‘Equations and calculations for water treatment’ (Ecuaciones y Cálculos para el tratamiento de aguas) (2019)
Editorial Paraninfo
Author: Mario Díaz (coord.)
Abstract: The theoretical aspects involved in the treatment of urban, potable, industrial and sludge wastewater are presented in a synthetic way, followed by applications of these concepts. This book has been produced in collaboration with the members of the Spanish Water Treatment Board. This is a book of Solved Problems that cover most of the possible calculations that may be required in the design and operation of water treatment plants.
‘Bioprocess Engineering’ (Ingeniería de Bioprocesos) (2012)
Editorial Paraninfo
Author: Mario Díaz
Abstract: Bioprocesses are completely covered, from bases, basic operations, bioreactors, product and general engineering, economics and legal. It is a textbook absolutely widespread in all Spanish universities for chemical engineering, biotechnology, food engineering…
‘Chemical and Process Industry Trends II’ (Tendencias de la industria química y de procesos II) (2006)
Editorial Ariel (Barcelona)
Author: José Mario Díaz (coord.)
Abstract: Another group of industrial sectors is described, in a way that covers the majority of process sectors, and also exposing what they consist of, the processes, economy and situation, and finally asking where they can evolve.
‘Chemical and Process Industry Trends’ (Tendencias de la industria química y de procesos) (2004)
Editorial Ariel (Barcelona)
Author: José Mario Díaz (coord.)
Abstract: Industrial sectors are described exposing what they consist of, the processes, economy and situation, and finally asking where they can evolve.
More books
J.Ramón Fernández, Paula Rivero, Mario Diaz «Site selection in the Chemicals and process industries» AIQPA ISBN 978-84-611-7463-8. Oviedo (2008). Spanish version: «Estudio sobre los criterios de localización de la industria química y de procesos» ISBN 978-84-611-7462-1 (2008)
Mario Díaz, Antonio Gutierrez, F.Gularte, M. Herrero (coord) «Gestión de plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales» Serie Tratamiento de Aguas N-3 Oviedo (2008)
Mario Díaz y Antonio Gutierrez (coord) «Gestión de lodos de plantas de tratamiento de aguas» Serie Tratamiento de Aguas N-2 Oviedo (2006)
Mario Díaz, Antonio Gutierrez, A. Laca, F.Gularte (coord) «Tratamiento de aguas residuales industriales»» Serie Tratamiento de Aguas N-1 Oviedo (2006)
Mario Díaz (coord.) «Congreso Nacional de Biotecnología. Comunicaciones»Ed. Univ. Oviedo.ISBN. 84-609—1771-I, 2004, Oviedo
M.Díaz (Ed.) «Contaminación Ambiental» Cuad. Ext. Univ. Serv. Ed. Univ. País Vasco. Bilbao (1986)