A. Sánchez, R. Rodríguez, M. Coton, E. Coton, M. Herrero, L. A. García, M Díaz. «Population Dynamics of Lactic Acid Bacteria During Spontaneous Malolactic Fermentation in Industrial Cider». Food Research International 43 (8), 2101-2107 (2010).
E. Noriega, A. Laca, M. Díaz. «Decisive Role of Structure in Food Microbiol Colonization and Implications for Predictive Microbiology». Journal of Food Protection 73 (14), 938-951(2010)
A. Laca, B. Paredes, M. Díaz. «A Method of Egg Yolk Fractionation. Characterization of Fractions». Food Hydrocolloids 97, 243-252 (2010)
J. Díaz, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz. «Straining Phenomena in Bacteria Transport Through Natural Porous Media». Environmental Science and Pollution Research 17, 400-409 (2010)
A. Laca, M.C. Sáez, B. Paredes, M. Díaz. «Rheological Properties, Stability and Sensory Evaluation of Low-Cholesterol Mayonnaises Using Egg Yolk Granules as Emulsifying Agent». Journal of Food Engineering 97, 243-252 (2010)
S. Alonso, M. Herrero, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz. «Residual Yoghurt Whey for Lactic Acid Production». Biomass & Bioenergy 134 (3), 223-232 (2010)
S. Collado, A. Laca, M. Díaz. «Catalytic Wet Oxidation of Thiocyanate with Homogeneous Copper (II) Sulphate Catalyst». Journal of Hazardous Materials 177, 183-189 (2010)
L. Alberto, M. Herrero, A. Laca, M. Díaz. «The utility of Life Cycle Assessment in the Ready Meal Food Industry». Resources, Conservation and Recycling 54 (12), 1196-1207 (2010)
A. Laca, B. Paredes, M. Díaz. «Possibilities of Yolk Rheological Measurements to Characterise Egg Origin and Processing Properties». Afinidad 67 (546), 119-122 (2010)
E. Noriega, A. Laca, M. Díaz. «Development of a Structure-based Model for the Competitive Growth of Listeria innocua in Minced Chicken Breast». International Journal of Food Microbiology 142, 44-52 (2010)
C. Navarro, M. Díaz, M. Villa-Garcia. «Physico-Chemical Characterization of Steel Slag. Study of its Behaviour under Simulated Environmental Conditions». Environmental Science & Technology 44 (14), 5383-5388, (2010)
S. Barral, A. Guerreiro, M.A. Villa-García, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz, S. Piletsky. «Synthesis of 2-(Diethylamino) Ethyl Methacrylate-based Polymers. Effect of Crosslinking Degree, Porogen and Solvent on the Textural Properties and Protein Adsorption Performance». Reactive and Functional Polymers 70, 890-899 (2010)
E. Noriega, J. Newman, E. Saggers, J. Robertson, A. Laca, M. Díaz, T. F. Brocklehurst. «Antilisterial Activity of Carrots: Effect of Temperature and Properties of Different Carrot Fractions». Food Research International 43, 2425-2431 (2010)
S. Collado, D. Quero, A. Laca, M. Díaz. «Fe2+ Catalyzed Wet Oxidation of Phenolic Acids Under Different pH Values». Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 49 (24), 12405-12413 (2010)
M.R. Pin, A. Laca, B. Paredes, M. Díaz. «Blue Whiting Surimi Paste as Affected by Moisture Content. Temperature and pH Processing Conditions. Rheological Validation». Acta Alimentaria 39 (4), 438-449 (2010)
S. Collado, L. Garrido, A. Laca, M. Díaz. «Wet Oxidation of Salicylic Acid Solutions» Environmental Science and Technology 44 (22), 8629-8635 (2010)
M. Díaz, M. Herrero, L. A.García, C. Quiros. «Application of Flow Cytometry to Industrial Microbiol Bioprocesses». Biochemical Engineering Journal 48, 385-407 (2010)
A. Laca, B. Paredes, M. Díaz. «Quality Characteristics of n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid-Enriched Eggs». Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences 18, 101-112 (2009)
C. Quirós, M. Herrero, L.A. García, M. Díaz. «Taking Advantage of the Flow Cytometry Technique for Improving Malolactic Starters Production». European Food Research and Technology 228, 543-552 (2009)
C. Alvarez, M. Bances, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz. «Functional Properties of Isolated Porcine Blood Proteins». International Journal of Food Science and Technology 44, 807-814 (2009)
E. Noriega, A. Laca, M. Díaz. «Listeria Growth Under Diffusional Limitations in Synthetic Meats». International Journal of Food Science and Technology 44, 725-734 (2009)
C. Quirós, M. Herrero, L.A. García, M. Díaz. «Quantitative Approach to Determining the Contribution of Viable-but-Nonculturable Subpopulations to Malolactic Fermentation Processes». Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75 (9), 2977-298 (2009)
J. Parrondo, L.A. García, M. Díaz. «Nutrient Balance and Metabolic Analysis in a Kluyveromyces marxianus Fermentation with Lactose-added Whey». Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering 26 (03), 445-456 (2009)
L. Legazpi, A. Laca, M. Díaz. «Kinetic Analysis of Hybridoma Cells Viability Under Mechanical Shear Stress with and without Serum Protection». Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 32 (6), 717-722 (2009)
S. Collado, A. Laca, M. Díaz. «Oxidation of Thiocyanate Under Different pH Conditions: Kinetics and Mechanistic Analysis». Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 48, 9902-9909 (2009)
P. del Hoyo, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz. «Effect of Processing on Functional Properties of Animal Blood Plasma». Meat Science 78, 522-528 (2008)
A. Hernández, R. González, J.L. Viesca, J.E. Fernández, M. Díaz, A. Machado, R. Chou, J. Riba. «CuO, ZrO2 and ZnO Nanoparticles as Antiwear Additive in Oil Lubricants». Wear 265, 422-428 (2008)
F.J. Ustáriz, A. Laca, L.A. García, M. Díaz. «Fermentation Conditions Increasing Protease Production by Serratia marcescens in Fresh Whey». Revista Técnica de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Zulia 31 (1), 1-11 (2008)
E. Noriega, A. Laca, M. Díaz. «Modelling of Diffusión-limited Growth to Predict Listeria Distribution in a Structured Model Foods». Journal of Food Engineering 87, 247-256 (2008)
E. Noriega, A. Laca, M. Díaz, «Modelling of Diffusion-Limited Growth for Food Safety in Simulated Cheeses». Food and Bioproducts Processing 867, 122-129 (2008)
F. Moure, P. del Hoyo, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz. «Demineralization by Ion Exchange of Slaughterhouse Porcine Blood Plasma». Journal of Food Process Engineering 31, 517-532 (2008)
S. Barral, M.A. Villa-García, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz. «Interactions Between Whey Proteins and Kaolinite Surfaces». Acta Materialia 56, 2784-2790 (2008)
F. Ustáriz, A. Laca, L.A. García, M. Díaz, “Mixed cultures of Serratia marcescens and Kluyveromyces fragilis for simultaneous protease production and COD removal of whey”. Journal of Applied Microbiology 103, 864-870 (2007).
P. del Hoyo, F. Moure, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz.“Demineralization of animal blood plasma by ion exchange and ultrafiltration”.Meat Science 76, 402-410 (2007).
M. Torre, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz.“Absence of Donnan Exclusion at high-concentration ion exchange for macroporous anionic resin”. Solvent Extraction &Ion Exchange 25, 529-544 (2007).
C. Quirós, M. Herrero, L.A. García, M. Díaz.“Application of flow cytometry to segregated kinetic modeling based on the physiological status of microorganisms”. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73 (12), 3993-4000 (2007).
C. Blanco, E. García, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz, L.F. Sancho.“Analysis of kinetic data in industrial steel converter for the operation control”.Revue de Metallurgie 2, 59-66 (2007).
Sánchez, M. Herrero, L.A. García, M. Díaz. “Isolation and efficiency of lactic acid bacteria of interest in cider production”.Journal of Biotechnology 131 (2), S184-S185 (2007).
L. Legazpi, A. Laca, M. Díaz, “Impact of mechanical shear stress and protective effect of serum on hybridoma cells”.Journal of Biotechnology 131 (2), S184 (2007).
M. Torre, D. Bachiller, M. Rendueles, C.O. Menéndez, M. Díaz.“Cyanide recovery from gold extraction process waste effluents by ion exchange I. Equilibrium and kinetics”. Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange 24, 99-117 (2006).
M. Torre, D. Bachiller, J.P. Fernández, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz.“Cyanide recovery from gold extraction process waste effluents by ion exchange II. Modelling of the Fixed Bed Operation”. Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange 24, 81-97 (2006).
237.B. Paredes, S. González, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz “Chromatographic separation at a preparative scale of egg white ovoalbumin and its application in the elaboration of yogurt mousse” Journal of Food Process Engineering, 29, 36-52 (2006).
J. Díaz, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz. “1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene flow characteristics in saturated homogeneous and stratified porous media”. Water, Air & Soil Pollution 117 (1-4), 3-17 (2006).
Laca, Z. Mousia, M. Díaz, C. Webb, S. Pandiella.“Distribution of microbial contamination within cereal grains”.Journal of Food Engineering 72, 332-338 (2006).
Hernández, J.E. Fernández, A. Navas, J.L. Viesca, R. Chou, M. Díaz. “The tribological behaviour of ZnO nanoparticles as an additive to PAO6”.Wear 261, 256-273 (2006).
A. Laca, J. Parrondo, L.A. García, M. Díaz. “De la Tecnología del Medio Ambiente de destrucción de materia orgánica a la de su transformación y aprovechamiento: suero lácteo”. Residuos 88, 44-50 (2006).
M. Gutiérrez, B. Paredes, M. Díaz, M. Rendueles,.“Extracción de proteínas de salvado de arroz y sus aplicaciones”. Alimentación, Equipos y Tecnología, Marzo, 102-106 (2006).
M. Menendez, B. Paredes, O. Iglesias, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz. “Rheological behavior and organoleptic effects of ovalbumin addition in yogurt mousse production”. Journal of Dairy Science 89, 951-962 (2006).
M. Herrero, C. Quirós, L.A. García, M. Díaz.“Use of flow cytometry to follow the physiological status of microorganisms in cider fermentation processes”.Applied & Environmental Microbiology 72 (10), 6725-6733 (2006).
C. Padín, M. Díaz. “Efecto de la concentración inicial del lactosuero sobre la fermentación alcohólica con Kluyveromyces fragilis”. Revista de la Sociedad Venezolana de Microbiología 26 (1), 317-327 (2006).
S. Rodríguez, A. Laca, M. Rendueles, A. Gutiérrez, M. Díaz, E. Iglesias. “Consideraciones sobre el consumo de agua para el Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) de la Industria Láctea”. Tecnología del Agua 271, 40-44 (2006).
S. Rodríguez, A. Laca, A. Gutiérrez, M. Díaz, M. Rendueles, E. Iglesias. “Bases para el Análisis de Ciclo de Vida de los sistemas de limpieza in situ en plantas de la Industria Láctea”. Tecnología del Agua 279, 56-59 (2006).
M. Herrero, L.A. García, M. Díaz. “Volatile compounds in cider: inoculation time and fermentation temperature effects”. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 112 (3), 210-214 (2006).