Christoph Brune (Germany, 1982) holds the chair of Nonlinear Analysis and is head of the MIA – Mathematics of Imaging & AI group in the Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Twente in Enschede, The Netherlands.
His research in Applied Mathematics covers topics in the interplay of nonlinear analysis and deep learning related to inverse problems, mathematical imaging, dynamical systems, and numerical analysis. His focus is on the analysis and application of deep learning methods for solving partial differential equations and inverse problems. Impactful application areas of his group involve biomedical imaging, AI for health, and robotics.
He holds a double degree in Mathematics and Computer science and a PhD degree in Mathematics from the University of Münster (2010). He is chair of the national Dutch AIM (AI & Mathematics) initiative and data science representative of the Center for Medical Imaging NEN. He has been awarded the 2020 Dutch Computable prize and is director of the ICAI lab with Siemens Healthineers.