Preparation of molecularly imprinted silicas as electrode materials.
5th Workshop on "Biomolecular recognition and signal transduction", Pisa (Italy), October 1998
Adenine nucleotides modified electrodes for the electrocatalytic oxidation of NADH.
ESEAC'98 7th European Conference on Electroanalysis, Coimbra (Portugal), May 24-28, 1998
Electrocatalytic oxidation of NADH at carbon paste electrodes modified with adenine nucleotide.
5th World Congress on Biosensors, Berlin (Germany), 1998
Determinación amperométrica de la actividad enzimática de lactato deshidrogenasa en suero humano mediante un electrodo de grafito modificado con ADP.
XI Reunión de la Sociedad española de Química Analítica, Valencia (Spain), September 22-24, 1999
Oxidación electrocatalítica de NADH sobre electrodos de grafito modificados con adenosina.
XI Reunión de la Sociedad española de Química Analítica, Valencia (Spain), September 22-24, 1999
Reconocimiento molecular en electrodos modificados con polifosfacenos impresos.
VI Reunión "Nuevas perspectivas en polímeros del Grupo especializado de polímeros de las Reales Sociedades Españolas de Física y Química", San Sebastián (Spain), 1999
Síntesis de polifosfacenos para reconocimiento molecular en sensores.
VI Reunión "Nuevas perspectivas en polímeros del Grupo especializado de polímeros de las Reales Sociedades Españolas de Física y Química", San Sebastián (Spain), 1999
Amperometric detection of d-sorbitol with nad+-d-sorbitol dehydrogenase modified carbon paste electrode.
Ibersensor 2000, Buenos Aires (Argentina), 2000
Voltammetric determination of cladribine in human serum and urine.
XII Reunión de la Sociedad española de Química Analítica, Huelva (Spain), September 19-21, 2001
Voltamperometría de adsorción de rifampicina sobre electrodos de pasta de carbono.
XII Reunión de la Sociedad española de Química Analítica, Huelva (Spain), September 19-21, 2001
Determinación voltamétrica directa de oligonucleótidos sobre electrodos de grafito.
XII Reunión de la Sociedad española de Química Analítica, Huelva (Spain), September 19-21, 2001
Detección electrocatalítica de la hibridación en secuencias cortas de ADN.
XII Reunión de la Sociedad española de Química Analítica, Huelva (Spain), September 19-21, 2001
Voltamperometría con electrodos modificados con polímeros impresos.
XII Reunión de la Sociedad española de Química Analítica, Huelva (Spain), September 19-21, 2001
Molecularly imprinted polymer solid phase extraction of diclofenac with adsorptive voltammetric detection.
2nd International Workshop on Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIP2002), La Grande Motte (France), 2002
Electrogenerated molecularly imprinted poly (phenol)-modified electrodes for selective detection of dopamine.
2nd International Workshop on Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIP2002), La Grande Motte (France), 2002
Molecularly imprinted films for the development of voltammetric sensors.
2nd International Workshop on Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIP2002), La Grande Motte (France), 2002
Electrocatalytic voltammetry for fludarabine determination in urine.
ESEAC'02 9th International Conference on Electroanalysis, Cracow (Poland), June 9-13, 2002
Adsortive-stripping voltammetry of rifamycins at unmodified and surfactant chemically-modified carbon paste electrodes.
ESEAC'02 9th International Conference on Electroanalysis, Cracow (Poland), June 9-13, 2002
Electrocatalytic detection of oligonuclotide hybridisation.
ESEAC'02 9th International Conference on Electroanalysis, Cracow (Poland), June 9-13, 2002
Biomimetic voltammetric sensor for vanillylmandelic acid (oral).
ESEAC'02 9th International Conference on Electroanalysis, Cracow (Poland), June 9-13, 2002
Guanine and N9-substituted derivatives as catalyst for NADH oxidation.
VIII ISAMEF/XIII SEQA, La Coruña (Spain), October 21-24, 2003
Molecular recognition of diclofenac by molecularly imprinted polymers coupled with voltammetric transduction.
VIII ISAMEF/XIII SEQA, La Coruña (Spain), October 21-24, 2003
Detection of DNA specific sequences and mutation by electrocatalytic oxidation of NADH through intercalated brilliant cresyl blue.
Workshop on new trends in nucleic acid based biosensors, Firenze (Italy), 2003
ETheoretical interaction energies between a template and a monomer: a guide for the design of molecularly imprinted polymers.
Workshop on new trends in nucleic acid based biosensors, Firenze (Italy), 2003
Rational design of an artificial recognition element for homovanillic acid: Application to voltammetric sensing in urine samples.
Synthetic Receptors 2003, Lisbon (Portugal), October 15-17, 2003
RVoltammetric sensor for homovanillic acid based on molecularly imprinted polymer-modified electrodes.
Synthetic Receptors 2003, Lisbon (Portugal), October 15-17, 2003
Moleculary imprinted polymer solid phase extraction of diclofenac with adsorptive voltammetric detection.
Euroanalysis, Salamanca (Spain), September 5-10, 2004
Determinación of flufenamic acid in serum based on adsorptive voltammetry on surfactant modified carbon paste electrodes.
Euroanalysis, Salamanca (Spain), September 5-10, 2004
Electrochemical detection of oligonucleotide surface hybridization measuring catalytic NADH oxidation by intercalated thionine.
Euroanalysis, Salamanca (Spain), September 5-10, 2004
Detección electrocatalítica de ADN sobre electrodos de grafito amplificada en presencia de iones calcio (oral).
Biotech 2004, Oviedo (Spain), July 19-23, 2004
Detección electroquímica de secuencias específicas de ADN mediante tionina intercalada como catalizador de la oxidación de NADH.
Biotech 2004, Oviedo (Spain), July 19-23, 2004
Comparative study of electrocatalytic properties of guanine derivatives towards NADH oxidation.
ESEAC'04 10th International Conference on Electroanalysis, Galway (Ireland), June 6-10, 2004
In situ surfactant modified electrodes for the determination of flufenamic acid in biological samples by adsorptive voltammetry.
ESEAC'04 10th International Conference on Electroanalysis, Galway (Ireland), June 6-10, 2004
Amplified electrocatalytic determination of DNA sequences at pyrolytic graphite electrodes in the presence of calcium ions.
The Eighth World Congress on Biosensors, Granada (Spain), May 24-26, 2004
Rational design of an artificial recognition element for homovanillic acid: Application to voltammetric sensing in urine samples (oral).
The Eighth World Congress on Biosensors, Granada (Spain), May 24-26, 2004
Correlation between theoretical predictions for MIP formulation and affinity distributions.
2nd World Congress on Synthetic Receptors, Salzburg (Austria), 2005
CO tolerance of ordered intermetallic phases.
ESEAC'06 11th International Conference on Electroanalysis, Bordeaux (France), June 11-15, 2006
Iron(III) porphyrin-modified electrodes for detection of chlorinated phenols.
ESEAC'06 11th International Conference on Electroanalysis, Bordeaux (France), June 11-15, 2006
Enzyme-amplified electrochemical detection of Legionella pneumophila using hairpin DNA probes.
ESEAC'06 11th International Conference on Electroanalysis, Bordeaux (France), June 11-15, 2006
Hydrogen-assisted and CO-assisted reductive deesorption of hydroquinon-derived adlayers from Pt(111) single crystal electrodes (oral).
210th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Cancun (Mexico), 2006
Towards a general scheme for the detection of small molecules using aptamers: impedimetric detection of Neomycin B (oral).
XIV Reunión de la Sociedad española de Química Analítica, Pollensa (Spain), October 1-3, 2007
Preparación y evaluación de fases estacionarias basadas en polímeros impresos para análisis de diclofenac por HPLC.
XIV Reunión de la Sociedad española de Química Analítica, Pollensa (Spain), October 1-3, 2007
Specific detection of Legionella Pneumophilla using hairpin-DNA probes immobilized on screen-printed gold electrodes.
Euroanalysis, Antwerp (Belgium), September, 2007
Trichlorophenol molecularly-imprinted polymer with dehaloperoxidase activity.
Euroanalysis, Antwerp (Belgium), September, 2007
Hydrogen-assisted and CO-assisted reductive desorption of hydroquinone-derived adlayers from Pt(111) single crystal electrodes (oral).
233rd ACS National Meeting, Chicago (USA), March 2007
Aptasensors for small molecules: a competitive impedimetric assay for the detection of aminoglycoside antibiotics (oral).
12th Conference on Electroanalysis, ESEAC 2008, Prague (Czeck Republic), June 16-19, 2008
PCR-coupled electrochemical detection of Legionella Pneumophila (oral).
12th Conference on Electroanalysis, ESEAC 2008, Prague (Czeck Republic), June 16-19, 2008
Chloroperoxidase based electrochemical sensor for trichlorophenol.
ESEAC 2008, Prague (Czeck Republic), June 16-19, 2008
Modified-RNA aptamer-tobramycin interaction. SPR Characterization and impdimetric detection.
Euroanalysis 2009, Innsbruck (Austria), September 6-10, 2009
Investigations on the electrocatalytic assessment of antioxidant capacity. Using a DNA-modified carbon paste electrode.
Euroanalysis 2009, Innsbruck (Austria), September 6-10, 2009
Development and characterization of an aptasensor for tobramycin through SPR measurements.
XV Reunión de la Sociedad española de Química Analítica, San Sebastián (Spain), July 19-21, 2009
Aptasensors as recognition elements (inivited lecture).
Screening, MedChem, ADMET Europe 2009, Berlín (Germany), February 23-25, 2009
Electrochemical aptamer-based biosensor coupled to paramagnetic microparticles for tobramycin detection (flash).
III Workshop Università degli Studi di Firenze, Firenze (Italy), October 26-29, 2010
Imprinted catalytic nanomaterial for the determination of trichlorophenol.
Macro2010, Glasgow (UK), July 11-16, 2010
Flow injection electrochemical detection of gliadin in food samples using a competitive ELISA immunoassay.
13th Conference on Electroanalysis, ESEAC 2010, Gijón (Spain), June 20-24, 2010
Aptamer-based electrochemical strategies for tobramycin detection.
13th Conference on Electroanalysis, ESEAC 2010, Gijón (Spain), June 20-24, 2010
Comparative detection of Legionella Pneumophila by voltammetric and SPR genosensors.
13th Conference on Electroanalysis, ESEAC 2010, Gijón (Spain), June 20-24, 2010
Biomimetic voltammetric sensor for 2,4,6-trichlorophenol based on a catalytic molecularly imprinted microgel.
13th Conference on Electroanalysis, ESEAC 2010, Gijón (Spain), June 20-24, 2010
Hairpin-DNA probe based electrochemical genosensors coupled to magnetic beads for the detection for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.
13th Conference on Electroanalysis, ESEAC 2010, Gijón (Spain), June 20-24, 2010
Electrochemical and catalytic oxidation of 5-hydroyindoleacetic acid.
13th Conference on Electroanalysis, ESEAC 2010, Gijón (Spain), June 20-24, 2010
Domain-selective reactivity of hydroquinone-derived adlayers atbasal Pt(hkl) single crystalelectrodes (oral).
13th Conference on Electroanalysis, ESEAC 2010, Gijón (Spain), June 20-24, 2010
Electrochemical reactivity of aromatic molecules at nanometer sized surface domains: from Pt(hkl) single crystal electrodes to preferentially oriented platinum nanoparticles.
13th Conference on Electroanalysis, ESEAC 2010, Gijón (Spain), June 20-24, 2010
Microfluidic-based electrochemical assay for nucleic acid detection (flash).
II Workshop on Analytical Miniaturization, Oviedo (Spain), June 7-8, 2010
Aptamers as recognition elements for analytical devices (invited lecture).
Workshop on Array Technologies, Istambul (Turkey), May 5-6, 2010
Analytical Performance of a DNA Aptamer-based for E. coli Detection in Water.
2nd International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology 2011, Amsterdam (The Netherlands), October 10-12, 2011
Magnetic molecularly imprinted catalytic polymer (MMIC) with peroxidase activity against 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA).
4th Graduate Student Symposium on Molecular imprinting, London (UK), September 28-30, 2011
Electrochemical strategies coupled to a genomagnetic assay for the detection of M. Tuberculosis (oral).
43 IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, San Juan (Puerto Rico), July 31-August 7, 2011
Reactivity of aromatic molecules at model electrocatalyst surfaces: From Pt(hkl) single crystals to preferentiallyoriented platinum nanoparticles.
43 IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, San Juan (Puerto Rico), July 31-August 7, 2011
Desenvolvimento de genossensores eletroquímicos para deteção de transgénicos em alimentos.
11º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos/11EQA - SPQ, Braganza (Portugal), 16-19 de septiembre de 2012
Magnetic molecularly imprinted catalytic polymer as biomimetic receptor in electrochemical tumor marker detection.
7th International Conference on Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Science and Technology. MIP 2012, Paris (France), August 27-30, 2012
Electrochemical genomagnetic assay for identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
14th Conference on Electroanalysis, ESEAC 2012, Portoroz (Eslovenia), 3-7 de junio de 2012
Electrochemical detection of gliadin using magnetic beads.
14th Conference on Electroanalysis, ESEAC 2012, Portoroz (Eslovenia), 3-7 de junio de 2012
Electrochemical detection of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid based on magnetic catalytic MIP at nanostructured electrodes.
14th Conference on Electroanalysis, ESEAC 2012, Portoroz (Eslovenia), 3-7 de junio de 2012
Effect of the enzyme label on a gluten genosensor based in a sandwich hybridization format.
14th Conference on Electroanalysis, ESEAC 2012, Portoroz (Eslovenia), 3-7 de junio de 2012
Electrochemical genosensor for indirect gluten detection using disposable screen printed gold electrode.
14th Conference on Electroanalysis, ESEAC 2012, Portoroz (Eslovenia), 3-7 de junio de 2012
Molecularly imprinted hemo-acrylic polymers: artificial catalysts mimicking redox enzymes (oral).
5th Potsdam Days on Bioanalysis, Postdam (Germany), Nov 7-8, 2013
Electrochemical competitive aptamagnetic assay for gliadin, Nano-scaled arrangements of proteins, aptamers and other nucleic acid structures and their potential applications (invited lecture).
EC COST Action TD 1003: Bio-inspired nanotechnologies: from concepts to applications, Leipzig (Germany), October 8-9, 2013
Electrochemical genoassay for the event-specific detection of Roundup Ready® soybean.
VI Workshop Nanociencia y Nanotecnología avanzada, Alcalá de Henares (España), 8-9 de julio de 2013
Amplificación isotérmica de ADN: una prometedora herramienta en la detección electroquímica rápida y sensible de patógenos (oral).
XVIII Reuníón Seqa, Úbeda (España), 16-19 de junio de 2013
Detección electroquímica del ADN relacionado con la soja transgénica variedad Roundup Ready®.
XVIII Reuníón Seqa, Úbeda (España), 16-19 de junio de 2013
Event Specific Genosensors For Maize MON810: A Comparison of Strategies using Disposable Screen-printed and 3D Nanostructured Au Electrodes.
3rd lnternational Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology, Sitges (España), 12-15 de mayo de 2013
Helicase-Dependent Isothermal DNA Amplification Coupled with an Electrochemical Genomagnetic Assay to Detect Pathogens.
3rd lnternational Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology, Sitges (España), 12-15 de mayo de 2013
Towards an Electrochemical Disposable Genosensor For Gluten Detection in Food Samples.
3rd lnternational Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology, Sitges (España), 12-15 de mayo de 2013
A novel electrochemical DNA sensor using disposable screen-printed gold electrodes for peanut allergen Ara h 2 detection.
3rd lnternational Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology, Sitges (España), 12-15 de mayo de 2013
Towards rapid and inexpensive detection of GMO specific events: Electrochemical genosensors on disposable Au electrodes.
18th Meeting of the Portuguese Electrochemical Society, Oporto (Portugal), 25-27 de marzo de 2013
Gold Nanoarrays-Based Chronocoulometric Genosensor for GMO Control in Food and Feed.
International Conference on Recent advances in textile and electrochemical sciences, Karaikudi (India), 21-23 de marzo de 2013
Electrochemical genosensor for GMO screening of food and feed: Detection of 35S promoter.
2nd Workshop GMOsensor project, Parnaíba (Brasil), December 5-7, 2014
Electrochemical magnetoassay for the detection of genetically engineered soybean.
XII International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference (Chempor 2014), Porto (Portugal), September 10-12, 2014
Anti-gliadin aptamer based-assay: an innovative alternative for detecting food allergens.
International Conference on Electrochemical Sensors (Mátrafüred 2014), (Hungary), June 15-20, 2014
Electrochemical genomagnetic assay for quantification of nucleic acid targets using helicase-dependent isothermal amplification (oral).
5th International Conference on Electroanalysis ESEAC 2014, Malmö (Sweden), June 15-11, 2014
Synthesis and functionalization of Fe3O4@Au core-shell nanoparticles for the electrochemical detection of maize MON810.
5th International Conference on Electroanalysis ESEAC 2014, Malmö (Sweden), June 11-15, 2014
Ultrasensitive electrochemical aptassay for detection of gluten in food: improving celiac patients’ safety.
5th International Conference on Electroanalysis ESEAC 2014, Malmö (Sweden), June 11-15, 2014
From oligos to real samples: challenges to obtain a high-quality and quantity dna for genosensing.
1st Workshop GMOsensor project "DNA Amplification strategies for GMO sensing: isothermal and signal amplification", Oviedo (Spain), March 10-11, 2014
Electrochemical genomagnetic assay for quantification of nucleic acid targets using asymmetric helicase-dependent isothermal amplification.
1st Workshop GMOsensor project "DNA Amplification strategies for GMO sensing: isothermal and signal amplification", Oviedo (Spain), March 10-11, 2014
Synthesis and functionalization of Fe3O4@Au core-shell nanoparticles for the electrochemical detection of maize MON810.
1st Workshop GMOsensor project "DNA Amplification strategies for GMO sensing: isothermal and signal amplification", Oviedo (Spain), March 10-11, 2014
Electrochemical genoassays for the event-specific detection of Roundup Ready® soybean.
1st Workshop GMOsensor project "DNA Amplification strategies for GMO sensing: isothermal and signal amplification", Oviedo (Spain), March 10-11, 2014
Development of a new genosensor for peanut alleergen Ara h 2 detection and its optimization by surface response methodology.
1st Workshop GMOsensor project "DNA Amplification strategies for GMO sensing: isothermal and signal amplification", Oviedo (Spain), March 10-11, 2014
A factorial design for optimization of the analytical variables on the development of a genoassay for the transgenic soybean detection.
20th Meeting of the Portuguese Electrochemical Society, Braga (Portugal), October 21-23, 2015
Development of an electrochemical nanomagneto genoassay for the maize endogenous HMGA gene detection.
20th Meeting of the Portuguese Electrochemical Society, Braga (Portugal), October 21-23, 2015
Nuevas herramientas analíticas para la detección de gluten en alimentos: aptámeros y genosensores.
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicoquímicas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto (Argentina), August 20, 2015
Diseño de enzimas artificiales basado en polímero molecularmente impresos: sensores electroquímicos biomiméticos.
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicoquímicas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto (Argentina), August 20, 2015
Superparamagnetic core-shell nanoparticles synthesis and their use as electrochemical platform for the screening of genetically modified organisms (oral).
3rd Workshop International GMOsensor "Protein-based vs DNA-based strategies", Río Cuarto (Argentina), July 29-30, 2015
Nature-inspired DNA amplification strategies combined with electrochemical genosensors for on-site screening of GM crops (oral).
3rd Workshop International GMOsensor "Protein-based vs DNA-based strategies", Río Cuarto (Argentina), July 29-30, 2015
Aptamers as alternative receptors for transgenic proteins: expanding the analytical tool box for GMO detection (oral).
3rd Workshop International GMOsensor "Protein-based vs DNA-based strategies", Río Cuarto (Argentina), July 29-30, 2015
Development of an electrochemical nanomagneto genoassaay for the maize endogenous hmga gene detection (oral).
3rd Workshop International GMOsensor "Protein-based vs DNA-based strategies", Río Cuarto (Argentina), July 29-30, 2015
Nanoparticle-mediated amplification for electrochemical detection of DNA in GMO monitoring (oral).
3rd Workshop International GMOsensor "Protein-based vs DNA-based strategies", Río Cuarto (Argentina), July 29-30, 2015
A Plackett-Burman design for optimization of the analytical variables on the development of a genoassay for the transgenic soybean detection (oral).
3rd Workshop International GMOsensor "Protein-based vs DNA-based strategies", Río Cuarto (Argentina), July 29-30, 2015
Expanding the analytical tool box for celiac patient’s safety: an electrochemical aptasensor for gluten detection in food (oral).
XXXVI Reunión del Grupo de Electroquímica de la Real Sociedad Española de Química-XVII Encontro Ibérico de Electroquímica, Vigo (España), July 13-15, 2015
Electrochemical genosensor for the control of GMO in food and feed using helicase-dependent amplification (oral).
XX Reunión de la Seqa, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), July 1-3, 2015
Best oral presentation award
Sensitive electrochemical detection of Salmonella DNA based on silver nanoparticles and helicase dependent isothermal amplification.
XX Reunión de la Seqa, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), July 1-3, 2015
Are we ready to tackle food labelling regulations?: electrochemical genosensors as food safety analysis tools for screening of genetically modified crops.
4th lnternational Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology, Lisbon (Portugal), May 10-13, 2015
Nucleic acid-based sensors for food safety and quality control (invited lecture).
17 Conference RME 2016, Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Nov 7-9, 2016
Electrochemical DNA-based sensors: expanding the analytical tool-box (invited lecture).
First workshop on electrochemical devices, Porto (Portugal), October 13-14, 2016
Artificial catalysts mimicking redox enzymes: electrochemical biomimetic sensors (invited lecture).
First workshop on electrochemical devices, Porto (Portugal), October 13-14, 2016
Electrochemical genoassay with gold-coated magnetic nanoparticles as new approach to detect the soybean GTS40-3-2 event in food and feed (oral).
XVIII Iberian Electrochemistry Meeting, Braganza (Portugal), September 14-17, 2016
Electrochemical molecular detection of Salmonella using DNA-coated Indium-Tin-Oxide electrodes as sensing platform.
6th Euchems Chemistry Congress, Sevilla (Spain), September 11-15, 2016
Tuning the packing density of DNA on gold surfaces to retain biological functionality (oral).
67th Annual Meeting ISE, The Hague (The Netherlands), August 21-26, 2016
Electrochemical molecular detection of Salmonella using DNA-coated indium-tin-oxide electrodes as sensing platform (oral).
ESEAC 2016, Bath (UK), June 12-16, 2016
Different nanostructured platforms for the electrochemical genosensors development: transgenic detection.
Nanoscience and nanotechnology International Conference, Braga (Portugal), February 16-19, 2016
Novel strategies for cancer biomarker detection in blood (oral).
II Workshop on electrochemical devices II Workshop Electrobionet, Mieres (Spain), November 9-10, 2017
Electrochemical magnetogenosensing for simultaneous detection of two Roundup Ready® soybean lines: GTS 40-3-2 and MON89788 (oral).
II Workshop on electrochemical devices II Workshop Electrobionet, Mieres (Spain), November 9-10, 2017
Selection of aptamers recognizing aberrant PSA glycosylation.
II Workshop on electrochemical devices II Workshop Electrobionet, Mieres (Spain), November 9-10, 2017
Selection of specific aptamers against VLPs of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus.
II Workshop on electrochemical devices II Workshop Electrobionet, Mieres (Spain), November 9-10, 2017
Anchored helicase-dependent amplification on a DNA-coated indium-tin-oxide electrode: an accurate test for the electrochemical and optical detection of Salmonella (oral).
Euroanalysis 2017, Stockholm (Sweden), August 28- September 1, 2017
Screening of transgenic crops by electrochemical biosensors combined with DNA amplification strategies.
46th World Chemistry Congress, Sao Paolo (Brazil), July 9-14, 2017
Surface isothermal nucleic-acid based amplification strategies in integrated electrochemical biosensors (oral).
XXXVIII Reunión del grupo de electroquímica de la Real Sociedad Española de Química-XIX Encontro Ibérico de Electroquímica, Vitoria (Spain), July 5-7, 2017
Aptasensors for glycoprotein tumor markers: new tools for cancer diagnostics (invited lecture).
International Conference on Electrochemical Sensors (Mátrafüred 2017), Visegrad (Hungary), June 11-16, 2017
Nucleic acid-based sensors for the detection of gluten in food: a tool for ensuring the safety of celiac patients (invited lecture).
253rd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco (USA), April 2-6, 2017
Direct electrochemical detect ion of waterborne pathogen’s 165 rRNA using thioaromatic-based oligonucleotide monolayers (oral).
1st European BioSensor Symposium, Postdam (Germany), March 20-23, 2017
A robust indium-tin-oxide platform for the electrochemical detection of Salmonella (oral).
1st European BioSensor Symposium, Postdam (Germany), March 20-23, 2017
Development of electrochemical aptasensors for Food and biomedical analysis.
Seminar in Doctoral School in life Sciences, food and human health, University of Udine (Italy), December 4, 2018
A competitive aptamer assay for gluten detection in deep eutectic solvents (flash commnunication).
XXXVII Congress of the Analytical Chemistry Division, Bologna (Italy), September 16-20, 2018
Isothermal aptamer elongation for sensitive tumor biomarker electrochemical detection, (Keynote).
XXXIX Reunión del Grupo de Electroquímica de la Real sociedad Española de Química & 3rd E3 Mediterranean Symposium, Madrid (Spain), July 2-5, 2018
Challenges in the development of aptasensor for food and biomedical applications (oral).
Bioelectrochemistry and Bioelectronics on Macromolecules, Brno (Czech Republic), June 12-15, 2018
Rolling circle-amplified electrochemical aptasensors for cancer biomarker detection (oral).
17th International Conference on Electroanalysis (ESEAC 2018), Rhodes (Greece), June 3-7, 2018
Detection of cancer-related glycosylation changes in prostate specific antigen using aptasensors (oral).
17th International Conference on Electroanalysis (ESEAC 2018), Rhodes (Greece), June 3-7, 2018
Selection of aptamers against gluten immunotoxic peptide in deep eutectic solvent.
17th International Conference on Electroanalysis (ESEAC 2018), Rhodes (Greece), June 3-7, 2018
Development of electrochemical aptasensors for biomedical analysis.
Ponce Health Science University, Ponce (PR), invited seminar, 22 de abril de 2019
Biosensores como herramientas para mejorar nuestra calidad de vida.
XVII Simposio de Investigación Científica Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico, Ponce (PR). Conferencia plenaria., 26 de abril de 2019
Aptamers truncation by secondary structure analysis and thir application to detect gliadin.
XXVIII Congress of the Analytical Chemistry Division. Societá Chimica Italiana, Bari (Italy), September 22-26, 2019
Electrochemical aptasensor for the detection of cancer-related glycosylation changes in prostate specific antigen.
C3Bio Bath Conference on Biosensors, Bioelectronics and Biodevices 2019, Bath (UK), Sept 9-10, 2019, oral
Aptámeros para el reconocimiento del patrón de glicosilación en proteínas: aplicación a la detección del cáncer de próstata.
XXII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica (Seqa 2019), oral, Valladolid (Spain), July 17-19, 2019
Monitoring changes in the expression profile of long noncoding RNAs associated with prostatic cancer by using an electrochemical biosensing platform.
XXV International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics of the Bioelectrochemical Society, Limmerick (Ireland), May 26-30, 2019, oral
Selection of aptamers recognizing the glycosylation site of PSA: aptasensors for detection of cancer-related glycosylation changes.
6th European Chemical Biology Symposium ECBS/LS-EuChemS, Madrid (Spain), April 3-5, 2019, oral
Isothermal amplification of aptamers for the sensitive detection of cancer biomarkers.
6th European Chemical Biology Symposium ECBS/LS-EuChemS, Madrid (Spain), April 3-5, 2019
Best poster award
Aptamer-based electrochemical sensors for the analysis of tumor biomarkers.
2nd European Biosensor Symposium (EBS 2019), Florence (Italy), February 18-21, 2019, (keynote)
Invited lecture
Electrochemical dual biosensor platform for the early diagnosis of prostate cancer.
70th Annual Meeting ISE, Belgrade (Serbia online), August 31 - September 4, 2020
Exploiting glucose meters for early detection of prostate cancer.
70th Annual Meeting ISE, Belgrade (Serbia online), August 31 - September 4, 2020
Electrochemical characterization of aptamers against a potential biomarker of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
70th Annual Meeting ISE, Belgrade (Serbia online), August 31 - September 4, 2020
TdT vs RCA: DNA isothermal amplifications to improve the analytical performance of aptamers.
70th Annual Meeting ISE. Best poster award, Belgrade (Serbia online), August 31 - September 4, 2020
POSTER AWARD (second prize)
Detection of cancer-related glycosylation changes in prostate specific antigen using electrochemical label-free aptasensors.
70th Annual Meeting ISE (oral), Belgrade (Serbia online), August 31 - September 4, 2020
Genosensor electroquímico dual para el diagnóstico del cáncer de próstata a través de la medida de ARN largo no codificante.
Jornada científica de jóvenes investigadores de la red sensores y biosensores electroquímicos (ELECTROBIONET) (oral), virtual, May 13-14, 2021
33 mer peptide detection method for the diagnosis of celiac disease by isotope dilution mass spectrometry.
Mass Spectrometry Advances in the Clinical Lab (MSACL 2021), Salzburg (Austria) virtual,, September 12-16, 2021
Directed selection of aptamers for more specific cancer diagnosis.
3rd International Conference on Analytical and Bioanalytical Methods, Boston (online), Invited, October 18-20, 2021
Aptamers against cancer biomarkers: selection and integration into electrochemical sensors.
72nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Jeju Island, Korea/Online, (oral), August 29- September 3, 2021
Electrochemical biosensing platforms for monitoring long non-coding RNAs: towards a more reliable early detection of prostate cancer.
Current Trends in Electrochemistry: 41st Meeting of the Electrochemisty Group of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (oral), Paris (France), July 6-9, 2021
Aptamer selection for vancomycin using magnetic beads-based SELEX technology.
XXVIth International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics (BES), Cluj-Napoca (Romania), virtual, May 9-13, 2021
Nuevas estrategias basadas en aptámeros y espectrometría de masas para el seguimiento y diagnóstico de la enfermedad celíaca.
II Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Enfermedad Celíaca (SEEC), Huesca (virtual) May 13-14, 2021
The increasing issue of antibiotic resistance: selection of a new aptamer for a glycopeptide antibiotic.
Aptamers 2021, Online, April 14-15, 2021
Non-invasive approach for the early diagnosis of prostate cancer by using an electrochemical platform.
3rd European Biosensors Symposium, Online March 9-12, 2021
Electrochemical aptasensors for cancer-related biomarkers: moving toward a more specific diagnosis.
XXVIth International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics (BES) Keynote, May 9-13, 2021
Aptamer-based assays for diagnosis and management of celiac disease.
XVIth International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics (BES) (oral), Cluj-Napoca (Romania), virtual, May 9-13, 2021
Nuevos receptores moleculares para diagnóstico y terapia del adenocarcinoma ductal de páncreas.
1er Congreso Virtual Sociedad Española de Investigaciones Quirúrgicas (SEIQ) (oral), March 11-12, 2021
Preliminary results of lncRNAs as biomarkers for colorectal cancer diagnosis.
26th Congress of the Spanish Society for Surgical Research (SEIQ), Gijón (España), September 29-30, 2022
Diseño de sensores electroquímicos para diagnóstico temprano de cáncer colorrectal basados en la detección de ARNs largos no codificantes.
Jornada científica sobre nuevas plataformas sensoras miniaturizadas. Red Electrobionet, Burgos, November 25, 2022 (oral),
Bioelectrochemical platforms for the detection of long non–coding RNAs upregulated in cancer.
1st Regional Meeting of the ISE, Prague (Czeck Republic)., August 15-19, 2022. Invited keynote lecture
Exploring the human noncoding transcriptome with bioelectrochemical platforms for early cancer diagnosis.
Reunión Científica del Grupo Especializado en Ciencia y Tecnologías (Bio)Analíticas (GCTbA), Granada, June 29, 2022
Evaluation of circulating lncRNAs as diagnostic biomarkers for colorectal cancer screening.
XVIII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica, Oviedo, July 12-14, 2022
Determinación de PSA mediante aptasensores electroquímicos para el diagnóstico de cáncer de próstata.
XVIII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica, Oviedo, July 12-14, 2022
Lectin-mimicking aptamers to bind glycoproteins: Potential for early diagnosis of cancer.
XXXVIII Reunión bienal de la Sociedad Española de Química, Granada (Spain), June 27-30, 2022 (oral)
ssDNA aptamer selection for glycopeptide antibiotics.
20th International Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis, Pecs (Hungary), June 24-30, 2022
Bioelectroanalytical platforms for the detection of circulating long noncoding transcripts as potential diagnostic biomarkers of colorectal cancer.
3rd Workshop Electrobionet "Electrochemical sensors and biosensors" (oral), Miraflores de la Sierra (Madrid)., June 23-24, 2022
New electrochemical approaches for PSA detection using aptamers to prostate cancer diagnosis.
3rd Workshop Electrobionet "Electrochemical soensors and biosensors" (oral), Miraflores de la Sierra (Madrid), June 23-24, 2022
Análisis del péptido 33 mer por IDMS para el diagnóstico de la enfermedad celíaca.
X Meeting of the Spanish Society of Mass Spectrometry (XRSEEM), flash poster, Córdoba., May 31-June 2, 2022
Determinación del péptido 33 mer mediante análisis por dilución isotópica y espectrometría de masas en tándem para el diagnóstico de la enfermedad celíaca.
I Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores de la SEEM (oral). Miraflores de la Sierra (Madrid)., March 24-25, 2022
Detection of long non-coding RNAs upregulated in colorectal cancer with an electrochemical bionsenso.
The 9th Early Career Researcher Meeting, Analytical Bioscience Group, RSC (oral), virtual, March 24-25, 2022
Electrochemical detection of the biomarker IL-6 at physiologically relevant levels.
The 9th Early Career Researcher Meeting, Analytical Bioscience Group, RSC (oral), virtual, March 24-25, 2022
Revealing prevalent cancers by interrogating glycoproteins with sustainable immunoelectrochemical tools.
4th European Biosensor Symposium,, Aachem (Germany) August, 27-30. 2023
ELASA electroquímico para la realización de biopsias líquidas.
Jornada científica sobre nuevas plataformas sensoras para análisis en entornos biológicos. Red ELECTROBIONET, Sevilla, November 24, 2023 (oral)
Exploring long noncoding RNA dysregulation in cancer using electrochemical sensing platforms.
NanoBalkan 2023, Tirana (Albany),, October 16-20, 2023. Invited talk
Aptamer based detection of emerging cancer biomarkers to guide cancer diagnosis and management.
XXI EuroAnalysis Congress, Geneva (Switzerland),, August 27-31, 2023 (invited talk).
Bioelectrochemical platform combining a lectin-mimicking aptamer and an antibody for the detection of serum amyloid protein (SAP).
II Reunión Científica del Grupo Especializado en Ciencia y Tecnologías (Bio)Analíticas de la RSEQ, Zaragoza, June 27-28, 2023
Electrochemical nucleic acid based sensing platforms for circulating long non-coding RNAs dysregulated in cancer.
XXXIX Reunión Bienal de la Sociedad Española de Química, Zaragoza., June 25-29, 2023
De la molécula genética a la molécula genérica: el ADN como herramienta hacia una medicina personalizada y más precisa para todos.
Seminario escuela graduada de la Universidad de Puerto Rico - recinto de Mayagüez (invited), April 18, 2023
De la molécula genética a la molécula genérica: el ADN como herramienta hacia una medicina personalizada y más precisa para todos.
XX Simposio de Investigación Científica de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico., Ponce (Puerto Rico), April 21, 2023 Conferencia plenaria
Selection of Tumour Surface Biomarker Specific Aptamer for Targeted Delivery Nanosystem as Innovative Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treatment.
1st PhD Multidisciplinary Chemical Congress, Gijón., January 19-20, 2023
Electrochemiluminescence Biosensor for Detecting Single Point Mutation of the KRAS Gene on Screen-Printed Electrodes.
1st PhD Multidisciplinary Chemical Congress, Gijón,, January 19-20, 2023
Study on the Diagnostic Value of lncRNAs as Plasma Biomarkers of Colorectal Cancer.
1st PhD Multidisciplinary Chemical Congress, Gijón, January 19-20, 2023
Prostate cancer diagnosis by PSA detection using new electro-chemical aptasensors.
1st PhD Multidisciplinary Chemical Congress, Gijón, (flash poster), January 19-20, 2023
ADN: un reactivo muy versátil en medicina de precisión.
1er Congreso Internacional de Nanotecnología y Biotecnología (invited), Bucaramanga (Colombia), Sept 20, 2024
Solid-phase recombinase polymerase amplification and electrochemical detection of nucleic acid-based circulating cancer biomarkers.
19 International Conference on Electroanalysis, ESEAC 2024, Ulm (Germany), July 23-26, 2024
Lectin-mimicking aptamer as a generic glycoprotein receptor forearly cancer diagnosis: application in the detection of serumamyloid P (SAP) component.
19 International Conference on Electroanalysis, ESEAC 2024, Ulm (Germany), July 23-26, 2024
Biosensores electroquímicos basados en amplificación isotérmica por recombinasa polimerasa para monitorizar ARN largo no codificante sobreexpresado en cáncer de colon.
GERSEQ 44, Leioa (Spain), July 3-5, 2024
Differential thermal analysis of electrochemical.
GERSEQ 44, Leioa (Spain), July 3-5, 2024
Selection of aptamers for detecting a hepatocellular carcinomabiomarker in clinical samples.
XXVIII International Symposium Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics (BES 2024), Alcalá de Henares (Spain), May 19-23, 2024
When the aptamer secondary structure is not enough for optimization: computational assisted rational truncation of aptamers for electrochemical sensing.
XXVIII International Symposium Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics (BES 2024), Alcalá de Henares (Spain), May 19-23, 2024
Evaluación de la capacidad de unión de aptámeros al antígeno específico de próstata.
VI Congreso Internacional Multidisciplinario Ciencia Latina, Colombia, March 13-16, 2024
Magnetic beads SELEX technology: advancing aptamer selection towards personalized antibiotic treatment.
Aptamers 2024, Oxford (UK), March 18-19, 2024
3D aptamer structure matters: computational-assisted aptamer optimization for electrochemical sensing.
Aptamers 2024, Oxford (UK), March 18-19, 2024 (oral)