Categoría: Catedrática de Universidad
Departamento: SOCIOLOGÍA
Despacho: n° 8, Ala 3
Teléfono: 985 10 37 27
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Curriculum: Ana Marta Guillén CV
Más información en el siguiente enlace: Researchgate
Áreas de interés:
- Bienestar Social
- Política Social
- Sociología Comparada
Short bio:
Ana M. Guillén is full professor of Sociology and Head of Department at the University of Oviedo, Spain. Her research interests include comparative social and labour policy, Europeanization and European integration. She has published articles in journals such as Journal of European Social Policy, Social Science & Medicine, Social Politics, European Societies, International Journal of Health Services, West European Politics, and Social Policy and Administration, among others. She has acted as a consultant to the European Commission and the International Labour Organization. She is a member of the Advisory Board of the Observatoire Social Européen (OSE, Brussels) and co-chair of Espanet-Spain (Red Española de Política Social, REPS).
Curriculum breve:
Ana M. Guillén is full professor of Sociology and Head of Department at the University of Oviedo (Spain), where she teaches Sociology (in English) and Comparative Social Policy at the undergraduate level, and Social Protection Systems at the post graduate one. She has published extensively on comparative social policy, welfare state development and health care policies (in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Greek, Turkish, Portuguese and Korean). Her articles have been published in high impact professional journals such as Social Science & Medicine, Social Politics, Journal of European Social Policy, European Societies, International Journal of Health Services, West European Politics, and Social Policy and Administration. She has co-edited a special issue of the Journal of European Social Policy, titled EU Enlargement, Europeanization and Social Policy (vol. 14, no. 3, 2004). She has also co-edited several books, among them Quality of Work in the European Union. Concept, data and debates from a transnational perspective (Brussels: PIE Peter Lang, 2009); Work-Life Balance in Europe. The Role of Job Quality (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011); and The Spanish Welfare State in European Context (London: Ashgate, 2011).
Research projects she has been involved in the recent past include: “Transformations of the Welfare State”,financed by the University of Oxford and the British Academy (2006-2007);“Working poor: jobs, households and policies”, financed by the Spanish National Research Plan (2005-2008); “The Politics of Welfare Reforms of Bismarckian Welfare Systems”, financed by the French Ministry of Social Affairs and Cevipof, Sciences-Po, Paris (2005-2007), and “The social impact of the economic crisis in Spain: a comparative overview”, financed by Fundación La Caixa, Barcelona. She was part of the coordination group of the Network of Excellence of the European Commission RECWOWE (Reconciling Work and Welfare in the EU, 2006-2011), and co-coordinator of Strand 3 (Tensions between quality and quantity of jobs). The NoE included 29 partner institutions and 260 researchers (22 from the University of Oviedo). She is currently leading a research project on “Welfare capitalism in South Europe: a comparative perspective, CABISE”, financed by the Spanish National Research Plan and she has been appointed a member of the scientific advisory committee of the EU funded collaborative project “Making Persons with Disabilities Full Citizens, DISCIT”.
In 1998 she participated as a researcher in the European Forum on the Reform of Welfare States at the European University Institute (Florence). She has written a large number of reports for the European Commission and the ILO. She has also participated as an expert in several Presidencies of the European Union and in the asisp Project (Analytical support on the socio-economic impact assessment of social protection reforms in the EU Member States, EFTA/EEA, Candidate and Pre-Candidate Countries (2008-2010).
She is a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of European Social Policy (since September 2001), International Social Security Review (since January 2005), Revista Internacional de Sociología (since July 2010), and the European Journal of Social Security (since September 2013). She is also vice-president of the Executive Board of Research Committee 19 of the International Sociological Association (Poverty, social welfare and social policy), co-director of the Executive Committee of Espanet-Spain / Red Española de Política Social, and member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the OSE, Observatoire Social Européen. She was a member of the Executive Board of ESPAnet (The Network for European Social Policy Analysis) from 2003 to 2012.
- HALVORSEN, R.; HVINDEN, B.; BICKENBACH, J.; FERRI, D; & GUILLÉN RODRÍGUEZ, A.M. eds. (2017) The Changing Disability Policy System. Active Citizenship and Disability in Europe. Volume I. Abingdon: Routledge.
- GUILLÉN, A.M. & PAVOLINI, E. (2017) “Spain and Italy: Regaining the Confidence and Legitimacy to Advance Social Policy”, en Peter Taylor-Goby et al. ed. After Austerity: Welfare State Transformation in Europe after the Great Recession. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 136-154.
- GARRIDO, L.; GUTIÉRREZ, R. & GUILLÉN, A.M. (2017) “Biographical dualism. Youth employment and poverty patterns in Spain”, en Maria Petmesidou et al. ed. Child Poverty, Youth (Un)employment and Social Inclusion. Sttutgart: ibidem-Verlag, pp. 122-156.
- GUILLÉN RODRÍGUEZ, A.M., GONZÁLEZ BEGEGA, S. y LUQUE BALBONA, D. (2016): “Austeridad y ajustes sociales en el Sur de Europa. La fragmentación del Modelo de Bienestar mediterráneo”. Revista Española de Sociología, 25, 2, pp. 261-273.
- GUILLÉN, A.M., LUQUE BALBONA, D. y GUILLÉN, A.M. (2015): “Gobiernos y sindicatos ante la reforma del Estado del Bienestar. ¿Ruptura del diálogo social en la periferia de la Eurozona?”. Revista de Economía Crítica, 20, pp. 102-119.
- GUILLÉN, A.M. y PAVOLINI, E. (eds.) (2015): “Welfare States under Strain in Southern Europe: Comparing Policy and Governance Changes in Portugal, Greece, Italy and Spain”, European Journal of Social Security, 17, 2. Número monográfico.
- GUILLÉN, A.M. y PAVOLINI, E. (2015): “Welfare States under Strain in Southern Europe: Overview of the Special Issue”. European Journal of Social Security, 17, 2, pp. 147-157.
- LEÓN, M.; PAVOLINI, E.y GUILLÉN, A.M. (2015): “Welfare Rescaling in Italy and Spain: Political Strategies to Deal with Harsh Austerity”. European Journal of Social Security, 17, 2, pp. 182-201.
- PETMESIDOU, M.; PAVOLINI, E. & GUILLÉN, A.M. (2015): “Gesundheitsreformen in Südeuropa während der Eurokrise-ein Vier-Ländervergleich”. WSI-Mitteilungen, 60, 30, pp. 427-435.
- PETMESIDOU, M. y GUILLÉN, A.M. (2015): “Economic crisis and austerity in Southern Europe: threat or opportunity for a sustainable welfare state?”. Observatoire Social Européen Paper series, Nr. 18, January.
- PAVOLINI, E., LEÓN, M., GUILLÉN, A.M. y ASCOLI, U. (2014): “From austerity to permanent strain? The EU and welfare state reform in Italy and Spain”. Comparative European Politics, 13, 1, pp. 56-77. ‘Game Change in EU Social Policy: From Optional Re-calibration to Coercive Retrenchment’, número especial editado por Caroline de la Porte y Elke Heins.
- GUILLÉN, A.M. y TORRES, E. (2014) “Crisis and healthcare reform in Spain, Portugal and Greece: What universalism is still possible?” Politiche Sociali/Social Politics, 3, pp. 373-386.
- GUILLÉN, A. M.; GONZÁLEZ BEGEGA, S. y LUQUE, D. (2014): “La Europa social en crisis. Modelo Social Europeo y políticas de austeridad”. Cuadernos de Información Económica, 242, pp. 99-107.
- PETMESIDOU, M. Y GUILLÉN, A.M. (eds.) (2014): “Economic Crisis and Austerity in Southern Europe: Threat or Opportunity for a Sustainable Welfare State?”, South European Society and Policies. Special Issue, 19,3.
- PAVOLINI, E. y GUILLÉN, A.M. (eds.)Ç ( 2013): Health Care Systems in Europe under Austerity: Institutional Reforms and Performance. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- GUILLÉN, A.M. y PAVOLINI, E. (2012): «Young adults, Poverty and the Role of Social Policies». En KNIJN. T. (ed.), Work: Family Policies and Transitions to Adulthood in Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 155-179.
- GUILLÉN, A.M., PAVOLINI, E., LUQUE, D. y ANAUT, S. (2012): “El papel de las políticas sociales para paliar las necesidades generadas por la crisis”. En LAPARRA, M. y PÉREZ ERANSUS, B. (eds.): Crisis y fractura social en Europa. Causas y efectos en España. Colección Estudios Sociales No. 35. Barcelona: Fundación «la Caixa», pp. 139-175.
- GUILLÉN, A.M.; PAVOLINI, E.; LUQUE, D. y ANAUT, S. (2012): «The role of social policies in resolving needs generated by the crisis». En: LAPARRA, M. y PÉREZ ERANSUS, B. (eds.): Crisis and Social Fracture in Europe. Causes and Effects in Spain. Barcelona, Welfare Project Foundation «la Caixa», pp. 132-166.
- GUILLÉN, A.M. y LEÓN, M. (eds.) (2011): The Spanish Welfare State in European Context . London: Ashgate
- DROBNIC, S. y GUILLÉN, A.M. (eds.) (2011): Work-Life Balance in Europe. The Role of Job Quality. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- DROBNIC, S. y GUILLÉN, A.M. (2011): «Tensions between Work and Home: Job Quality and Working Conditions in the Institutional Contexts of Germany and Spain». Social Politics, 18, 2, 232-268.
- GUILLÉN RODRÍGUEZ, A.M.; GONZÁLEZ BEGEGA, S. y MORENO-MANZANARO GARCÍA, N. (2011): «De-constructing the Familist Welfare State in Spain. Towards Reconciliation through Europe?». European Journal of Social Security, 13, 1, 89-105
- CABIEDES, L. y GUILLÉN, A.M. (2011): «Il dibattito sulla convergenza o divergenza dei sistemi sanitari europei: dll’ipotesi del Continuum a quella di una geometría non euclidea», En: VICARELLI, G. (ed.): Regolazione e governance nei sistema sanitari europei. Bolonia: Il Mulino, pp. 151-162.
- GUILLÉN, A.M. (2010): «Defrosting the Spanish Welfare State: The Weight of Conservative Components», En PARLIER, B. (ed.): A Long Good-Bye to Bismarck: The Politics of Welfare Reforms in Continental Welfare States. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 183-206.
- GUILLÉN, A. M. y GUTIÉRREZ, R. (2010): (published in Spanish and in English) «Comentarios sobre los aspectos social y de empleo de la Estrategia UE-2020». En: VVAA: The employment and social dimensión in the UE-2020 Strategy. Madrid: Ministerio de Trabajo e Inmigración, pp. 103-108.
- GUILLÉN, A.M. y DAHL, S-A. eds. (2009): Quality of Work in the European Union. Concept, data and debates form a transnational perspective. Brussels: PIE Peter Lang.
- GUILLÉN, A.M.; MORENO, N.; y GONZÁLEZ BEGEGA, S. (2009): «Políticas de conciliación de la vida de trabajo y familiar en España. El impacto de las políticas de la Unión Europea». Documentación Social, 154, 119-138.
- GONZÁLEZ BEGEGA, S. y GUILLÉN RODRÍGUEZ, A. M. (2009): «La calidad del empleo en la Unión Europea. Debate político y construcción». Revista del Ministerio de Trabajo e Inmigración, 81, 71-88.
- GUILLÉN, A.M., GUTIÉRREZ, R., y GONZÁLEZ, S. (eds.) (2009): Calidad del trabajo en la Unión Europea. Concepto, tensiones, dimensiones. Madrid: Thomson Civitas.
- PETMESIDOU, M. y GUILLÉN, A.M. (2008): «‘Southern-style’ National Health Services? Recent Reforms and Trends in Spain and Greece». Social Policy y Administration, 42, 2, 106-124.
- GUILLÉN, A.M. y GONZÁLEZ BEGEGA, S. (2008): «Entre la participación y la asunción de nuevas responsabilidades. Los agentes sociales españoles ante el proyecto de construcción de la Europa Social». Mediterráneo Económico, XIV, 343-262.
- GUILLÉN RODRÍGUEZ, A. y GUTIÉRREZ PALACIOS, R. (2008): «Treinta años de pactos sociales en España: un balance». Cuadernos de Información Económica, 203, 173-180.
- GUILLÉN, A.M. y PETMESIDOU, M. (2008): (in English and in Italian) «Dynamics of the welfare mix in South Europe». Italian Journal of Social Policy / La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, 1, 453-468.
- GUILLÉN, A.M. and PETMESIDOU, M. (2008): «The public-private mix in Southern Europe. What changed in the last decade», in M. SEELEIB-KAISER (ed.): Transformations of the Welfare State. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 56-78.
- GUTIÉRREZ, R., PEÑA-CASAS, R., y GUILLÉN, A.M. (2008) «Desigualdad salarial y trabajadores pobres». En: GUILLÉN, A.M., Gutiérrez, R. y González, S. (eds.): Calidad del trabajo en la Unión Europea. Concepto, tensiones, dimensiones. Madrid: Thomson Civitas, pp. 88-119.