Since 2014 the following articles have been published:
- Alonso-Martínez, D., Jiménez-Parra, B., & Cabeza-García, L. (2024). Theoretical framework to foster and assess sustainable agriculture practices: Drivers and key performance indicators. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 23, 100434.
- Basco, R. (2024). Regional development and family business: A perspective article. Journal of Family Business Management.
- Brito-Ochoa, M. P., Sacristán-Navarro, M. A., Pelechano-Barahona, E., & Vasco-Mora, F. A. (2024). Financial resources and their impact on the organizational resilience as a business family sustainability strategy. E3S Web of Conferences, 532, 01003.
- Calzón-Menéndez, F. M., Sacristán-Navarro, M., & Cabeza-García, L. (2024). Do work-life balance measures influence the performance of Spanish listed companies? Intangible Capital, 20(1), 258.
- Cano-Rubio, M., Barroso, A., Sanguino, R., Valentino, A., Calabrò, A., & Basco, R. (2024). We don’t fire! Family firms and employment change during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Family Business Management.
- Cuesta-González, A., Cabeza-García, L., & Fernández-Gago, R. (2024). CSR in Times of Crisis According to ESG Indicators in Europe: Analysis of the Impact of COVID-19. Cuadernos de Gestión, 24(2), 69-80.
- Martínez-García, I., Terjesen, S., & Gómez-Ansón, S. (2024). Regulating board gender diversity in Europe: The influence of cultural, governmental, and women’s institutions. Journal of Business Research, 182, 114782.
- Sacristán-Navarro, M., & Gómez-Ansón, S. (2024). Gobierno Corporativo en Iberoamérica: Tendencias y Desafíos. Revista Iberoamericana de Mercados de Valores, 73, 161–177.
- Sierra-Morán, J., Cabeza-García, L., & González-Álvarez, N. (2024). Independent directors and firm innovation: The moderating role of gender and nationality diversity. European Journal of Innovation Management, 27(2), 373-402.
- Sierra-Morán, J., Cabeza-García, L., & González-Álvarez, N. (2024). The moderating effect of interlocking directors on the relationship between R&D investments and firm value. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 49(3), 1016-1042.
- Sierra-Morán, J., Cabeza-García, L., González-Álvarez, N., & Botella, J. (2024). The board of directors and firm innovation: A meta-analytical review. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 27(2), 182-207.
- Suwala, L., Ahrens, J.-P., & Basco, R. (2024). Family firms, hidden champions and regional development. ZFW – Advances in Economic Geography, 68(1), 1-8.
- Al-Dajani, H., Bang, N. P., Basco, R., Calabrò, A., Cheng, J. C. Y., Clinton, E., Daspit, J. J., De Massis, A., Discua Cruz, A., Garcia-Lorenzo, L., Gartner, W. B., Germain, O., Gherardi, S., Helin, J., Imas, M., Jack, S., McAdam, M., Radu-Lefebvre, M., Rovelli, P., … Welter, F. (2023). A multi-voiced account of family entrepreneuring research: Expanding the agenda of family entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research.
- Amato, S., Basco, R., & Ricotta, F. (2023). Family firms, Regional Competitiveness and Productivity: A Multilevel Approach. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 35(7-8), 666-694.
- Amato, S., Patuelli, A., Basco, R., & Lattanzi, N. (2023). Family Firms Amidst the Global Financial Crisis: A Territorial Embeddedness Perspective on Downsizing. Journal of Business Ethics, 183(1), 213-236.
- Arteaga, R., & Basco, R. (2023). Disentangling family firm heterogeneity: Evidence from a cross-country analysis. European Journal of Family Business, 13(2), 162-181.
- Basco, R., Bassetti, T., Dal Maso, L., & Lattanzi, N. (2023). Why and when do family firms invest less in talent management? The suppressor effect of risk aversion. Journal of Management and Governance, 27(1), 101-130.
- Basco, R., Bassetti, T., Muñoz-Bullón, F., & Sanchez-Bueno, M. J. (2023). Euro adoption and intra-European Union exporters’ productivity: Differences between family and non-family firms. European Research on Management and Business Economics, 29(3), 100226.
- Calzón-Menéndez, F., Sacristán-Navarro, M., & Cabeza-García, L. (2023). The determinants of work—Life balance practices in Spanish listed companies. Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, 36(3), 407-425.
- Espeche, J. F. T., Sacristán-Navarro, M., Zúñiga-Vicente, J. Á., & Crespo, N. F. (2023). Innovation and internationalisation during times of economic growth, crisis, and recovery prior to Covid-19: A configurational approach comparing Spanish manufacturing family and non-family firms. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 14(1), 100513.
- Martínez-García, I. (2023). Cuotas de género en los consejos de administración: Una perspectiva internacional. Revista Iberoamericana de Mercados de Valores, 69, 3-12.
- Martínez, I., Gómez, S., Tascón-Amo, I., Feito, A. & Álvarez, E. (2023). La relación entre sostenibilidad y rentabilidad. En C. Sánchez, J. Molero, R. Carricondo & S. Rial, ODS, Año 8. Rentabilidad Económica y Agenda 2030: la sostenibilidad como sinónimo de negocio para las empresas (pp. 42-63). Pacto Mundial de la ONU España.
- Martínez-García, I., Sacristán-Navarro, M., & Gómez-Ansón, S. (2023). Soft gender diversity regulations for boards of directors: The moderating role of firm ownership and control structure. Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting / Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad, 52(1), 93-124.
- Sacristán-Navarro, M., Cabeza-García, L., & Gómez-Ansón, S. (2023). Family power in the boardroom: Is it counterbalanced by other large shareholders? Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting / Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad, 1-29.
- Sierra-Morán, J., Cabeza-García, L., & González-Álvarez, N. (2023). The moderating effect of interlocking directors on the relationship between R&D investments and firm value. The Journal of Technology Transfer.
- Amato, S., Basco, R., & Lattanzi, N. (2022). Contextualizing employment outcomes in family business research: Current findings and future research avenues. Management Review Quarterly, 72(2), 531-604.
- Basco, R., & González, J. M. G. (2022). Antecedents of next generation succession intention in family businesses: A cross-country. European J. of International Management, 1(1), 1.
- Dinh, T. Q., Calabrò, A., Campopiano, G., & Basco, R. (2022). The Impact of Politically Connected CEOs and Boards of Directors on Firm Performance: A Study of Vietnamese Family and Nonfamily Firms. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 46(5), 1284-1316.
- Gotor-Cuairán, M., Sutil-Martín, D. L., & Sacristán-Navarro, M. A. (2022). La escucha del consumidor centennial a través de la experiencia sensorial: El simulador profesional como instrumento de aprendizaje para el marketing experiencial. TECHNO REVIEW. International Technology, Science and Society Review / Revista Internacional de Tecnología, Ciencia y Sociedad, 11(2).
- Martínez-García, I., Basco, R., Gómez-Ansón, S., & Boubakri, N. (2022). Ownership concentration in the Gulf Cooperation Council. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 17(1), 219-252.
- Martínez‐García, I., Terjesen, S., & Gómez‐Ansón, S. (2022). Board Gender Diversity Codes, Quotas and Threats of Supranational Legislation: Impact on Director Characteristics and Corporate Outcomes. British Journal of Management, 33(2), 753-783.
- Sacristán-Navarro, M., Cabeza-García, L., Basco, R., & Gómez-Ansón, S. (2022). It’s all about culture! Institutional context and ownership concentration across Europe. European Management Journal, 40(2), 194-207.
- Tragant-Espeche, J. F., Sacristán-Navarro, M., Zúñiga-Vicente, J. Á., & Fernandes-Crespo, N. (2022). Innovation and internationalisation during times of economic growth, crisis, and recovery prior to Covid-19: A configurational approach comparing Spanish manufacturing family and non-family firms. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 100513.
- Amato, S., Basco, R., Backman, M., & Lattanzi, N. (2021). Family-managed firms and local export spillovers: Evidence from Spanish manufacturing firms. European Planning Studies, 29(3), 468-492.
- Calzón-Menéndez, F. M., Sacristán-Navarro, M., & Cabeza-García, L. (2021). Implicaciones de las Medidas de Conciliación en la Empresa: Una Revisión de la Literatura. Esic Market Economics and Business Journal, 52(3), e5231.
- Krueger, N., Bogers, M. L. A. M., Labaki, R., & Basco, R. (2021). Advancing family business science through context theorizing: The case of the Arab world. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 12(1), 100377.
- Martínez-García, I., Basco, R., & Gómez-Ansón, S. (2021). Dancing with giants: Contextualizing state and family ownership effects on firm performance in the Gulf Cooperation Council. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 12(4), 100373.
- Martínez-García, I., & Gómez-Ansón, S. (2021). Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, índices de sostenibilidad y gobierno corporativo: Un análisis de las sociedades cotizadas españolas. Boletín de la CNMV, Trimestre III, 85-119. (Versión disponible en inglés: Sustainable Development Goals, sustainability indices and corporate governance: An analysis of Spanish listed companies. CNMV Bulletin, Quarter III, 79-112.
- Martínez-García, I., & Gómez-Ansón, S. (2021). Regulación de género en los consejos de administración: El papel moderador del entorno institucional. Documentos de Trabajo de la CNMV, 72. (Versión disponible en inglés: Gender regulations on Boards of directors: The moderating role of the institutional environment. CNMV Working Papers, 72.
- Martínez-García, I., & Gómez-Díaz, F. (2021). Hitos y retos de la diversidad de género en los consejos de administración en España. Cuadernos de Información Económica, 282, 77-83.
- Ricotta, F., & Basco, R. (2021). Family firms in European regions: The role of regional institutions. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 33(7-8), 532-554.
- Amato, S., Basco, R., Gómez-Ansón, S., & Lattanzi, N. (2020). Family-managed firms and employment growth during an economic downturn: Does their location matter? Baltic Journal of Management, 15(4), 607-630.
- Barros-Contreras, I., Basco, R., Martín-Cruz, N., & Hernangómez, J. (2020). Strategic management in family business. The missing concept of the familiness learning mechanism. Journal of Family Business Management, 12(1), 67-89.
- Basco, R., Gómez-Ansón, S., Ghaleb, F., Malik, S., Martínez-García, I., & Hamdan, R. (2020). Ownership Concentration in Listed Firms in the Gulf Cooperation Council: Implications for Corporate Governance.
- Basco, R., Hernández-Perlines, F., & Rodríguez-García, M. (2020). The effect of entrepreneurial orientation on firm performance: A multigroup analysis comparing China, Mexico, and Spain. Journal of Business Research, 113, 409-421.
- Basco, R., Rodríguez-Escudero, A. I., Martín-Cruz, T. N., & Barros-Contreras, I. S. (2020). The Combinations of Market and Non-Market Strategies That Facilitates Family Firm Survival. Entrepreneurship Research Journal.
- Brito-Ochoa, M. P., Sacristán-Navarro, M. A., & Pelechano- Barahona, E. (2020). A Bibliometric Analysis of Dynamic Capabilities in the Field of Family Firms (2009-2019). European Journal of Family Business, 10(2), 69-81.
- Campopiano, G., Calabrò, A., & Basco, R. (2020). The “Most Wanted”: The Role of Family Strategic Resources and Family Involvement in CEO Succession Intention. Family Business Review, 33(3), 284-309.
- Dal-Maso, L., Basco, R., Bassetti, T., & Lattanzi, N. (2020). Family ownership and environmental performance: The mediation effect of human resource practices. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(3), 1548-1562.
- James, A., Hadjielias, E., Guerrero, M., Discua-Cruz, A., & Basco, R. (2020). Entrepreneurial families in business across generations, contexts and cultures. Journal of Family Business Management, 11(4), 355-367.
- Martínez-García, I., & Gómez-Ansón, S. (2020). Efectividad de la regulación de género en los consejos de administración: El papel del entorno institucional. Boletín de la CNMV, Trimestre I, 153-180. (Versión disponible en inglés: Effectiveness of gender regulations on boards of directors: The role of the institutional environment. CNMV Bulletin, Quarter I, 149-176.
- Martínez-García, I., Sacristán-Navarro, M., & Gómez-Ansón, S. (2020). Diversidad de género en los consejos de administración: El efecto de la normativa en la presencia de mujeres en las empresas españolas cotizadas. aDResearch ESIC International Journal of Communication Research, 22(22), 60-81.
- Basco, R. (2019). What kind of firm do you owner-manage? An institutional logics perspective of individuals’ reasons for becoming an entrepreneur. Journal of Family Business Management, 9(3), 297-318.
- Basco, R., Calabrò, A., & Campopiano, G. (2019). Transgenerational entrepreneurship around the world: Implications for family business research and practice. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 10(4), 100249.
- Basco, R., Campopiano, G., Calabrò, A., & Kraus, S. (2019). They Are Not All the Same! Investigating the Effect of Executive versus Non‐executive Family Board Members on Firm Performance. Journal of Small Business Management, 57, 637-657.
- Pongelli, C., Calabrò, A., & Basco, R. (2019). Family firms’ international make-or-buy decisions: Captive offshoring, offshore outsourcing, and the role of home region focus. Journal of Business Research, 103, 596-606.
- Elo, M., Sandberg, S., Servais, P., Basco, R., Discua-Cruz, A., Riddle, L., & Täube, F. (2018). Advancing the views on migrant and diaspora entrepreneurs in international entrepreneurship. Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 16(2), 119-133.
- Sacristán-Navarro, M., & Gómez-Ansón, S. (2018). El gobierno corporativo en entidades bancarias: Mejoras derivadas de las reformas legislativas. Economistas (Ejemplar dedicado a: Gobierno de la empresa), 158, 34-41.
- Aparicio, G., Basco, R., Iturralde, T., & Maseda, A. (2017). An exploratory study of firm goals in the context of family firms: An institutional logics perspective. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 8(3), 157-169.
- Basco, R. (2017). “Where do you want to take your family firm?” A theoretical and empirical exploratory study of family business goals. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 20(1), 28-44.
- Basco, R., & Calabrò, A. (2017). Who should sit there? Effects of family-oriented objectives on board composition. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 9(1), 81-99.
- Basco, R., & Calabrò, A. (2017). “Whom do I want to be the next CEO?” Desirable successor attributes in family firms. Journal of Business Economics, 87(4), 487-509.
- Cabeza-García, L., Sacristán-Navarro, M., & Gómez-Ansón, S. (2017). Family involvement and corporate social responsibility disclosure. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 8(2), 109-122.
- Calabrò, A., Campopiano, G., Basco, R., & Pukall, T. (2017). Governance structure and internationalization of family-controlled firms: The mediating role of international entrepreneurial orientation. European Management Journal, 35(2), 238-248.
- Sacristán-Navarro, M., Cabeza-García, L., & Santamaría-Lloret, L. (2017). Cajas, fundaciones y obra social: Análisis de la situación después de la crisis. Revista de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa, 27, 127-152.
- Amorós, J. E., Basco, R., & Romaní, G. (2016). Determinants of early internationalization of new firms: The case of Chile. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 12(1), 283-307.
- Basco, R., & Bartkevičiūtė, I. (2016). Is there any room for family business into European Union 2020 Strategy? Family business and regional public policy. Local Economy, 31(6), 709-732.
- Basco, R., & Calabrò, A. (2016). Open innovation search strategies in family and non-family SMEs: Evidence from a natural resource-based cluster in Chile. Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, 29(3), 279-302.
- Basco, R. (2015). Family business and regional development: A theoretical model of regional familiness. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 6(4), 259-271.
- Basco, R., & Voordeckers, W. (2015). The relationship between the board of directors and firm performance in private family firms: A test of the demographic versus behavioral approach. Journal of Management & Organization, 21(4), 411-435.
- Sacristán-Navarro, M., Cabeza-García, L., & Gómez-Ansón, S. (2015). The Company You Keep: The Effect of Other Large Shareholders in Family Firms. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 23(3), 216-233.
- Stough, R., Welter, F., Block, J., Wennberg, K., & Basco, R. (2015). Family business and regional science: “Bridging the gap”. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 6(4), 208-218.
- Basco, R. (2014). Exploring the influence of the family upon firm performance: Does strategic behaviour matter? International Small Business Journal, 32(8), 967-995.
- Cabeza-García, L., Sacristán-Navarro, M., & Gómez-Ansón, S. (2014). Propiedad familiar, control y efecto generación y RSC. European Journal Of Family Business, 4(1).