The research group is established in the University of Oviedo in 1987 by Prof. Mario Díaz after being Professor in the University of Las Palmas and in the University of the Basque Country at Bilbao from 1981. The Group Technology of Bioprocesses and Reactors (TBR) has been working more than thirty years in áreas of reactors, biorreactors, separation processes, preparation of materials, and processes evaluation with applications in environmental and food engineering. With the aim of developing new knowledge at competitive level for sustainable development, we collaborate locally and with other national and international groups and companies.
The on going research lines are based in four áreas:
- Bioeconomy resources: Biomass benefit, and revalorization of wastes.
- Water treatment and management: Contaminants removal, and sludge and water management.
- Food and fermentation: New food products and technology, products obtentions by fermentation (and hydrolysis).
- Materials: Preparation and application of new materials.