A proceedings book with ISBN will be published electronically in the Institutional Repository of the Oviedo University.

All contributors may send an extended abstract of their communication to be published in the proceedings of the congress.

Use the template proceedings_fgs2024.tex that can be found in the following link Zip file.

The paper will have no less than 4 pages and no more than 8 pages, and must be sent to the organization by July 1 (new deadline).

Please, send a zip file with the TeX source, the pdf output and all necessary files to compile.

File submission implies the acceptance to publish it in the Institutional Repository of the Oviedo University in Open Access.

Open Access Preview

Final version

The proceedings book of the 21 French-German-Spanish Conference on Optimization held in Gijón last June, 2024, has already been published in the institutional repository of the Universidad de Oviedo.

Here you have the permanent link to the book Proceedings FGS2024 RUO