During the month of February 2024, a fanzine was produced with the women of Module 10 of the Asturias Penitentiary Centre to collect and highlight the strengths and voices of one of the most invisible groups in our society: women deprived of their liberty.
This project not only seeks to make visible the realities faced by these women, but also to encourage critical reflection and social dialogue on human rights, social justice and the importance of moving towards the empowerment and real inclusion of this group in our society.
This initiative is part of the “Construimos Juntas” Project of the Conseyu de la Mocedá del Principado de Asturias in collaboration with the Teaching Innovation Project “De ‘saber’ a ‘saber ser’: el Fanzine y el Podcast como herramientas de aprendizaje y reflexión colaborativa sobre los desafíos sociales desde la profesionalización del grado académico (2024-2025)” of the Departments of Sociology and History of Art and Musicology belonging to the University of Oviedo.
The fanzine resulting from this collective work will be published and distributed on the occasion of the celebration of 8 March, International Women’s Day, physically and through different online spaces such as the RUO of the University of Oviedo or the website of the Conseyu de la Mocedá.
Access to more at: https://digibuo.uniovi.es/dspace/handle/10651/71790