IMIENS Call for the Implementation of Research Initiation Projects 2020. Joint Research Institute (IMIENS) UNED-Carlos III Health Institute.
Carmen Lozano Cabedo and Miguel Angel Navas Martín. Team. Marta Moreno González, Cecilia Díaz-Méndez, Raquel Ajates.
Duration: 2020-2022
ABSTRACT Objective 1: To analyse the changes in diet during confinement and the effects it has had on health. To compare these trends with the previous period and explore projections for the future. This objective has been fully achieved. Through a systematic review of the literature and semi-structured interviews with 10 experts in healthy and sustainable food from different disciplines, we have obtained multiple data that allow us to provide an overview of the impact of the pandemic on food and the different phases of the agri-food system in Spain, as well as the responses and adaptations that were generated.
Objective 2: To study the concept of healthy and sustainable food held by different academic disciplines. To identify the main elements of conflict and consensus between these conceptions of healthy and sustainable food. This objective has been covered in the research. The origin and evolution of this term in the academic literature has been analysed. Through the interviews, we analysed the different conceptions they have of healthy eating and sustainable food.
To identify the solutions that, according to these actors, could be implemented to promote healthy and sustainable food in the new circumstances brought about by the pandemic. This objective has been fully achieved. Actions have been identified that would allow the promotion of healthy and sustainable eating patterns. The barriers that currently impede the achievement of this objective have also been identified. This has been done through the analysis of the literature, through semi-directive interviews using the Delphi technique.