First PROMEBI Summer School SOCIAL RESEARCH ON EMPLOYMENT AND WELFARE INTERACTIONS Department of Sociology School of Economics and Business (Classroom 85) University of Oviedo July 4-8, 2016 Organised by the research team PROMEBI (Promoting employment and welfare in Europe) at the University of Oviedo in coordination with the Spanish Network of Social Policy (REPS). […]
Últimos días para inscribirse en las jornadas formativas pre y post Congreso de la FES
La Summer School Social Research on Work and Welfare Interactions tendrá lugar en los días posteriores a la celebración del XII Congreso Español de Sociología. Todavía es posible inscribirse en los talleres formativos organizados por la Federación Española de Sociología, y que se realizarán los días 29 y 30 de junio. Los talleres son: Taller de […]
First PROMEBI Summer School (Draft program)
The traditional fragmentation of research on employment and social protection has been reduced considerably during the last years. In fact, an increase in both quantity and quality of studies analyzing tensions between work and welfare has taken place, with the aim of identifying the institutional framework of both spheres that best interact among each other […]