Erasmus Proyect KA204: 2019-1-ES01-KA204-063815 Adults’ teachers implementing successful and innovative models for employment and social inclusion; enhancing our European educational heritage and their consolidated values / Profesores de adultos implementando modelos exitosos e innovadores para el empleo y la inclusión social (2019-2022)

This Congress is part of the AEi Project (Adults, Employment & Inclusion). This is an international project to showcase successful and innovative practical activities. These activities are aimed at solving the problem of unemployment and the consequent social exclusion. And this can be done from the perspective of educational institutions, from entities or from companies with other complementary training actions.

This initiative allows teachers and education managers to share their most effective experiences among colleagues in various countries. From 2019 to 2022, members of this project are travelling to learn about real examples in each of these contexts. They will then implement these models in their respective environments. The University of Oviedo (Spain) leads this project and has 4 partners: the Regional Ministry of Education of Castilla y León (Spain); the Provincial Centre for Adult Education of Padova (Italy), the University of Vocational Training Ciechanow (Poland) and the educational centre Borgå Folkakademi (Finland).

The project is aimed at teachers and aims to disseminate, promote and share good practice in adult education.

Objectives of the AEi project:

  • Sharing and implementing effective educational practices among teachers;
  • To develop skills training for employment and inclusion of adults in vulnerable situations.

The real and urgent needs in our society are our priorities. We focus on teachers working in this training to provide employment solutions, and to solve situations for inclusion (segregated people, immigrants, social radicalism, ageing).

The actions aim to develop competences and teacher training. The key elements are:

  • Develop advanced strategies for training in and out of the classroom.
  • Developing job finding skills (traditional job finding and career enhancement strategies).
  • Develop competences for social inclusion (use of ICT and social networks, specific competences).
  • Develop context-specific competences for each of the partners (place, social typology, specific space-time circumstances).
  • Develop knowledge about European possibilities, and about other effective experiences in terms of results.

The priorities of the A-E-I project meet the general objectives, some horizontal priorities and several specific priorities of the ERASMUS+ KA2 programme.

Priority a) Responding to two major challenges in Europe: employment and inclusion. This priority is one of the concerns of governments and generates secondary problems (segregation, disruptive situations, social unrest, etc.). This challenge is crucial in a continent with migrations, with an ageing population, AND is in a continuous rethinking of the improvement of living and living together conditions.

Priority b) Meeting the specific needs of teachers/students through effective actions for employment in various institutions (formal and non-formal), including outside educational programmes. This priority requires an approach based on real and tangible actions, i.e. responding to the precise needs of each context.

Priority c) ICT training and research at university level. Advanced methodologies in teaching, ICT, specific programmes for adults, or effective Vocational Training are some of the actions to be learned about and then tested in specific contexts.

Priority d) Providing a response to disadvantaged groups (physically, mentally, socially, educationally, geographically and economically). This priority is a concretisation of the above mentioned; i.e. it tries to address the lack of skills and gaps in specific learning outcomes; the disparity between geographical areas (north-south or rural versus urban); with special attention to people at risk of poverty. This priority is closely linked to the horizontal priority KA2 on the development of competences that can facilitate learning (self-learning and inclusive training systems), job search and upgrading (lifelong learning, job mobility, experienced recognition and certification of professional competence, etc.).

Priority e) Incorporate good practices and new methods from the European perspective, from the knowledge of its regulations, its culture, its heritage and, in short, in this complex continental scenario.

The objective focuses on… sharing synergies and implementing solutions with similar organisations among partners, exchanging, getting to know, confronting ideas, practices and methods, improving competitiveness, applying good practices and promoting access to employment both at local and supranational level within the framework of the European Union.


This project “Adults’ teachers implementing innovative and successful models for employment and social inclusion; enhancing our European educational heritage and their consolidated values” is co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors. Neither the coordinators of this project, nor the European Commission, nor the Agencia Nacional Erasmus Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación, are responsible for the contents or any use that may be made of the information contained herein.

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