GEUO is recruiting excellent PhD students throughout the world (mobility rules apply) within an HORIZON-MSCA doctoral network to develop a multidisciplinar work in the field of biosensors for advanced clinical diagnostics of cancer
Dr. Miguel Aller is the recipient of one of the prestigious Ramón y Cajal contract
We are happy to announce that Miguel has decided to perform his world-class project at our University, specifically in our lab. This is a five-year tenure-track position with complementary teaching duties awarded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación from the Spanish Government among dozens of candidates from all around the world.
Congrats Miguel!
GEUO attended the 19 International Conference on Electroanalysis
Dr. Rebeca Miranda and Alexandru Cobzariu have attended the ESEAC 2024 held at Ulm (Germany) on July 23-26, 2024. Dr. Miranda has participated with an interesting oral communication on protein glycosylation detection and Alexandru have shown a poster communication on his development of lncRNA detection.
New member in the group
From July 1, GEUO has a new group member. We welcome MSc Tarun K. Dhiman to our lab. He is an Engineer and Master in Nanotechnology and the awardee of a FPI grant. We hope your stay in Oviedo will be successful and pleasant.
Brillante defensa de TFM
Lucía García Flórez y Lidia Tuñón González han defendido con éxito sus trabajos fin de máster. Sus trabajos han sido realizados en nuestro laboratorio bajo la dirección de las Dra. Rebeca Miranda y Ana Díaz Fernández, respectivamente.