GEUO is recruiting excellent PhD students throughout the world (mobility rules apply) within an HORIZON-MSCA doctoral network to develop a multidisciplinar work in the field of biosensors for advanced clinical diagnostics of cancer
Dr. Miguel Aller is the recipient of one of the prestigious Ramón y Cajal contract
We are happy to announce that Miguel has decided to perform his world-class project at our University, specifically in our lab. This is a five-year tenure-track position with complementary teaching duties awarded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación from the Spanish Government among dozens of candidates from all around the world.
Congrats Miguel!
ADN: un reactivo muy versátil en medicina de precisión
N. de los Santos Álvarez
1er Congreso Internacional de Nanotecnología y Biotecnología (invited)
Bucaramanga (Colombia), Sept 20, 2024
Comparing nanobody and aptamer-based capacitive sensing for detection of interleukin-6 (IL-6) at physiologically relevant levels
R. Sánchez-Salcedo, R. Miranda-Castro, N. de-los-Santos-Álvarez, M.J. Lobo-Castañón, D.K. Corrigan
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 415, 2023, 7035-7045
GEUO attended the 19 International Conference on Electroanalysis
Dr. Rebeca Miranda and Alexandru Cobzariu have attended the ESEAC 2024 held at Ulm (Germany) on July 23-26, 2024. Dr. Miranda has participated with an interesting oral communication on protein glycosylation detection and Alexandru have shown a poster communication on his development of lncRNA detection.
New member in the group
From July 1, GEUO has a new group member. We welcome MSc Tarun K. Dhiman to our lab. He is an Engineer and Master in Nanotechnology and the awardee of a FPI grant. We hope your stay in Oviedo will be successful and pleasant.
Brillante defensa de TFM
Lucía García Flórez y Lidia Tuñón González han defendido con éxito sus trabajos fin de máster. Sus trabajos han sido realizados en nuestro laboratorio bajo la dirección de las Dra. Rebeca Miranda y Ana Díaz Fernández, respectivamente.
MSc. Lidia Tuñón González
MSc. Lucía García Flórez
Evaluation of aptamers against BCMA for the diagnosis of multiple myeloma
Lidia Tuñón González
July 2024
Supervisors: Dr. Ana Díaz Fernández and Prof. M.J. Lobo Castañón