University teaching
During the last few years, several Bachelor’s Theses on financial education have been directed at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Oviedo, among which the following stand out:
- Alejandro Gamez Naves: «Estrategias de comunicación de iniciativas de Educación Financiera en la Unión Europea: Análisis Comparativo entre España, Alemania y Países Bajos», Bachelor’s Degree in Management and Business Administration, July 2024.
- Alba Rubio Celorio: «Salud Financiera y la Mujer», PCEO Bachelor’s Degree in Management and Business Administration/Bachelor’s Degree in Law, July 2024.
- Marcos González Álvarez: «La Educación Financiera en España: Planes y programas, especial referencia a los Colectivos Vulnerables», PCEO Bachelor’s Degree in Management and Business Administration/Bachelor’s Degree in Law, June 2024.
- Elena Moro Uría: “Educación Financiera”, PCEO Bachelor’s Degree in Management and Business Administration/Bachelor’s Degree in Law, July 2023.
- Claudia Villa García: “Educación financiera y personas mayores: un análisis del caso español”, PCEO Bachelor’s Degree in Management and Business Administration/Bachelor’s Degree in Law, July 2023.
- Paula García Hernantes: “El nivel de educación financiera en España: factores determinantes. Análisis de la normativa con el currículo educativo de los estudiantes de secundaria”, PCEO Bachelor’s Degree in Management and Business Administration/Bachelor’s Degree in Law, July 2022.
- Daniel Sánchez Uría: “Competencias financieras en la educación secundaria obligatoria: Efecto del Real Decreto 1105/2014”, Bachelor’s Degree in Management and Business Administration, July 2022.
Lifelong teaching
- “The financial 50+: Personal finance and financial health at maturity”, PUMUO 2024-2025 course.
- Science Tour 2023, talk “My finances: how to take care of them?”: CEPA Gijón, different courses of ESO for adults, March 22, 2023; IES Pérez de Ayala, Oviedo, 1st Baccalaureate, April 27, 2023; CDTL de Castropol, November 20, 2023; CDTL de Taramundi, November 21, 2023; and CPEB de Colombres, 3th and 4th ESO, December 20, 2023.
- XXIII Science and Innovation Week of the University of Oviedo, Science Day at my School, talk “Mis finanzas: ¿cómo cuidarlas“: IES Doctor Fleming, Oviedo, 4th ESO, November 8, 2023; IES Valle de Aller, Moreda, 4th ESO y 1st Baccalaureate, November 8, 2023; CEPA del Caudal, Mieres, different courses of ESO for adults, November 9, 2023; and CRA de Viella, Faes and Viella, 5th and 6th Primary Education, November 9, 2023.
- European Researchers’ Night of the University of Oviedo, activity “¿Hai derechu o no hay derecho? Combate la vulnerabilidad lingüística, económica y jurídica”, September 29, 2023.
- XXII Science and Innovation Week of the University of Oviedo, Science Day at my School, talk “My finances: how to take care of them?”: IES Nº 1, Gijón, 1st Baccalaureate, November 11, 2022; CEPA El Fontán, Oviedo, 3rd ESO for adults, November 16, 2022; and Colegio Virgen Reina, Gijón, 2th ESO, November 16, 2022.
- European Researchers’ Night of the University of Oviedo, activity “¡Menudo bulo! Encuentra las mentiras desde las lenguas romances hasta tus finanzas personales”, September 30, 2022.
Communications at education and innovation conferences
- Martínez-García, I., López-Rodríguez F. & Gómez-Ansón S.: “Mis finanzas, ¿cómo cuidarlas?: promoviendo la educación financiera para reducir las desigualdades“, II Edition of the International Congress on Teaching Innovation, Education and Knowledge Transfer (CIINECO), online, April 12, 2023.
- Martínez-García, I. & Llamedo-Pandiella, G. (2022): “Aprendizaje para la vida desde la Romanística y la Economía Financiera”, Edunovatic 2022, VII Virtual International Conference on Education, Innovation and ICT, online, December 2022 (written communication).
- Llamedo-Pandiella, G. & Martínez-García, I. (2022): “¿Ciencia o apariencia? Educación financiera y Educación sociolingüística para familias”, Edunovatic 2022, VII Virtual International Conference on Education, Innovation and ICT, online, December 2022 (written communication).
Workshops for teachers
- “Creando juegos transversales para combatir la desinformación”, 2ª Trobada de Centres Innovadors a Tarragona, Red DIM-EDU and Universitat Rovira Virgili, online, March 1, 2023.
Teaching innovation projects
- «FinEduca360: Jóvenes para Jóvenes», Instituto de Investigación e Innovación Educativa, Vicerrectorado de Políticas del Profesorado de la Universidad de Oviedo. Coordinating teachers: S. Gómez Ansón and I. Martínez García. 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 academic years.