Since 2014 the following book chapters have been published:
Book chapters in international publishers
- Basco, R. (2024). Embeddedness. En C. Howorth & A. Discua Cruz (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Family Business (pp. 152-154). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Basco, R. (2024). Informal Institutions. En C. Howorth & A. Discua Cruz (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Family Business (pp. 261-263). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Basco, R., Amato, S., Gómez-Ansón, S., & Calabrò, A. (2021). Urbanization economies, proximity dimensions and productivity. En R. Basco, R. Stough, & L. Suwala, Family Business and Regional Development (1st ed., pp. 65-82). Routledge.
- Basco, R., & Suwala, L. (2020). Spatial familiness or bridge between family business and economic geography. En A. Calabrò, A Research Agenda for Family Business. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Discua-Cruz, A., Basco, R., Parada, M. J., Malfense-Fierro, A., & Alvarado-Álvarez, C. (2019). Resilience and Family Business Groups in Unstable Economies. En M. Rautiainen, P. Rosa, T. Pihkala, M. J. Parada, & A. D. Cruz, The Family Business Group Phenomenon: Emergence and Complexities (pp. 315-352). Springer International Publishing.
- Parada, M. J., Akhter, N., Basco, R., Discua-Cruz, A., & Fitz-Koch, S. (2019). Understanding the Dynamics of Business Group Development: A Transgenerational Perspective. En M. Rautiainen, P. Rosa, T. Pihkala, M. J. Parada, & A. D. Cruz, The Family Business Group Phenomenon: Emergence and Complexities (pp. 201-222). Springer International Publishing.
- Basco, R. (2018). Family Business in Emerging Markets. En R. Grosse & K. E. Meyer, The Oxford Handbook of Management in Emerging Markets (pp. 527-546). Oxford University Press.
- Discua-Cruz, A., & Basco, R. (2018). A family perspective on Entrepreneurship. En N. Turcan & R. Fraser, A Handbook of Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Entrepreneurship (pp. 147-175). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Rodríguez-Magdaleno, R. I., Martínez-García, I., & Gómez-Ansón, S. (2018). Financial crisis and consumers: Breaking down barriers to build up new ones? En S. de Vries, E. Ioriatti, P. Guarda, & E. Pulice, EU Citizens’ Economic Rights in Action: Re-Thinking Legal and Factual Barriers in the Internal Market (pp. 159-186). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Basco, R. (2017). Epilogue: Multiple embeddedness contexts for entrepreneurship. En M. Ramírez-Pasillas, E. Brundin, & M. Markowska, Contextualizing Entrepreneurship in Developing and Emerging Economies (pp. 329-336). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Basco, R. (2017). Epilogue: The Multiple Embeddedness of Family Firms in the Arab World. En S. Basly, Family Businesses in the Arab World: Governance, Strategy, and Financing (pp. 247-256). Springer International Publishing.
- Cabeza, L., Medina, S., Sacristán, M., & Gómez-Ansón, S. (2016). Examining European Privatisation Processes and Firm Performance. En A. Hansen, Privatization: Policies, Developments and Challenges (Charter 2). Nova Publishers.
- Sacristán, M., Gómez-Ansón, S., & Cabeza, L. (2014). Other large shareholders in family firms: Do they monitor? En P. Z. Poutziouris, K. X. Smyrnios, & S. Goel, Handbook of Research on Family Business (2nd ed., Chapter 4). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Book chapters in national publishers
- Cabeza García, L., Del Brío-González, E. B., & Oscanoa-Victorio, M. L. (2022). Género y teoría económica: Orígenes y papel de la mujer en la investigación económica. En Estudios de género: Un análisis interdisciplinar (pp. 91-103). Thomson Reuters Aranzadi.