7.1. Improvement of traditional products
- «Modelling of diacetyl evolution during fermentation». A.I. García, L. García, M. Díaz. Journal of Institute. of Brewing 100, 179-183 (1994).
- «Fusel alcohols evolution in beer fermentation processes». A.I. García, L. García, M. Díaz. Process Biochemistry 29, 303-309 (1994).
- «Prediction of esters production in industrial beer fermentation». A.I. García, L. García, M. Díaz. Enzyme & Microbial Technology 16, 66-71 (1994).
- «Monitoring the production of carbon dioxide during beer production». S.S. Pandiella, L.A. García, M. Díaz, I.S.Daoud. Technical Quaterly 32, 126-131 (1995).
- «Características de crecimiento durante la fermentación de cerveza». A.I. García, L.A. García, M. Díaz. Alimentación, Equipos y Tecnología, Junio, 69-75 (1993).
- “Evolution of CO2 bubbles during brewery fermentation”. S.S. Pandiella, L.A. García, M. Díaz. Food International Conference Proceedings. 20 pag. (UMist, June 98, Manchester) (1998).
- “Algunas consideraciones sobre el diseño de Fermentadores de cerveza”. S.S. Pandiella, A.I. García, L.A. García, M. Díaz. Cerveza y Malta 35 (139), 1-10 (1998).
- “Organic acids in cider with simultaneous inoculation of yeast and malolactic bacteria: Effect of fermentation temperature”. M. Herrero, L.A. García, M. Díaz. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 105, 229-232 (1999).
- “Malolactic bioconversion using a Oenococcus oeni strain for cider production: effect of yeast extract supplementation”. M. Herrero, L.A. García, M. Díaz. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 30, 699-704 (2003).
- “Influence of a malolactic starter on the quality of the cider produced on an industrial scale”. M. Herrero, E. Noriega, L.A.García, M. Díaz. European Food Research and Technology 221, 168-174 (2005).
- “Volatile compounds in cider: inoculation time and fermentation temperature effects”. M. Herrero, L.A. García, M. Díaz. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 112 (3), 210-214 (2006).
- “Use of flow cytometry to follow the physiological status of microorganisms in cider fermentation processes”. M. Herrero, C. Quirós, L.A. García, M. Díaz. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 72 (10), 6725-6733 (2006).
- “Isolation and efficiency of lactic acid bacteria of interest in cider production”. A. Sánchez, M. Herrero, L.A. García, M. Díaz. Journal of Biotechnology 131 (2), S184-S185 (2007).
- “Taking advantage of the flow cytometry technique for improving malolactic starters production”. C. Quirós, M. Herrero, L.A. García, M. Díaz. European Food Research and Technology 228, 543-552 (2009).
- “Preliminary studies on the processing of slaughter-House blood for protein recovery”. M. Rendueles, F. Moure, A. Fernández, M. Díaz. Resource & Environmental Biotechnology 1, 193-206 (1996).
- “Effect of processing on functional properties of animal blood plasma”. P. del Hoyo, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz. Meat Science 78, 522-528 (2008).
- ”Aditivos y calidad en la carne y productos cárnicos”. M. Rendueles, B. Paredes, F. Moure, E. Suárez, M. Díaz. Alimentación, Equipos y Tecnología 17, 117-124 (1998).
- “Nuevas tendencias en ciencia y tecnología de la carne”. B. Paredes, M. Díaz, M. Rendueles. Alimentación, Equipos y Tecnología, Octubre, 49-53 (2002).
7.2. Characterization of food products
7.2.1.Products from blood
- “Caracterización de proteinas plasmáticas procedentes de sangre de animales de abasto”. F. Moure, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz. Afinidad 61, 110-115 (2004).
- “Functional properties of isolated porcine blood proteins”. C. Alvarez, M. Bances, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz. International Journal of Food Science & Technology 44, 807-814 (2009).
- “Functional properties of isolated porcine blood proteins modified by Maillard´s reaction”. C. Álvarez, V. García, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz. Foods Hydrocolloids 28 (2), 267-274 (2012).
7.2.2.Products from eggs
- “Quality characteristics of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid-enriched eggs”. A. Laca, B. Paredes, M. Díaz. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences 18, 101-112 (2009).
7.3. Food safety
7.3.1.Modelling of solids
- “Modelling of diffusion-limited growth for food safety in simulated cheeses”. E. Noriega, A. Laca, M. Díaz, Food and Bioproducts Processing 867, 122-129 (2008).
- “Modelling of diffusion-limited growth to predict Listeria distribution in structured model foods”. E. Noriega, A. Laca, M. Díaz. Journal of Food Engineering 87, 247-256 (2008).
- “Listeria growth under diffusional limitations in synthetic meats”. E. Noriega, A. Laca, M. Díaz. International Journal of Food Science & Technology 44, 725-734 (2009).
- “Development of a structure-based model for the competitive growth of Listeria innocua in minced chicken breast”. E. Noriega, A. Laca, M. Díaz. International Journal of Food Microbiology 142, 44-52 (2010).
- “Survival and development of Staphylococcus in egg products”, Marta Sánchez, Carmen Neira, Amanda Laca, Adriana Laca, Mario Díaz. LWT 101, March, p. 685-693 (2019)
- “Evolution and modelling of Listeria spp. growth in a carrageenan matrix”. E. Noriega, A. Laca, M. Díaz. 14th Internacional Workshop on Bioencapsulation. Libro de Abstracts (2006).
- “Nuevas estrategias para el control microbiológico en la Industria Alimentaria”. E. Noriega, A. Laca, M. Díaz. Alimentación, Equipos y Tecnología 255,16-23 (2010).
7.3.2.Treatments on safety
- “Distribution of microbial contamination within cereal grains”. A. Laca, Z. Mousia, M. Díaz, C. Webb, S. Pandiella. Journal of Food Engineering 72, 332-338 (2006).
- “Cleaning in place” L.A. García, M. Díaz. In: Murray Moo-Young (ed.) Comprehensive Biotechnology, Second Edition, volume 2, pp. 983–997. Elsevier (2011).
- “Cold atmospheric gas plasma disinfection of chicken muscle and chicken skin contaminated with Listeria innocua”. G. Shama, E. Noriega, M. Díaz. Food Microbiology 28 (7), 1293-1300 (2011).
- “Debranning technology to improve cereal-based foods”. S.S. Pandiella, Z. Mousia, Z., A. Laca, M. Díaz, C. Webb. Proceedings of the 12th ICC Cereal & Bread Congress “Using cereal science and technology for the benefit of consumers” UCST 2004, Harrogate, UK, Eds. S.P. Cauvain, S.E. Salmon and L.S. Young (2004).
- “Aplicación del APPCC al aprovechamiento industrial de la globina contenida en la sangre de mataderos”. M. Rendueles, L. Gaitero, B. Paredes, M. Díaz. Alimentación, Equipos y Tecnología, Febrero, 105-110 (2004).
7.3.3.Solid gas processing
- “Benzo(a)pyrene penetration on a smoked meat product during smoking time”. E. Ledesma, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 31, 1688-1698 (2014).
- “Texture, colour and optical characteristics of a meat product depending on smoking time and casing type”. E. Ledesma, A. Laca, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz. LWT-Food Science and Technology 65, 162-172 (2016).
- “Contamination of meat products during smoking by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Processes and prevention”. E. Ledesma, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz. Food Control 60, 64-87 (2016).
7.3.4.Antimicrobials preparation
- “Antilisterial activity of carrots: effect of temperature and properties of different carrot fractions”. E. Noriega, J. Newman, E. Saggers, J. Robertson, A. Laca, M. Díaz, T. F. Brocklehurst. Food Research International 43, 2425-2431 (2010).
- “Environmental impact of cheese production: A case study of a small-scale Factory in Southern Europe and global overview of carbón footprint” A. Laca, B. Paredes, A. Laca, M. Díaz. Sci Tot Environment. 635, 1, p. 167-177 (2018)
7.4. New food products
7.4.1.Egg based
- “Egg yolk granules as low-cholesterol replacer of whole egg yolk in the preparation of gluten-free muffins”. I. Marcet, B. Paredes, M. Díaz. LWT-Food Science and Technology 62, 613-619 (2015).
- “Development and characterization of a new sweet egg-based dessert formulation”. V. García, A. Laca, L.A. Martínez, B. Paredes, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz. International Journal of Gastronomy and food Science 2, 72-82 (2015).
- “The effect of ultrasound on the alkali extraction of proteins from eggshell membranes” Ismael Marcet, Marina Salvadores, Manuel Rendueles, Mario Díaz. J Sci Food Agric. (2018) Mar; 98(5):1765-1772.
- ”A Note.- Production of vinegar from whey”. J. Parrondo, M. Herrero, L.A. García, M. Díaz. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 109 (4), 356-358 (2003).
- “Whey vinegar”. In “Vinegars of the World”, J. Parrondo, L.A. García, M. Díaz, Lisa Solieri and P. Giudici (eds), ISBN 978.0.470.0865.6 Springer-Verlag Italia 273-287 (2009).
- «Alcoholic beverage from the egg yolk aqueous fraction». A. Artime, A. Laca, A. Laca, M. Díaz. Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 122, 4, 729-735 (2016).
- “Egg yolk fractions as basic ingredient in the development of new snack products”. D. Valverde, A. Laca, L.N. Estrada, B. Paredes, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 3, 23-29 (2016).
- “Egg yolk and egg yolk fractions as key ingredient for the development of a new type of gels”. D. Valverde, A. Laca, L.N. Estrada, B. Paredes, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 3, 30-37 (2016).
7.5. Additives
7.5.1.Symbiotic, additives, peptides
- “Production of porcine hemoglobin peptides at moderate temperature and medium pressure under a nitrogen stream. Functional and antioxidant properties”. C. Álvarez, M. Rendueles, M. Díaz. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60, 5636-5643(2012).
- “Microbial amensalism in Lactobacillus casei and Pseudomonas taetrolens mixed culture” C. García, M. Rendueles, M. Diaz. Bioproc. & Biosyst.Eng Jul;40(7):1111-1122, 2017.