The group of students of the subject Sociology of Leisure and Tourism, from the Degree in Tourism at the University of Oviedo, has won second prize in the national podcast competition organised by Radio Television of the Principality of Asturias (RTPA). The collaborative podcast, entitled ‘The two faces of tourism’, critically addresses the challenges of contemporary tourism, … [Read more...]
“COMENSAL: COnsorcio Misiones Científicas Sostenibilidad AliMENtaria: por un entorno alimentario SALudable, sostenible y justo para Asturias”.
"COMENSAL: COnsorcio Misiones Científicas Sostenibilidad AliMENtaria: por un entorno alimentario SALudable, sostenible y justo para Asturias". Plan de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación 2018-2022. Ref. AYUD/2022/24230 FUNDING ENTITY: Funding company/administration: Consejería de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidad (Regional Ministry of Science, … [Read more...]
Cecilia Díaz-Méndez has participated as speaker in the XIV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Comunitaria
Cecilia Díaz-Méndez has participated as speaker in the XIV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Comunitaria (20th-22nd October 2022, Segovia) with the presentation: Claves para entender la alimentación fuera del hogar en España. … [Read more...]
The History of Women and Sport Reseach Network (RIHMUD) has organized the III International Meeting, titled: “The gender perspective in the dissemination of the History of Sport”
The History of Women and Sport Reseach Network (RIHMUD) has organized the III International Meeting, titled: "The gender perspective in the dissemination of the History of Sport" (18th october, 2022). The program can be consulted in the next link: RIHMUD-2022-Inter-Meeting-CARTELL … [Read more...]
The SOCIALIMEN group wins a MISSIONS Project: COMENSAL COnsorcio Misiones Científicas Misiones Sostenibilidad AliMENtaria: por un entorno alimentario SALudable, sostenible y justo para Asturias
The SOCIALIMEN group has been awarded a project under the SCIENTIFIC MISSIONS calls with the consortium "COMENSAL: COnsorcio Misiones Científicas Sostenibilidad AliMENtaria: por un entorno alimentario SALudable, sostenible y justo para Asturias". The aim of this Scientific Mission is to activate relations between the agents of the Asturian agri-food system in order to … [Read more...]