Efficiency Series Papers


The Efficiency Series Papers are issued by the Oviedo Efficiency Group and deal with theoretical and applied issues of efficiency and productivity. The series also includes contributions from researchers who have presented their work at the Permanent Seminar on Efficiency and Productivity as well as invited articles from specialists in the field. The only requisite for a paper to be considered for inclusion in the series is that it not be published in any journal and that it be reviewed by a member of the OEG. Papers should be submitted in English (style) and anyone interested in having their work appear in the Series should contact the Series Coordinator, David Roibás (droibas@uniovi.es).



2024          2023          2022          2021          2020          2019          2018          2017          2016          2015          2014          2013          2012          2011          2010          2009          2008          2007          2006          2005          2004          2003          2002          2001








ESP 01/2024     PDF

A multisector growth model for testing the Tourism-Led Growth versus the Beach Disease hypotheses

Roberto Balado-Naves, David Boto-García, José Francisco Baños-Pino






ESP 06/2023     PDF

Residential water demand: Gender differences in water consumption

Roberto Balado-Naves, Sara Suarez-Fernandez


ESP 05/2023     PDF

Economic, Environmental, and Energy Equity Convergence: Evidence of a Multi-Speed Europe?

Manuel Llorca, Ana Rodriguez-Alvarez



Fitting spatial stochastic frontier models in Stata

Kerui Du, Luis Orea, Inmaculada Álvarez


ESP 03/2023     PDF

How institutions shape the economic returns of public investment in European regions

Inmaculada C. Alvarez, Javier Barbero, Luis Orea, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose


ESP 02/2023     PDF

Assessing environmental profiles: An analysis of water consumption and waste recycling habits

Marian García-Valiñas, Fernando Arbués, Roberto Balado-Naves


ESP 01/2023     PDF

Efficiency, perceived prices, and household water demand: A stochastic frontier analysis for the Spanish city of Gijón

Roberto Balado-Naves, Marian Garcia-Valiñas, David Roibas






ESP 04/2022     PDF

TFP growth, embeddedness, and Covid-19: a novel production model that allows estimating trade elasticities

André Carrascal, Luis Orea


ESP 03/2022     PDF

Estimating the dynamic effects of volcano eruptions on domestic tourism: Evidence based on mobile-phone geo-positioning records

David Boto-García, Veronica Leoni


ESP 02/2022     PDF

Binary endogenous treatment in stochastic frontier models with an application to soil conservation in El Salvador

Samuele Centorrino, María Pérez Urdiales, Boris Bravo-Ureta, Alan Wall


ESP 01/2022     PDF

The structural and productivity effects of infrastructure provision in developed and developing countries

Luis Orea, Inmaculada C. Álvarez, Luis Servén






ESP 09/2021     PDF

Evaluating the impact of improvement plan subsidies in Spanish dairy farms

José A. Pérez-Méndez, David Roibás, Alan Wall


ESP 08/2021     PDF

Management accounting practices and performance in organic farms. The link to local development

Beatriz García-Cornejo, José A. Pérez-Méndez, Alan Wall, David Castrillo Cachón


ESP 07/2021     PDF

Contribution of management accounting practices to the efficiency of organic farms

Beatriz García-Cornejo, José A. Pérez-Méndez, Alan Wall, David Castrillo Cachón


ESP 06/2021     PDF

Factors determining differences in organic agricultural production across Spanish regions.

Luis Orea, Alan Wall


ESP 05/2021     PDF

Does land consolidation promote livestock production and combat rural depopulation? A multi-cohort multi-treatment Difference-in-Difference analysis of parishes in northern Spain

Luis Orea, José A. Pérez-Méndez, Inmaculada Álvarez


ESP 04/2021     PDF

Is it MOLS or COLS?

Christopher F. Parmeter


ESP 03/2021     PDF

Persistence and dynamics in the efficiency of toll motorways: The Spanish case

José F. Baños-Pino, David Boto-García, Emma Zapico


ESP 02/2021     PDF

Electricity Sector Reform Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Parametric Distance Function Approach

Adwoa Asantewaa, Tooraj Jamasb, Manuel Llorca


ESP 01/2021     PDF

Estimating the propagation of the COVID-19 virus with a stochastic frontier approximation of epidemiological models: a panel data econometric model with an application to Spain

Luis Orea, Inmaculada C. Álvarez, Alan Wall






ESP 02/2020     PDF

How effective has been the Spanish lockdown to battle COVID-19?  A spatial analysis of the coronavirus propagation across provinces

Inmaculada C. Álvarez, Luis Orea


ESP 01/2020     PDF

Managing power supply interruptions: a bottom-up spatial (frontier) model with an application to a Spanish electricity network

Pablo Argüelles, Luis Orea





ESP 05/2019     PDF

Spatial Production Economics

Luis Orea, Inmaculada C. Álvarez


ESP 05/2019     PDF

Network Utilities Performance and Institutional Quality: Evidence from the Italian Electricity Sector

Golnoush Soroush, Carlo Cambini, Tooraj Jamasb, Manuel Llorca


ESP 04/2019     PDF

Rural and agricultural development by land consolidation: a spatial production analysis of Asturias´ parishes

Inmaculada C. Álvarez, Luis Orea, Jose A. Perez-Mendez


ESP 03/2019     PDF

Does Specialization Affect the Efficiency of Small-Scale Fishing Boats?

Antonio Alvarez, Lorena Couce, Lourdes Trujillo


ESP 02/2019     PDF

The Econometric Measurement of Firms’ Efficiency

Luis Orea


ESP 01/2019     PDF

Effects of inter-industry and spatial spillovers on regional productivity: Evidence from Spanish panel data

Inmaculada C. Álvarez, Alberto Gude, Luis Orea





ESP 05/2018     PDF

Infrastructure, resource allocation and productivity growth: a mutually consistent decomposition of inter and intra-industry productivity effects

Luis Orea


ESP 04/2018     PDF

Utilities Governance, Incentives, and Performance: Evidence from the Water Sector in India

Sai Amulya Nyathikala, Tooraj Jamasb, Manuel Llorca, Mukul Kulshrestha


ESP 03/2018     PDF

Institutions and Performance of Regulated Firms: Evidence from Electric Utilities in the Indian States

Tooraj Jamasb, Manuel Llorca, Pavan Khetrapal, Tripta Thakur


ESP 02/2018     PDF

Land fragmentation, output variability and technical efficiency in Spanish dairy farms

Graziella Bonnano, Domenico de Giovanni, David Roibás, Alan Wall


ESP 01/2018     PDF

Cow comfort and productive efficiency: An application to Spanish dairy farms

Jose Antonio Pérez, David Roibás, Alan Wall





ESP 07/2017     PDF

The effects of forage crop mix on the efficiency and quality of milk production

Jose Antonio Pérez, David Roibás, Alan Wall


ESP 06/2017     PDF

Animal health indicators and technical efficiency in milk production: a stochastic frontier analysis for Spanish dairy farms

Jose Antonio Pérez, David Roibás, Alan Wall


ESP 05/2017     PDF

A primer on the theory and practice of efficiency and productivity analysis

Luis Orea, José L. Zofío


ESP 04/2017     PDF

A new stochastic frontier model with cross-sectional effects in both noise and inefficiency terms

Luis Orea, Inmaculada C. Álvarez


ESP 03/2017     PDF

Heterogeneous spillovers among Spanish provinces: A generalized spatial stochastic frontier model

Alberto Gude, Inmaculada C. Álvarez, Luis Orea


ESP 02/2017     PDF

Wage Frontiers in Pre & Post-Crisis Spain: Implications for Welfare and Inequality

Joanna M. Bashford-Fernández, Ana Rodríguez-Álvarez


ESP 01/2017     PDF

Revisiting the Decomposition of Cost Efficiency for Non-homothetic Technologies: A Directional Distance Function Approach

Juan Aparicio, José L. Zofío






ESP 07/2016     PDF

Matching frontiers: A random parameter model approach

José F. Baños, Ana Rodríguez-Álvarez, Patricia Suárez


ESP 06/2016     PDF

A spatial approach to control for unobserved environmental conditions when measuring firms’ technology: an application to Norwegian electricity distribution networks

Luis Orea, Inmaculada C. Álvarez, Tooraj Jamasb


ESP 05/2016     PDF

Animal health indicators and technical efficiency in milk production: A stochastic frontier analysis for Spanish dairy farms

Jose Antonio Pérez, David Roibás, Alan Wall


ESP 04/2016     PDF

Long run effect of public grants on the R&D investment: A non-stationary panel data approach

Inmaculada C. Álvarez-Ayuso, Chihwa Kao, Desiderio Romero-Jordán


ESP 03/2016     PDF

Energy efficiency and rebound effect in European road freight transport

Manuel Llorca, Tooraj Jamasb


ESP 02/2016     PDF

A spatial autoregressive panel model to analyze road network spillovers on production

Inmaculada C. Álvarez, Javier Barbero, José L. Zofío


ESP 01/2016     PDF

Modelling the effect of crime on economic activity: The case of Mexican states

Antonio Álvarez, Rafael Garduño, Héctor Núñez






ESP 02/2015     PDF

A parametric frontier model for measuring eco-efficiency

Luis Orea, Alan Wall


ESP 01/2015     PDF

Physical versus economic depletion of a nonrenewable natural resource

Xosé A. Rodríguez, Carlos Arias, Ana Rodríguez-González






ESP 04/2014     PDF

A latent class approach for estimating energy demands and efficiency in transport: An application to Latin America and the Caribbean

Manuel Llorca, José Baños, José Somoza, Pelayo Arbués


ESP 03/2014     PDF

Identifying efficient regulated firms with unobserved technological heterogeneity: A nested latent class approach to Norwegian electricity distribution networks

Luis Orea, Tooraj Jamasb


ESP 02/2014     PDF

The influence of meteorological conditions on dairy production

David Roibás, Alan Wall, José A. Pérez


ESP 01/2014     PDF

Measuring energy efficiency and rebound effects using a stochastic demand frontier approach: The US residential energy demand

Luis Orea, Manuel Llorca, Massimo Filippini






ESP 08/2013     PDF

Evaluating the double effect of land fragmentation on technology choice and dairy farm productivity: A latent class model approach

Luis Orea, Jose A. Pérez, David Roibás


ESP 07/2013     PDF

Determinants of ground transport modal choice in long-distance trips in Spain

Pelayo González, José F. Baños, Matías Mayor, Patricia Suárez


ESP 06/2013     PDF

Spatial productivity of road transportation infrastructure

Pelayo Arbués, Matías Mayor, José F. Baños


ESP 05/2013     PDF

A dynamic approach to road freight flows modeling in Spain

Pelayo Arbués, José F. Baños


ESP 04/2013     PDF

Responses to changes in domestic water tariff structures: An analysis on household-level data from Granada, Spain

María Pérez Urdiales, María A. García-Valiñas, Roberto Martínez-Espiñeira


ESP 03/2013     PDF

Using the latent class approach as a supervised method to cluster firms in DEA: An application to the US electricity transmission industry

Manuel Llorca, Luis Orea, Michael G. Pollitt


ESP 02/2013     PDF

Efficiency and environmental factors in the US electricity transmission industry

Manuel Llorca, Luis Orea, Michael G. Pollitt


ESP 01/2013     PDF

Are dairy farms becoming more intensive? Impact on farm efficiency

Antonio Álvarez, Carlos Arias






ESP 04/2012     PDF

Using Supervised Environmental Composites in Production and Efficiency Analyses: An Application to Norwegian Electricity Networks

Luis Orea, Christian Growitsch, Tooraj Jamasb


ESP 03/2012     PDF

Bayesian Estimation of Inefficiency Heterogeneity in Stochastic Frontier Models

Jorge E. Galán, Helena Veiga, Michael P. Wiper


ESP 02/2012     PDF

Estimating Market Power in Homogenous Product Markets Using a Composed Error Model: Application to the California Electricity Market

Luis Orea, Jevgenijs Steinbuks


ESP 01/2012     PDF

Expectations with Unrealistic Optimism: An Empirical Application

Humberto Brea, Emili Grifell-Tatjé, Luis Orea






ESP 02/2011     PDF

Stochastic Productivity growth and its determinants in the Spanish provinces: Do within-regions differences matter?

María Pérez Urdiales, Luis Orea


ESP 01/2011     PDF

A one-stage random effect counterpart of the fixed-effect vector decomposition model with an application to UK electricity distribution utilities

William Greene, Luis Orea, Alan Wall






ESP 05/2010     PDF

The Impact of Infrastructures in Provincial Production: Assessing its Dynamic Impact

David Roibás, Jose Baños


ESP 04/2010     PDF

Stochastic Frontiers using a Fixed-effect Vector Decomposition Approach with an Application to ICT and Regional Productivity in Spain

William Greene, Luis Orea, Alan Wall


ESP 03/2010     PDF

Estimating Marginal Cost of Quality Improvements: The Case of the UK Electricity Distribution Companies

Tooraj Jamasb, Luis Orea, Michael G. Pollitt


ESP 02/2010     PDF

The impact of land fragmentation on milk production

J. del Corral, J.A. Pérez, D. Roibás


ESP 01/2010     PDF

Weather Factors and Performance of Network Utilities: A Methodology and Application to Electricity Distribution

Tooraj Jamasb, Luis Orea, Michael G. Pollitt






ESP 05/2009     PDF

Reformas regulatorias y eficiencia en el sector portuario español

Ana Rodríguez Álvarez, Beatriz Tovar de la Fe


ESP 04/2009     PDF

Factors determining the response of hospitals to demand uncertainty

Ana Rodríguez-Álvarez, David Roibás, Alan Wall


ESP 03/2009     PDF

Legal and political barriers to entry in the Spanish retail market: a frontier approach

Luis Orea


ESP 02/2009     PDF

Entry efficiency and barriers to entry in the Spanish retail market

Luis Orea


ESP 01/2009     PDF

Studying the impact of managerial activities on the technical efficiency of Wisconsin Dairy farm

V. Cabrera, D. Solis, Julio del Corral






ESP 04/2008     PDF

Explaining Occupancy Rates in the European Railways: a Reduced-Form Approach

Luis Orea, Ana Rodríguez-Álvarez, Subal Kumbhakar


ESP 03/2008     PDF

Benchmarking and Total Factor Productivity: A Luenberger Decomposition within the Banking Sector

Mircea Epure, Kristiaan Kerstens, Diego Prior


ESP 02/2008     PDF

Imposing Weak Monotonicity on Parametric Distance Function Estimations

Sergio Perelman, Daniel Santín


ESP 01/2008     PDF

Assesing Performance in the Management of the Urban Water Cycle

Andrés J. Picazo-Tadeo, Francisco J. Sáez-Fernández, Francisco González-Gómez






ESP 06/2007     PDF

The effects of Stochastic Demand and Expense Preference Behaviour on Public Hospital Cost and Excess Capacity

Knox Lovell, Ana Rodríguez-Álvarez, Alan Wall


ESP 05/2007     PDF

Productivity and Tertiarization in Industrialized Countries. A Comparative Analysis

Andrés Maroto-Sánchez, Juan Ramón Cuadrado-Roura


ESP 04/2007     PDF

Does Intensification Help to Improve the Economic Efficiency of Dairy Farms?

Antonio Álvarez, Julio del Corral, Daniel Solís, José Antonio Pérez


ESP 03/2007     PDF

Do Performance and Environmental Conditions Behave as Barriers for Cross-Country Banking Activity in Europe?

Ana Lozano-Vivas, Jesús Pastor


ESP 02/2007     PDF

Estimating Firm-Specific Market Power: A Composed Error Term Approach

Luis Orea


ESP 01/2007     PDF

Identification of Segments of Soccer Clubs in the Spanish League First Division with a Latent Class Model

Carlos P. Barros, Julio del Corral, Pedro Garcia-del-Barrio






ESP 06/2006     PDF

Modelling Regional Heterogeneity with Panel Data: With Application to Spanish Provinces

Antonio Álvarez, Julio del Corral


ESP 05/2006     PDF

The Impact of Managerial Quality on Organizational Performance Evidence from German Soccer

Bernd Frick, Robert Simmons


ESP 04/2006     PDF

Using Value Efficiency Analysis (VEA) to Measure Productivity Efficiency in Primary Health Care

Eduardo González, Vicente García


ESP 03/2006     PDF

Separating Catch-up and Technical Change in Stochastic Frontier Models: A Mote Carlo Approach

Antonio Álvarez, Julio del Corral


ESP 02/2006     PDF

An Economic Model to Evaluate the Contribution of Genetics to Milk Production

Antonio Álvarez, David Roibás


ESP 01/2006     PDF

Soil Conservation and Technical Efficiency Among Hillside Farmers in Central America: A Switching Regression Model

Daniel Solís, Boris E. Bravo-Ureta, Ricardo E. Quiroga






ESP 07/2005     PDF

Accounting for Unobservables in Production Models: Management and Inefficiency

Antonio Álvarez, Carlos Arias,  William Greene


ESP 06/2005     PDF

The Effects of Resource Depletion on Coal Mining Productivity

Carlos Arias, Xosé Antón Rodríguez


ESP 05/2005     PDF

Risk-adjusted Productivity Measurement with Application to Spanish Dairy Farms

Luis Orea, Alan Wall


ESP 04/2005     PDF

Estimating the Productivity of Public Infrastructure using Maximum Entropy Econometrics

Jorge Rodriguez-Vález, Antonio Álvarez, Carlos Arias, Esteban Fernandez


ESP 03/2005     PDF

Interpreting and Testing the Scaling Property in Models where Inefficiency Depends on Firm Characteristics

Antonio Álvarez, Christine Amsler, Luis Orea, Peter Schmidt


ESP 02/2005     PDF

Decomposing Regional Productivity Growth using an Aggregate Production Frontier

Antonio Álvarez


ESP 01/2005     PDF

Technical Efficiency in Farming: a Meta-regression analysis

Boris E. Bravo-Ureta, Daniel Solís, Victor Moreira, José Maripani, Abdourahmane Thiam, Teodoro Rivas






ESP 08/2004     PDF

The Measurement of Spatial Productivity Spillovers from Public Capital

Antonio Álvarez, Carlos Arias, Luis Orea


ESP 07/2004     PDF

The Estimation of Different Technologies using a Latent Class Model

Julio del Corral, Antonio Álvarez 


ESP 06/2004     PDF

Endogeneity Problems in the Estimation of Multi-Output Technologies

David Roibas, Carlos Arias


ESP 05/2004     PDF

Differences In Productivity Between Efficient And Inefficient Firms

Antonio Álvarez, Luis Orea


ESP 04/2004     PDF

Technical and Allocative Efficiency in Spanish Port Cargo Handling Firms

Ana Rodríguez, Beatriz Tovar de la Fe, Lourdes Trujillo


ESP 03/2004     PDF

On the Approximation of Production Functions: A Comparison of Artificial Neural Networks Frontiers and Efficiency Techniques

Daniel Santín


ESP 02/2004     PDF

Scale and the Efficiency Production Function

Joaquín Millán


ESP 01/2004     PDF

Explaining Differences in Milk Quota Values: The Role of Economic Efficiency

Antonio Álvarez, Carlos Arias, Luis Orea






ESP 10/2003     PDF

On Graph Efficiency Measurement

Joaquín Millán


ESP 09/2003     PDF

Econometric Estimation of Fishing Production Functions when Stock is Unknown: A Monte Carlo Analysis

Antonio Álvarez


ESP 08/2003     PDF

Estimating a Mixture of Efficiency Indices

Subal Kumbhakar,Luis Orea, Ana Rodríguez, Efthymios Tsionas


ESP 07/2003     PDF

Europe Chasing the American Frontier

Robert J. Gordon


ESP 06/2003     PDF

Recent Developments in Stochastic Frontier Modeling

Subal Kumbhakar, Efthymios Tsionas


ESP 05/2003     PDF

Farm Household Production Efficiency: Evidence from The Gambia

Jean-Paul Chavas, Ragan Petrie, Michael Roth


ESP 04/2003     PDF

Allocative Inefficiency and its Cost: The Case of the Spanish Public Hospitals

Ana Rodríguez, Víctor Fernández, Knox Lovell


ESP 03/2003     PDF

The Relative Importance of Luck and Technical Efficiency in a Fishery

Antonio Álvarez, Leví Pérez, Peter Schmidt


ESP 02/2003     PDF

Empirical Consequences of Direction Choice in Technical Efficiency Analysis

Antonio Álvarez, Carlos Arias, Subal Kumbhakar


ESP 01/2003     PDF

Graph Efficiency and Parametric Distance Function with an Application to Spanish Savings Banks

Rafael A. Cuesta, José L. Zofío






ESP 12/2002     PDF

Decomposing Productivity Growth under Production Risk

Luis Orea, Alan Wall


ESP 11/2002     PDF

Measuring Efficiency using a Stochastic Frontier Latent Class Model

Luis Orea, Subal Kumbhakar


ESP 10/2002     PDF

What does “Privatization” do for Efficiency? Evidence from Argentina and Brazil’s Railways

Antonio Estache, Marianela González, Lourdes Trujillo


ESP 09/2002     PDF

An Inter-Country Comparison of Agricultural Productivity with Intertemporal DEA

Natalia Aldaz, Joaquín A. Millán


ESP 08/2002     PDF

TFP Growth in Spanish Regions: Effects of Quasi-Fixed and External Factors and Varying Capacity Utilization

José E. Boscá, Javier Escribá, Mª.José Murgui


ESP 07/2002     PDF

The Dynamics of Efficiency Improving Input Allocation and Reorganization Costs

Spiro Stefanou, Onelack Choi, Jeffrey Stokes


ESP 06/2002     PDF

Productivity and Welfare

Lilyan Fulginiti, Richard Perrin


ESP 05/2002     PDF

Estimation of a Panel Data Model with Parametric Temporal Variation in Individual Effects

Chirok Han, Luis Orea, Peter Schmidt


ESP 04/2002     PDF

Choosing the Technical Efficiency Orientation to Analyze Firms’ Technology: A Model Selection Test Approach

Luis Orea, David Roibás, Alan Wall


ESP 03/2002     PDF

Non-Convex Technologies and Cost Functions: Definitions, Duality and Nonparametric Tests of Convexity

Walter Briec, Kristiaan Kerstens, Philippe Vanden Eeckaut


ESP 02/2002     PDF

Rent-Seeking Measurement in Coal Mining by Means of Labour Unrest: An Application of the Distance Function

Ana Rodríguez, Ignacio del Rosal, José Baños


ESP 01/2002     PDF

Capacity Utilization and Profitability: A Decomposition of Short Run Profit Efficiency

Tim Coelli, Emili Grifell-Tatje, Sergio Perelman






ESP 11/2001     PDF

Economic Efficiency and Value Maximization in Banking Firms

Ana Isabel Fernández, Fernando Gascón, Eduardo González


ESP 10/2001     PDF

Evaluating the Introduction of a Quasi-Market in Community Care: Assessment of a Malmquist Index Approach

Francisco Pedraja, Javier Salinas, Peter Smith


ESP 09/2001     PDF

Measuring Technical Efficiency with Neural Networks: a Review

Daniel Santín, Francisco Delgado, Aurelia Valiño


ESP 08/2001     PDF

Technical Efficiency and Productivity Potential of Firms Using a Stochastic Metaproduction Frontier

George Battese, D.S. Prasada Rao, Dedi Walujadi


ESP 07/2001     PDF

Human Capital and Macroeconomic Convergence: A Production-Frontier Approach

Daniel Henderson, Robert Russell


ESP 06/2001     PDF

New Developments in the Estimation of Stochastic Frontier Models with Panel Data

William Greene


ESP 05/2001     PDF

The Relationship Between Technical Efficiency and Farm Size

Antonio Álvarez, Carlos Arias


ESP 04/2001     PDF

Different Methods of Modeling Multi-Species Fisheries Using a Primal Approach

Antonio Álvarez, Luis Orea


ESP 03/2001     PDF

A Resource-Based Interpretation of Technical Efficiency Indexes

Eduardo González, Ana Cárcaba


ESP 02/2001     PDF

Some Issues on the Estimation of Technical Efficiency in Fisheries

Antonio Álvarez


ESP 01/2001     PDF

Future Research Opportunities in Efficiency and Productivity Analysis

Knox Lovell