
162. Morán-López T, Campagna S, Schleuning M, García D, Morales JM (under review). Trait matching affects frugivory at global scales, but more in temperate areas.
161. Jiménez-Albarral JJ, Morán-López T, Illera JC, Miñarro M, García D (under review). Insectivore diet conditions trade-offs between ecosystem services and disservices of bird species in apple orchards.
160. Miñarro M, García D (under review). Landscape composition differentially shapes bat biodiversity components and foraging activity in apple orchards.

159. García D, Morán-López T, Miñarro M (2024). Biodiversidad y funciones ecosistémicas en las interacciones mutualistas planta-animal. En: Medel R, Traveset A, Navarro L (eds.) Más allá de la pérdida de especies: Interacciones ecológicas en el Antropoceno, pp: 128-152. Ediciones Fremen, Santiago de Chile. PDF
158. Eeraerts M,....,  García D (9th/25), ..., Isaacs R (2024). Pollination deficits and their relation with insect pollinator visitation are cultivar-dependent in an entomophilous crop. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 369:109036 PDF Supplementary Material
157. García D, Rumeu B, Illera JC, Miñarro M, Palomar G, González-Varo JP (2024). Common birds combine pest control and seed dispersal in apple orchards though a hybrid interaction network. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 365:108927 PDF Supplementary Material

156. Morán-López T, Rodríguez-Perez J, Donoso I, Martínez D, Morales  JM, García D (2023). Forest recovery through applied nucleation: effects of tree islet size and disperser mobility on tree recruitment in a temperate landscape. Forest Ecology and Management 550:121508 PDF Supplementary Material
155. González-Varo JP, Albrechtb J, Arroyo JM, Bueno RS, Burgos T, Escribano-Ávila G,  Farwig N, García D, Illera JC, Jordano P, Kurekj P, Rösnerg S, Virgós E, Sutherland WJ (2023) Frugivore-mediated seed dispersal in fragmented landscapes: compositional and functional turnover from forest to matrix. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 120:e2302440120 PDF Supplementary Material
154. García D, Quevedo M. (2023). Por qué necesitamos que el monte esté "sucio". The Conversation 01/06/2023 online
153. García D (2023). Asturias no arde, la queman. The Conversation 02/04/2023 online
152. García D, Suárez-Seoane S, Jiménez-Alfaro B, Álvarez D, Álvarez-Álvarez P, Álvarez-Martínez JM, Barquín J, Calvo L, Illera JC, Laiolo P, Pérez-Silos I, Quevedo M, Roces-Díaz JV, Santín C (2023). Renaturalización pasiva en la Cordillera Cantábrica: bases y retos científicos para una sostenibilidad socio-ecológica. Ecosistemas 32 (1): 2507 PDF Online
151. Miñarro M, García D, Rosa-García R (2023). Pollination of exotic fruit crops depends more on extant pollinators and landscape structure than on local management of domestic bees. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment  347:108387 PDF Supplementary Material
150. Schleuning M, García D, Tobias JA (2023). Animal functional traits: towards a trait-based ecology for whole ecosystems. Functional Ecology 37:4-12 PDF
149. Peña R, Schleuning M, Miñarro M, García D (2023). Variable relationships between trait diversity and avian ecological functions in agroecosystems. Functional Ecology 37:87-98 PDF Supplementary Material
148. Peña R, Schleuning M, Dalerum F, Donoso I, Rodríguez-Pérez J, García D (2023). Abundance and trait-matching both shape interaction frequencies between plants and birds in seed dispersal networks. Basic and Applied Ecology 66:11-21. PDF Supplementary Material

147. Miñarro M, Rosa-García R, García D (2022). El rendimiento del cultivo del kiwi depende de una buena polinización por insectos.Tecnología Agroalimentaria-SERIDA 27:10-17. PDF
146. García D (1st/14), ..., Santín C (2022). Patrones y procesos de renaturalización pasiva en la Cordillera Cantábrica. Universidad de Oviedo. CC BT-NC-SA 4.0. PDF Online
145. Miñarro M, García D (2022). Los abejorros son imprescindibles para la polinización del arándano.Tecnología Agroalimentaria-SERIDA 26:2-9. PDF Online
144. Rumeu B, González-Varo JP, de Castro C, López-Orta A, Illera JC, Miñarro M, García D (2022). Increasing efficiency and reducing bias in the detection of seed-dispersal interactions based on mist-netted birds. Oikos 2022:e09261 PDF Supplementary Material
143. Zamora R, Barea-Azcón JM, Pérez-Luque AJ, García D, Aspízua R, Cano-Manuel FJ (2022). Los enebrales de la alta montaña de Sierra Nevada: conservación y restauración. Consejería de Agricultura,Ganadería, Pesca y Desarrollo Sostenible (Junta de Andalucía)-Universidad de Granada. 89 pp. PDF
142. García D, Miñarro M, Peña R, Illera JC, Palomar G, Rumeu B (2022). Aves insectívoras y control biológico de plagas en cultivos de manzano de sidar de Asturias. PHYTOMA 336:17-23. PDF
141. Allen-Perkins A, ..., García D (61th/190), ..., Bartomeus I (2022). CropPol: a dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination. Ecology 103:e3614 PDF Online

140. Rey PJ, Camacho FM, Tarifa R, Martínez-Núñez C, Salido T, Pérez AJ, García D (2021).Persistence of seed dispersal in agroecosystems: effects of landscape modification and agricultural intensification in avian frugivores, frugivory and seed deposition in olive croplands. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9:782462 PDF Supplementary Material
139. Bueno R, García D, Galetti M, La Mantia T (2021) Trophic and spatial complementarity on seed dispersal services by birds, wild mammals and cattle in a Mediterranean woodland pasture. Global Ecology and Conservation 31: e01880 PDF Supplementary Material
138. Hamback P, Cirtwill A, García D, Grudzinska-Sterno, Miñarro M, Tasin M, Yang X, Samnegard U (2021). More intraguild prey that pest species in arachnids diets may compromise biological control in apple orchards. Basic and Applied Ecology 57:1-13 PDF Supplementary Material
137. Roquer-Beni L, …, García D (5th/15), …, Bosch J (2021). Management-dependent effects of pollinator functional diversity on apple pollination services: a response-effect trait approach. Journal of Applied Ecology 58:2843-2853 PDF Supplementary Material
136. Martínez-Núñez C, Rey PJ, Manzaneda AJ, García D, Tarifa R, Molina JL(2021). Insectivorous birds are not effective pest control agents in olive groves. Basic and Applied Ecology 56:270-280 PDF Supplementary Material
135. Garratt MPD ..., García D (20th/34)... Zhusupbaeva A (2021). Opportunities to reduce pollination deficits and address production shortfalls in an important insect pollinated crop. Ecological Applications 31:e02445 PDF Supplementary Material
134. Laiolo P (coordinator) ..., García D (8th/14)... Tomás F (2021). Chapter 3. Preserving biodiversity and its functions under global change. In: García MB & Jordano P (topic coordinators) Volume 7. Global Change Impacts. CSIC Scientific Challenges: Towards 2030, pp: 74-101. Editorial CSIC. PDF Book online.
133. Miñarro M, García D (2021). Complementary contribution of wild bees and managed honeybee to the pollination niche of an introduced blueberry crop. Insects 12:595 PDF Supplementary Material
132. González-Varo JP ..., García D (10th/19)... Traveset A (2021). Limited potential of bird migrations to assist plant dispersal towards cooler latitudes under climate change. Nature 595:75-79 PDF Supplementary Material
131. Díaz M ..., García D (9th/27)... Velando-Alonso E (2021). Environmental objectives of Spanish agriculture: Scientific guidelines for their effective implementation under the Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2030. Ardeola 68:445-460 PDF Supplementary Material 
130. Motta L, Vitali A, Amico GC, García D, Rodríguez-Cabal M (2021). Post-dispersal seed predation in Patagonia temperate forest depends on habitat patchiness and seed species. Plant Ecology  PDF Supplementary Material
129. Hutchinson L ..., García D (12th/35)... Garratt MPD (2021). Using ecological and field survey data to establish a national list of the wild bee pollinators of crops. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 315:107447 PDF Supplementary Material
128. Martínez-Sastre R, Peña R, González-Ibáñez A, García D, Miñarro M (2021). Top-down and bottom-up regulation of codling moth populations in cider apple orchards. Crop Protection 143:105545 PDF Supplementary Material
127. Miñarro M, García D (2021). Las cajas nido para pájaros ayudan a controlar las plagas del manzano. Tecnología Agroalimentaria-SERIDA 24:2-7. PDF online
126. García D, Miñarro M, Martínez-Sastre R (2021). Enhancing ecosystem services in apple orchards: nest boxes increase pest control by insectivorous birds. Journal of Applied Ecology 58:465-475 PDF  Supplementary Material
125. Hevia V, García-LLorente M, Martínez-Sastre R, Palomo S, García D, MIñarro M, Pérez-Marcos M, Sánchez JA, González JA (2021). Do farmers care about pollinators? A cross-site comparison of farmers perceptions, knowledge, and management practices for pollinator-dependent crops. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 19:1-15  PDF
124. Coux C, Donoso I, Tylianakis JM, García D, Martínez D, Dehling DM, Stouffer DB (2021). Tricky partners: native plants show stronger interaction preferences than their exotic courterparts. Ecology 102:e03239 PDF Supplementary Material  

123. García D, Christianini AV (2020) Arde el Brasil de Bolsonaro: contexto global de un desastre ecológico. The Conversation 20/07/2020 online
122. García D ,Miñarro M (2020) Sin insectos polinizadores ni aves no hay sidra. The Conversation 20/07/2020 online
121. Miñarro M, García D. (2020) Conservar la biodiversidad de las pumaradas nos beneficia a todos. El Campo de Asturias 47:28. PDF
120. Miñarro M, García D. (2020) Decálogo para una pumarada sostenible. Tecnología Agroalimentaria-SERIDA 23:2-5. PDF online
119. Rumeu B, Donoso I, Rodríguez-Pérez J, García D (2020) Frugivore species maintain their structural role in the trophic and spatial networks of seed dispersal interactions. Journal of Animal Ecology 89:2168-2180. PDF Supplementary Material
118. Acevedo-Quintero JM, Zamora-Abrego JG, García D (2020). From structure to function in mutualistic interaction networks: topologically important frugivores have greater potential as seed dispersers. Journal of Animal Ecology 89:2181-2191 PDF Supplementary Material
117. Peña R, Schleuning M, Donoso I, Rodríguez-Pérez J, Dalerum F, García D (2020). Biodiversity components mediate the response to forest loss and the effect on ecological processes of plant–frugivore assemblages. Functional Ecology 34:1257-1267 PDF Supplementary Material
116. Martínez-Sastre R, García D, Miñarro M, Martín-López B (2020). Farmers’ perceptions and knowledge of natural enemies as providers of biological control in cider apple orchards. Journal of Environmental Management 266:110589 PDF Supplementary Material
115. Martínez-Sastre R, Miñarro M, García D (2020). Animal biodiversity in cider apple orchards: simultaneous environmental drivers and effects on insectivory and pollination. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 295:106918 PDF Supplementary Material
114. Bueno R, García D, Galetti M, Lamantia T. (2020) Past cover modulates the intense and spatially structured regeneration of woody vegetation in a Mediterranean pastureland. Plant Ecology 221:205-2018 PDF

114. Varios autores, documento escrito de forma colectiva (2019) Medidas para la conservación de la biodiversidad de los polinizadores en la península Ibérica. Revista Ecosistemas de la Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre (3/02/2019) CC BT-NC-SA 4.0. PDF 
112. Samnegar U, Alins G, Boreux V, Bosch J, García D, Happe AK, Klein A, Miñarro M, Mody K, Porcel M, Rodrigo A, Roquer-Beni L, Tasin M & Hambäck P. (2019) Management trade-offs on ecosystem services in apple orchards across Europe: direct and indirect effects of organic production. Journal of  Applied Ecology  56:802-811 PDF
111. Dugger PJ, ..., García D (11th/34), ... Schleuning M (2019) Seed dispersal networks are less nested and more specialized in the Neotropics than in the Afrotropics. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28: 248-261 PDF Supplementary Material
110. Happe AK, Alins G, Boreux V, Bosch J, García D, Hambäck P, Klein AM, Martínez-Sastre R, Miñarro M, Müller AK, Porcel M, Rodrigo A, Roquer-Beni L, Samnegar U, Tasin M & Mody K. Predatory arthropods in apple orchards across Europe: responses to agricultural management, adjacent habitat, landscape composition and country (2019). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 273:141-150 PDF Supplementary Material

109. García D & Miñarro M (2018) ¿Cómo combatir la crisis de las abejas? Argumentos sobre el futuro y la conservación de un agente polinizador. La Nueva España 17/07/2018 PDF
108. Miñarro M & García D. (2018) Complementarity and redundancy in the functional niche of cider apple pollinators. Apidologie 49:789-802 PDF Supplementary Material
107. Miñarro M, García D & Martínez-Sastre R (2018) Biodiversidad de polinizadores en el manzano de sidra. Tecnología Agroalimentaria-SERIDA 21:17-24 online PDF Material Suplementario
106. García D, Donoso I & Rodríguez-Pérez J. (2018) Frugivore biodiversity and complementarity in interaction networks enhance landscape scale seed dispersal. Functional Ecology 32:2742–2752. PDF Supplementary Material Lay Summary
105. García D, Miñarro M, Martínez-Sastre R & Peña R (2018) Control de plagas del manzano de sidra por aves silvestres. Tecnología Agroalimentaria-SERIDA 21:2-9 online PDF
104. García D, Miñarro M & Martínez-Sastre R (2018)  Biodiversidad de aves insectívoras en pumaradas de sidra. Tecnología Agroalimentaria-SERIDA 21:10-16 online PDF
103. Bullock J, Bonte D, Pufal G, Carvalho CdS, Chapman D, García C, García D, Matthysen E & Delgado MM (2018) Human-mediated dispersal and the rewiring of spatial networks. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 33:958-970 Online Open Access
102. Miñarro M & García D (2018) Unravelling pest infestation and biological control in low-input orchards: the case of apple blossom weevil. Journal of Pest Science 91:1047-1061 PDF Supplementary Material
101. Miñarro M & García D (2018)  El gorgojo de la flor del manzano: ¿un problema para las pumaradas de Asturias? Tecnología Agroalimentaria-SERIDA 20:10-17 online PDF
100. Simmons BI, Sutherland WJ, Dicks LV, Albrecht J, Farwig N, García D, Jordano P & González-Varo JP (2018) Moving from frugivory to seed dispersal: incorporating the functional ouctomes of interactions in plant-frugivore networks. Journal of Animal Ecology 87:995-1007 PDF Supplementary Material
99. Miñarro M, García D & Martínez-Sastre R (2018). Insect pollinators in agriculture: importance and management of biodiversity (in Spanish with English abstract). Ecosistemas 27(2):81-90 DOI: 10.7818/ECOS.1394 PDF 
98. Barquín, J, Álvarez-Martínez JM, Jiménez-Alfaro B, García D, et al. (2018) The integration of knowledge about the Cantabrian Cordillera: towards an inter-regional observatory of global change (in Spanish with English abstract). Ecosistemas 27(1):96-104 DOI: 10.7818/ECOS.1435 PDF
97. Gaston KJ, Cox DTC, Canavelli S, García D, Hughs B, Maas B, Martínez D, Ogada D & Inger R. (2018) Population abundance and ecosystem service provision: the case of birds. Bioscience 68:264-272 PDF  Supplementary Material  
96. García D, Miñarro M & Martínez-Sastre R (2018) Birds as suppliers of pest control in cider apple orchards: avian biodiversity drivers and insectivory effect. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 254:233-243 PDF Supplementary Material

95. Donoso I, García D, Martínez D, Stouffer DB & Tylianakis JM (2017) Complementary effects of species abundances and ecological neighborhood on the occurrence of fruit-frugivore interactions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 5:133. PDF Supplementary Material   
94. Donoso I, Schleuning M, García D & Fründ J. (2017) Defaunation effects on seedling recruitment depend on species size matching and size-trade-offs in seed dispersal networks. Proceedings of the Royal Society B DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2016.2664 PDF Supplementary Material
93. Rodríguez-Pérez J, García D, Martínez D & Morales JM (2017) Seed dispersal by changing frugivore assemblages: a mechanistic test of global change effects. Oikos 126:672-681 PDF Supplementary Material
92. Martínez D & García D  (2017) Role of avian seed dispersers in tree recruitment in woodland pastures. Ecosystems 20:616-629 PDF Supplementary Material
91. García D (2017). Book review (in Spanish): Şekercioğlu, ç, Wenny, D.G. y Whelan, C.J. (2016). Why birds matter. Avian ecological function and ecosystem services. the University of Chicago press. Chicago. 387 p. ISBN 978-0-226-38246-2. Ardeola 64: 154-159. PDF

90. Donoso I, García D, Rodríguez-Pérez J & Martínez D (2016) Incorporating seed fate into plant-frugivore networks increases interaction diversity across plant regeneration stages. Oikos 125:1762-1771 PDF Supplementary Material
89. García D  (2016) Birds in ecological networks: Insights from bird-plant mutualistic interactions. Ardeola 63 (1):151-180 PDF
88. García D, Carlo TA &  Martínez D (2016) Differential effect of landscape structure on the large-scale dispersal of co-occurring bird-dispersed trees. Basic and Applied Ecology 17:428-437 PDF Supplementary Material
87. Miñarro M & García D (2016). Manzana, kiwi y arándano: sin insectos no hay frutos ni beneficios. Tecnología Agroalimentaria-SERIDA 18:4-8. PDF

86. Lavabre J & García D (2015) Geographic consistency in the seed dispersal patterns of Taxus baccata L. in the Iberian Peninsula. Forest Systems 24(3), e040, PDF.
85. Martínez D & García D (2015) Disentangling habitat use by frugivorous birds: constant interactive effects of forest cover and fruit availability. Basic and Applied Ecology 16:460-468. PDF Supplementary Material
84. Schleuning M, Fründ J & García D (2015) Predicting ecosystem function from biodiversity and mutualistic networks: an extension of trait-based concepts to plant-animal interactions. Ecography 38:380-392. PDF
83. Valiente-Banuet A, Aizen MA, Alcántara JM, Arroyo J, Coccuci A, Galetti M, García MB, García D, Gómez JM, Jordano P, Medel R, Navarro L, Obeso JR, Oviedo R, Ramírez N, Rey PJ, Traveset A, Verdú M & Zamora R. (2015) Beyond species loss: extinctions of ecological interactions in a changing world. Functional Ecology 29:299-307. PDF Supplementary Material
82. Martínez D & García D (2015) Changes in fruiting landscapes relax restrictions on zoochorous tree dispersal into deforested lands. Applied Vegetation Science 18:197-208 PDF Supplementary Material
81. García D, D Martínez & JE Lavabre (2015). Regeneración del Tejo en las montañas cantábricas: ampliando el enfoque a través del espacio, el tiempo y la complejidad ecológica. Actas de las IV Jornadas Internacionales del Tejo, Monestir de Poblet, 23-25/10/2014, pp:17-27. CTFC, Lleida. PDF

80. García D, Martínez D, Stouffer DB & Tylianakis JM (2014) Exotic birds increase generalization and compensate for native bird decline in plant-frugivore assemblages. Journal of Animal Ecology 83:1441-1450 PDF Supplementary Material
79. Rodríguez-Pérez J, García D & Martínez D (2014) Spatial networks of fleshy-fruited trees drive the flow of avian seed dispersal through landscape. Functional Ecology 28:990-998 PDF Supplementary Material
78. Martínez D, García D & Herrera JM (2014) Consistency and reciprocity in indirect interactions between trees mediated by frugivorous birds. Oikos 123:414-422. PDF  Supplementary Material
77. Valdés A, García D, García MB & Ehrlén J (2014) Contrasting effects of different landscape characteristics on population growth of a perennial forest herb. Ecography 37:230-240. PDF Supplementary Material

76. Valdés A & García D (2013) Recruitment limitations in Primula vulgaris in a fragmented landscape. Basic and Applied Ecology 14:565-573. PDF
75. Peredo A, Martínez D, Rodríguez-Pérez J & García D (2013) Mammalian seed dispersal in Cantabrian woodland pastures: network structure and response to forest loss. Basic and Applied Ecology 14:378-386. PDF Supplementary Material
74. Morales JM, García D, Martínez D, Rodríguez-Pérez J & Herrera JM (2013) Frugivore behavioural details matter for seed dispersal: a multi-species model for Cantabrian thrushes and trees. PLoS ONE (6):e65216. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065216. PDF Supplementary Material
73. Carlo TA, García D, Martínez D, Geditsch JM & Morales JM (2013) Where do seeds go when they go far? Distance and directionality of avian seed dispersal in heterogeneous landscapes. Ecology 94:301-307. Ecology Cover PDF Supplementary Material
72. García D, Martínez D, Herrera JM & Morales JM (2013) Functional heterogeneity in a plant-frugivore assemblage enhances seed dispersal resilience to habitat loss. Ecography 36: 197-208.  PDF  Supplementary  Material

71. Roura-Pascual N, Brotons L, García D, Zamora R, de Cáceres M (2012) Local and landscape-scale biotic correlates of mistletoe distribution in Mediterranean pine forests. Forest  Systems 21:179-188. PDF Supplementary Material
70. García D & Martínez D (2012) Species richness matters for the quality of ecosystem services: a test using seed dispersal by frugivorous birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279: 3106-3013. PDF  Supplementary  Material

69. Aschero, V. & García D (2012) The fencing paradigm in woodland conservation: consequences for recruitment of a semi-arid tree. Applied Vegetation Science 15: 307-317. PDF

68. García D (2012) Efectos biológicos de la fragmentación de hábitats: nuevas aproximaciones para resolver un viejo problema. Ecosistemas 20(2): 1-10. PDF

67. Valdés A & García D (2011) Direct and indirect effects of landscape change on the reproduction of a temperate perennial herb. Journal of Applied Ecology 48:1422-1431. PDF
66. Herrera JM, Morales JM & García D (2011) Differential effects of fruit availability and habitat cover for frugivore-mediated seed dispersal in an heterogeneous landscape. Journal of Ecology 99:1100-1107. PDF
65. Herrera JM, García D, Martínez D & Valdés A. (2011) Regional vs.local effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on two plant-animal interactions. Ecography 34:606-615. PDF
64. Herrera JM, García D & Morales JM (2011) Matrix effects on plant-frugivore and plant-predator interactions in a fragmented forest. Landscape Ecology 26:125-135. PDF 
63. Obeso JR, Martínez I & García D (2011) Seed size is heterogeneously distributed among destination microhabitats in animal dispersed plants. Basic and Applied Ecology 12:134-140. PDF
62. García, D, Zamora R & Amico GC (2011) The spatial scale of plant-animal interactions: effects of resource availability and habitat structure. Ecological Monographs 81:103-121. PDF

61. García D, Zamora R & Amico GC (2010) Birds as suppliers of seed dispersal in temperate ecosystems: conservation guidelines from real-world landscapes. Conservation Biology 24: 1070-1079 PDF Appendices
60. Herrera JM & García D (2010) Effects of forest fragmentation on dispersal and seedling establishment in ornithochorous trees. Conservation Biology 24: 1089-1098. PDF

59. Valdés A & García D (2009) Applying a continua landscape approach to evaluate plant response to habitat fragmentation: Primula vulgaris in the Cantabrian mountains. Applied Vegetation Science 12: 504-515. PDF
58. Verheyen K, Adriaenssen S, Michalczyk IM, Ward L, Rosseel Y, Van den Broeck A & García D (2009) Juniperus communis: victim of a combined action of climate change and nitrogen deposition? Plant Biology 11: 49-59. PDF
57. García D, Rodríguez-Cabal M & Amico GC (2009) Seed dispersal by a frugivorous marsupial shapes the spatial scale of a mistletoe population. Journal of Ecology 97: 217-229. PDF
56. Herrera JM & García D (2009) Role of remnant trees in seed dispersal through the matrix: being alone is not always so sad. Biological Conservation 143: 149-158. PDF
55. García D, Chacoff NP, Herrera JM & Amico GC (2009) La escala espacial de las interacciones planta-animal. En: Medel, R., Aizen, M.A.  y Zamora, R. (eds.) Ecología y evolución de interacciones planta-animal: conceptos y aplicaciones, pp: 133-156. Editorial Universitaria, Santiago, Chile. PDF
54. Montesinos D & García D (2009) 5210. Matorrales arborescentes de Juniperus spp. En: VV AA (eds.) Bases ecológicas para la conservación de los tipos de hábitat de interés comunitario en España. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino. 52 pp. PDF
53. Montesinos D & García D (2009) 5130. Formaciones de Juniperus communis en brezales o pastizales calcáreos. En: VV AA (eds.) Bases ecológicas para la conservación de los tipos de hábitat de interés comunitario en España. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino. 39 pp. PDF

52. Iñesta C, Terrados N, García D & Pérez JA (2008) Heart rate in professional musicians. Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 3:16.  PDF
51. Méndez M, García D, Maestre FT & Escudero A (2008) More ecology is needed to restore Mediterranean ecosystems: A reply to Valladares & Gianoli.  Restoration Ecology 16: 210-216. PDF
50. Hódar JA, Castro J, Zamora R, Gómez JM & García D (2008) Biomass allocation and growth responses of Scots pine saplings to simulated herbivory depend on plant age and light availability. Plant Ecology 197: 229-238. PDF
49. Martínez I, García D & Obeso JR (2008) Differential seed dispersal patterns generated by a common assemblage of vertebrate frugivores in three fleshy-fruited trees. Écoscience 15: 189-199. PDF
48. Chacoff NP, García D & Obeso JR (2008) Effects of pollen quality and quantity on pollen limitation in Crataegus monogyna (Rosaceae) in NW Spain.  Flora 238: 499-507. PDF
47. Amico GC, García D & Rodríguez-Cabal M (2008) Spatial structure and scale-dependent microhabitat use by endemic tapaculos (Rhinocryptidae) in a South American temperate forest. Ecología Austral 18: 169-180. PDF
46. Herrera JM & García D (2008) La conservación de zorzales dispersantes, un grupo de aves sólo protegido a medias en España. Quercus 274: 14-21. PDF
45. Matías L, García D & Zamora R (2008) Efectos escala-dependientes de la abundancia de semillas y la estructura del hábitat en la depredación post-dispersiva de dos especies de matorral mediterráneo. En: Maestre, F.T, Escudero, A. y Bonet, A. (eds.) Introducción al análisis espacial de datos en ecología y ciencias ambientales: métodos y aplicaciones, pp: 591-604. URJC-AEET-CAM. PDF
44. Herrera JM y García D (2008) ¿Es posible distinguir los patrones acumulativos en los cambios de escala? Un caso práctico con interacciones planta-frugívoro. En: Maestre, F.T, Escudero, A. y Bonet, A. (eds.) Introducción al análisis espacial de datos en ecología y ciencias ambientales: métodos y aplicaciones, pp: 605-616. URJC-AEET-CAM. PDF
43. García D (2008) El concepto de escala y su importancia en el análisis espacial. En: Maestre, F.T, Escudero, A. y Bonet, A. (eds.) Introducción al análisis espacial de datos en ecología y ciencias ambientales: métodos y aplicaciones, pp: 35-73. URJC-AEET-CAM. PDF

42. García D, Martínez I & Obeso JR (2007) Seed transfer among bird-dispersed trees and its consequences for post-dispersal seed fate. Basic and Applied Ecology 8: 533-543. PDF
41. Martínez I, García D & Obeso JR (2007). Allometric allocation in fruit and seed packaging conditions the conflict among selective pressures on seed size. Evolutionary Ecology 21: 517-533. PDF
40. García D & Chacoff NP (2007) Scale-dependent effects of habitat fragmentation on hawthorn pollination, frugivory and seed predation. Conservation Biology 21: 400-411. PDF
39. García D (2007) Regeneración natural y conservación del tejo Taxus baccata L. en la cordillera Cantábrica: la importancia de las interacciones ecológicas. En: Serra, L. (ed.) El Tejo en el Mediterráneo occidental, pp: 31-39. CAM. PDF

38. García D (2006). La escala y su importancia en el análisis espacial . Ecosistemas XV-3. PDF

37. García D, Obeso JR & Martínez I (2005) Rodent seed predation promotes differential seedling recruitment among bird-dispersed trees in temperate secondary forests. Oecologia 144: 435-446. PDF
36. García D, Obeso JR & Martínez I (2005) Spatial concordance between seed rain and seedling establishment in bird-dispersed trees: does the scale matter? Journal of Ecology 93: 693-704. PDF
35. García D & Houle G (2005) Fine-scale spatial patterns of recruitment in red oak (Quercus rubra): what matters most, abiotic or biotic factors? Écoscience 12: 223-235. PDF
34. García D, Quevedo M, Obeso JR & Abajo A (2005) Fragmentation patterns and protection of montane forests in the Cantabrian range (NW Spain). Forest Ecology and Management 208: 29-43. PDF
33. García D (2005) La regeneración natural del tejo en la cordillera Cantábrica. Quercus 238: 26-31. PDF

32. García D & Ortiz-Pulido R (2004) Patterns of resource tracking by avian frugivores at multiple spatial scales – two case studies on discordance among scales. Ecography 27: 187-196. PDF

31. García D & Bañuelos M-J (2003) Matrix matters for seed dispersal – a comment to Jules and Shahani. Journal of Vegetation Science 14: 931. PDF
30. García D & Zamora R (2003) Persistence, multiple demographic strategies and conservation in long-lived Mediterranean plants. Journal of Vegetation Science 14: 921-926. PDF
29. García, D & Obeso JR (2003) Facilitation by herbivore-mediated nurse plants in a threatened tree Taxus baccata: local effects and landscape level consistency. Ecography 26: 739-750. PDF
28. Gómez JM, García D & Zamora R (2003) Impact of vertebrate acorn and seedling predators on a Mediterranean Quercus pyrenaica forest. Forest Ecology and Management 180: 125-134. PDF

27. García D, M-J Bañuelos & Houle G (2002) Differential effects of acorn burial and litter cover on Quercus rubra recruitment at the limit of its range in eastern North America. Canadian Journal of Botany 80: 1115-1120. PDF
26. García D, Zamora R, Gómez JM & Hódar JA (2002) Annual variability in reproduction of Juniperus communis L. in a Mediterranean mountain: relationship to seed predation and weather. Écoscience 9: 251-255. PDF

25. Gómez JM, Hódar JA, Zamora R, Castro J & García D (2001). Ungulate damage on Scots pines in Mediterranean environments. Effects of association with shrubs. Canadian Journal of Botany 79: 739-746. PDF  
24. García D (2001) Effects of seed dispersal on Juniperus communis recruitment on a Mediterranean mountain. Journal of Vegetation Science 12: 839-848. PDF
23. García D, Zamora R, Gómez JM & Hódar JA (2001). Frugivory at Juniperus communis depends more on population characteristics than on individual attributes. Journal of Ecology 89 (4): 639-647. PDF  
22. Zamora, R., J.M. Gómez, J.A. Hódar, J. Castro, & D García (2001) The effect of browsing by ungulates on Scots pine growth in a Mediterranean environment: consequences for forest regeneration. Forest Ecology and Management 144:33-42. PDF
21. Zamora R, Castro J, Gómez JM, García D, Hódar JA, Gómez L & Baraza E (2001) Papel de los matorrales en la regeneración forestal en ambientes mediterráneos: aplicaciones para la restauración. Quercus 187:40-47. PDF

20. García D, Zamora R, Hódar JA, Gómez JM & Castro J (2000) Yew (Taxus baccata L.) regeneration is facilitated by fleshy-fruited shrubs in Mediterranean environments. Biological Conservation 95: 31-38. PDF
19. García D, Gómez JM, Zamora R & Hódar JA (2000) Do empty Juniperus communis seeds act as a defence against seed predation by Apodemus sylvaticus? Écoscience 7: 214-221. PDF
18. García D, Zamora R, Gómez JM, Jordano P, & Hódar JA (2000) Geographical variation in seed production, predation and abortion in Juniperus communis throughout its range in Europe. Journal of Ecology 88: 436-446. PDF
17. García D (2000) Book review: Larson DW, Matthes U & Kelly PE; Cliff Ecology: Patterns and Process in Cliff Ecosystems. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2000, 340 pp., ISBN 0-521-55489-6. Écoscience 7: 517-518. PDF

Before 2000
16. Castro J, Gómez JM, García D, Zamora R & Hódar JA (1999) Seed predation in relict Scots pine forest from South Spain. Plant Ecology 145: 115-123. PDF
15. García D, Zamora R, Gómez JM & Hódar JA (1999) Bird rejection of unhealthy fruits reinforces the mutualism between juniper and its avian dispersers. Oikos 84: 536-544. PDF
14. García D, Zamora R, Hódar JA & Gómez JM (1999) Age structure of Juniperus communis L. in the Iberian peninsula: conservation of remnant populations in Mediterranean mountains. Biological Conservation 87: 215-220. PDF
13. Zamora R, Castro J, Gómez JM, Hódar JA & García D (1999) Sobre el vicio de importar recetas, y la singularidad de los ecosistemas mediterráneos. Ecosistemas VIII-4: 18.22. PDF
12. García D (1999) Regeneración del enebro en la alta montaña mediterránea. Ecosistemas VIII-3: 64-65. PDF

11. García D, Zamora R, Hódar JA & Gómez JM (1999) Enebrales de la alta montaña mediterránea. Quercus 158:20-25. PDF 

10. Hódar, J.A., J. Castro, J.M. Gómez, D. García & R. Zamora (1998) Effects of herbivory on growth and survival of seedlings and saplings of Pinus sylvestris nevadensis in SE Spain. En: Papanastasis, V.P. and D. Peter (eds.) Proceedings of the International Workshop on Ecological Basis of Livestock Grazing in Mediterranean Ecosystems, pp: 264-267. PDF
9. García D (1998) Interaction between juniper Juniperus communis and its fruit pest insects: pest abundance, fruit characteristics and seed viability. Acta Oecologica 19 (6): 517-525. PDF
8. Gómez JM & García D (1997) Interaction between a high-mountain shrub, Genista versicolor (Fabaceae), and its seed predators: host-plant effect on insect survival. Écoscience 4 (1): 48-56. PDF
7. Gómez JM, Zamora R, Hódar JA & García D (1996) Experimental study of pollination by ants in Mediterranean high mountain and arid habitats. Oecologia 105: 236-242. PDF
6. Zamora, R., J.M. Gómez, D. García & J.H. Hódar (1996) Ecología reproductiva y regeneración del matorral de alta montaña de Sierra Nevada: capacidad de respuesta a las perturbaciones. En: Chacón, J. y J.L. Rosúa (eds.) Sierra Nevada, Conservación y Desarrollo Sostenible, vol II: 407-427. CETURSA. PDF
5. Hódar, J.A.; J.M. Gómez; D. García & R. Zamora (1996) Efecto de la herbivoría por ungulados en el crecimiento de Pinus sylvestris nevadensis. En: Chacón, J. y J.L. Rosúa (eds.) Sierra Nevada, Conservación y Desarrollo Sostenible, vol II: 529-540. CETURSA. PDF
4. García, D., J.M. Gómez, J.A. Hódar & R. Zamora (1996) Ecología reproductiva del enebro Juniperus communis L. en Sierra Nevada: factores que determinan la regeneración natural de las poblaciones. En: Chacón, J. y J.L. Rosúa (eds.) Sierra Nevada, Conservación y Desarrollo Sostenible, vol II: 441-452. CETURSA. PDF
3. Iñesta EM & D García (1996) Book review: Vicén Carreño M y Vicén Antolin C; Diccionario de Términos Ecológicos. Ed. Paraninfo, Madrid 1996, 173 pp. ISBN 84-283-2296-1. Sendebar 7: 344-345. PDF
2. García D (1993) Uso de microhábitat del ratón de campo (Apodemus sylvaticus L.) en robledales y áreas ecotonales del Pirineo. Doñana, Acta Vertebrata 20 (2): 27-45. PDF
1. Gortázar C & García D (1990) El zorro, un predador polémico. Surcos de Aragón 20: 41-46. PDF
