Contaminants removal
Compared to urban wastewater, industrial wastewater treatment poses new important problems because of the need of biodegradation of more complex molecules, and if not posible technically introducing oxidation (or adsorption) processes. The urban landfill leachates are frequently more complex, and wet oxidation has shown to be an interesting option for reducing COD (Ad. Laca, S.Collado, P. Oulego, M. Díaz / )
- Biodegradation of phenolic compounds
- Biodegradation of leachates
- Wet oxidation of leachates
Sludge and water management
Water treatment sludges management is an important study subject because of the cos and the options to use it for having a global sustainalbe operation, one option isthe hydrolisis/separation to have valuable compounds. At the same time, the urban leachates and anaerobic filtrates introduces different options physical, biological and chemical, as well as the evolution of microorganisms population (determined by PCR techniques). (S.Collado, P. Oulego, Ad. Laca, M. Díaz / )
- Wet oxidation and thermal hydrolisis
- Separation processes
- Urban leachates treatment processes