in the Edinburgh Review Some Remarks on the Continuation of the
“Liberty; a Dream”
“The Apes: A Fable from the Italian”
“Ode.The Deliverance of Spain. Written for the Museodean Society, and read by the Author a
“Sonnet, To The Spanish Patriots”
“Free Translation of the Verses Written by The Duke of Frias y Uceda, and Spoken by Him at
"The Crisis; Or, Britain`s Glory"
“Boney`s Proclamation; or Brother Joey or I. A New Song”
“The Battle of Barrosa, and Massena`s Retreat”
“Wellington`s Welcome. Written in Commemoration of the Arrival of that Illustrious Command
[“Mit Eichenlaub bekränzt den vollen Becher, und trinkt ihn fröhlich leer!“]
“Nachklänge Beethovenscher Musik“
“Rheinübergang. Kriegsrundgesang”
“Österreichs Adlergejauchze und Wappengruβ in Krieg und Sieg 1813“
“An Palafox”
Die Hermannsschlacht
“Deutsches Bundeslied”
Geharnischte Sonette
“Aussicht: Beim Wiederausbruch der Feindseligkeiten”
“Aufruf an den Kaiser Franz”
“Tyroler Kriegslied. Im April 1809”
“Als Oesterreich den Krieg erklärte. Königsberg 1809”
“Don Quixote”, “Der Franzoseund der Spanier” y “Spanischer Geist”
[ “Mein Erzbischof Primas”]
“Das Trauerspiel Numancia”
“Gute Zeichen”
“Gelübde. Zu Anfang des Jahres 1809”
"An Napoleon"
“Schlacht bei Vittoria. 21. Juni 1813”
“Die versöhnte Muse. An meine deutschen Brüder in Spanien. Juni 1812”
“Das neue Gaudeamus”
“Preussisches Soldatenlied”
“Der zweite Cäsar“, “Politische Charade“, “Diomedes und Napoleon“
“Gesang und Krieg”
“Der Kampf des Rechts“
“An die Deutschen “
“Rebrama pelos Ceos da Liberdade”
[‘Dias de aplauso, e pompa’]
“Prefação do Tejo Agradecido”
[“De hum Canto do Mundo ao Outro Canto”]
[“A Roliça, o Vimeiro, Toda a Beira”]
“Ode aos Faustíssimos Anos de S.A.R. a Princesa D. Carlota Joaquina N.S.”
[“A’s Torpes Mãos da Córsica Fereza”]
“Na Restauração de Lisboa”
[“Quando a Trombeta Horrisona da Guerra”]
“À Liberdade Nacional”
[“Hespanha, e Lysia folgão da Alliança”]
[“Alta Princeza, Augusta Segurança”]
[‘Na Iberia Apenas os Teus Dons Fulgirão’]
[“De Nascer e Morrer em Giro Eterno”]
[“A Carroça Velóz dos Leves Annos”]
[“Nymphas do Téjo, aos Cantos dos Tripudios”]
[“Luso, Anglo, Ibero na Sanhuda Guerra”]
“Pola Victoria de Salamanca”
[“Valerosos Portuguezes”]
[“Rasgada Nuvem de tormenta horrível”]
[“Captivo o Bom Fernando em Mãos Estranhas”]
[“Retrilha Affoita as Vagas Espumosas”]
[“A’ Corja Adusta do Cocito em Flammas”]
“Epître aux Espagnols”
“Ode sur la délivrance de l’Espagne”
Ode Pindarique, adressée aux peuples gémissants sous le joug tyrannique et oppresseur de c
“Le pied au cul de Madrid ou Entrée triomphale de Joseph Premier dans cette ville !!!”
“Justice et vaillance ”
“Le Fou de qualité et le lapidaire”
[« De la Francia emperador »]
“Le Numide à Rome”
“La Pioche”
“Le Scythe et Tibère”
“L’Espagne, la Russie et Napoléon”
“Dialogue entre Joseph et Napoléon”
“Chanson sur le retour de Moscou”
“Le Roi d’Yvetot”
“Agonie et mort de Nicolas”
“Il est mur”
[“Le Grand roi Joseph pâle et blême”]
Le Règne de Buonaparte, satires en vers français. Par un imitateur de Juvénal. Troisièm
Le Règne de Buonaparte, satires en vers français. Par un imitateur de Juvénal. Quatrième s
[Le Règne de Buonaparte, satires en vers français. Par un imitateur de Juvénal.] Sixièm
Satire septième. Dialogue Lutecius - Veridicus
atire sur l’Ambition
[“L’Ogre de Corse, rassasié d’exploits…”]
“Recette pour Composer le vinaigre des Quatre voleurs”
[“Vive à jamais l’Empereur des Français…”]
« Pot pourri »
[”Voudrait-on savoir la raison…“]
"La Fuite de Russie"
[« Sage Empereur, ta gloire est assurée… »]
“Le Conscrit du Languedoc”
Epître à Napoléon sur l’abus des conquètes (fragment)
“Si le sang que tu fis verser”
“Impromptu” [1]
“Au Lord Wellington”
“ Sur la prétendue Mort du petit Roi de Rome ”
“Impromptu” [2]
“Trio sur le ton de basse”
“Ode aux Romains”
Monody on the death of Sir John Moore: By M. G. Lewis. Recited at Drury-Lane Theatre by Mr